Star Wars Profile
Gaia Name: Reverie Sarvis
Name: Ren
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Race: Firrerreo
Height: 5.7'
Weight: 125.5 lbs
Alignment: Light
Lightsaber Style: Dual-phase (Main), Shoto (Back-up)
Lightsaber Form: Shii-Cho, Ataru, Advanced Ataru (Go to Custom techniques)
Lightsaber Color: Cyan
Rank: Master
Class: Jedi Healer
Accessories: Emergency medkit (Healing trances are a pain in the butt when in the middle of a battle), Comlink, Holo-projector/Data pad, Lightsader repair kit, Ocarina
Transportation: Modified RZ-1 A-wing - Looks, moves and fights like your average A-Wing, but is slightly larger to accommodate for a passenger.
Home World: Kashyyyk
Force Powers: (If Jedi or Sith)
Force Push - This is one of the most basic Force Powers where by, as the name implies, the Force is used to push objects and/or beings. It is used by focusing on the target, often indicated by hand gestures, and moving the "Force Aura" emitted from all objects. For learners, this often requires a large amount concentration even to move the smallest of objects. However, it because more natural with experience. This is a progressive Force move, allowing for higher ranking characters to move larger objects, ranging from a pebble for a Padawan, all the way to fighter craft for Masters.
Force Pull - This move is similar to that of Force Push, except with the obvious difference of dragging an item towards the user, rather than pushing it away. Again, this is a progressive Force Power, the effectiveness improving with higher ranked characters.
Force Jump - This move also uses a mixture of both Force Push and Force Pull to lunge a user high into the air by moving the "Force Aura" they emit. Trained Padawans have the ability to Force Jump only several meters into the air, this increases as their rank improves. Jedi Masters, with enough concentration, can leap skyscrapers when needed.
Force Speed - This Force Power uses the Force to increase one's combat speed. Attacks with a lightsaber, the speed in which the user can run, as well as their reaction time improve with the use of this ability, however, the time taken to use a Force Power does not. For lower ranking characters, much concentration is needed to execute this ability, therefore making it almost useless in any situation until they progress through the ranks. A Padawan's speed may only increase a minute amount as well. A Knight or Guardian can use the command with only seconds of preparation, increasing their speed up to twice what it normally would be. A Jedi Master could perform Force Speed almost instantaneously, speeding themselves up three fold. The drawback to this ability is that it can tire the user quickly as it is a massive drain on their stamina and should therefore be only used for a quick and certain resolution to a fight.
Force Projection - Force Projection, though seemly simple, in a surprisingly difficult ability to learn, which is why it is left until a Jedi has passed the learning stage. The Force is used to either; create a noise to distract a target somewhere far away, or, as Guardians or Masters can do, create a distraction directly into the mind of a target. If used in the right situations, it can be extremely effective in avoid conflict, or to produce an opening for an attack.
Force Concealment - This Force Power allows the user to suppress the connection for the Force that other Force Users can sense. This too is left until the later stages of a Jedi's life because it can quite easily be abused. Guardians can only suppress their connection to the Force a small amount, just enough so they can deceive people of their actual connection to the Force, but not removing their trace of the Force all together. Masters can completely remove all connection to the Force so they seem as any other galactic civilian would to a Force User.
Battle Meditation - Battle meditation was a Force ability which considerably boosted the morale, stamina, and overall battle prowess of an individual's allies while simultaneously reducing the opposition's combat-effectiveness by eroding their will to fight. With the Force, one could coordinate entire fleets of ships, allowing them to perform at maximum efficiency, acting as a single entity with the ability to counter every enemy move quickly and effectively. Though ideal for meditating large-scale conflicts, battle meditation was equally effective when employed for the benefit of one's comrades in small skirmishes, attacks, and duels.
Force Bellow - Force bellow was a power in which the user would amplify their voice using the Force. The insane Jedi Master Joruus C'baoth used this power while on board Grand Admiral Thrawn's command ship, the Chimaera. C'baoth usually startled Gilad Pellaeon, the captain of the ship, as he entered the bridge bellowing Thrawn's name. Ithorian Jedi were capable of using this power as well, amplifying their voices to immense proportions to destroy obstructions. The Ithorian Jedi Roron Corobb was one who used this technique in combat during the Clone Wars.
Force Flight - Force Flight was a Force power that enabled the user to telekinectically move themselves toward a specific destination, taking levitation (see above) to an extreme degree. To use this Force power took a great deal of concentration.
Force Heal - Due to the complexity of this move, learning is strictly limited to Masters of the Force. By using the Force to influence the midi-chlorians within the body, Force Heal can be used to so cure minor cuts or wounds, neutralize weak poisons as well as temporarily numbing the pain of more serious injuries. This ability is rarely used in combat as much concentration is required, even more the most experienced users. For new learning to this power, large amounts of Meditation are needed for even the slightest of injury. It is normally used if there are no other, more efficient means of medication available.
Affect Mind - Due to how easily this Force power can be manipulated for selfish purposes, it is limited to only those who have passed the learning stage and have become fully fledged Jedi. Through the Force, and user can trick a target into performing tasks that they would otherwise not do. Though not requiring too much concentration to use when fully mastered, it is often used outside of combat, due to its impracticality in dangerous situations. The largest drawback to this power is that it does not work on the strong minded, such as other Force Users, as well as certain races within the galaxy.
Force Light (Restricted to Jedi Masters) - Force light was an immense light-side Force power used by Jedi. When used against a darksider, Force light would weaken the darksider's connection to the Force. With the light of the Force, a Jedi could either purge or contain dark side manifestations or nexus points, whether in places, spirits, or even living persons, though sometimes to detrimental effect. By channeling the Force into withering blasts of light-side energy, the darkness can then be diminished or destroyed permanently. Force light could also be used to sever the bond between a Sith battlelord and his or her followers.
Force Stun (And its Advanced Versions) - Force Stun was a Force power that could temporarily deaden the senses and perceptions of a targeted enemy. It was often used when a Jedi faced a large number of opponents or if they wished to disable an enemy long enough to flee from or apprehend them. To use the power, the Jedi would use the Force to induce them into a catatonic state. Beings or creatures with a high degree of willpower could resist the effects of this power. In addition, it was ineffective against droids and other inorganic beings. Although it was only used against a single enemy, the Jedi Master and famed Guardian Kavar, a known practitioner of this power, was able to stun multiple targets simultaneously.
- Force Stasis was a more potent version of Force Stun. The Jedi would use the Force to deaden the senses of an enemy, inducing a near-catatonic state and in effect freezing that person or being in place. This power was very useful when the Force-user was stuck in tight spots against a superior number of foes.
- Stasis Field was the highest level of Force Stun. Often learned and practiced by higher-level Jedi Knights and Masters, this power allowed the Force-user to put multiple enemies into brief, non-harmful catatonic states at one time, allowing for quick escapes or to avoid protracted confrontations against seemingly overwhelming numbers. This power could also be used to avoid combat entirely, if the wielder wished to apprehend or sneak by opponents put into stasis.
Revitalize (Reserved for Jedi Masters) - Revitalize was a light side Force technique that revitalized an exhausted, wounded user, unconscious, and/or whoever the user directed it at. Being a Force-based power, it did not work on non-organics such as droids.
Custom Techniques:
Advanced Ataru - The fighting style is mostly the same as the original Ataru. But, as noted in the name, it is an advance form. Ren invented this form when she noticed the drawbacks from the original Ataru. She incorporated dance steps to allow movement in small spaces and counter large numbers opponents. Other than that, it's still the same fast pace, acrobatic and flashy style of it's predecessor.
((I'm working on a couple of other techniques. I'll post them at a later date.))
Ultraviolet Sight - This skill allows Firrerreo to see ultraviolet light
Unnamed ability - This skill allows Firrerreo to recover from minor flesh wounds quickly, and even to survive most injuries that do not affect vital organs.
Journal Entry:
From the age of five and the Jedi is all she can remember. Before the Jedi took her in and trained her is all a blur. She does remember basic info like her name, age, race, etc.
Ren progressed at a faster rate than the rest of her classmates. But, not at a rate that was worrisome. Once reaching the rank of Padawan, she started learning Force abilities centering around healing and defense. At getting the rank of Knight, she started getting into the more offensive abilities. Now, as a Master, Ren working on perfecting everything she has learn, learning new Force abilities when they peek her interest.
Though the Firrerreo life style somewhat contradicts the way of the Jedi, Ren is loyal to the Jedi and is quite protective of those much weaker then her. If she thinks someone is doing something they shouldn't be doing, she will inquire about it to them and if yes, they shouldn't be doing this or that, she will justly punish them.
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