NOTE: anything with *new next to it has not been used yet!
(person in hospital(me)/nurse)

Shun was just an average, boy until he was stricken with a mysterious illness when he was 12. He is now 18 and still in hospital. He lay sick in bed told to stay there, a cloth sat on his fore head covering part of his blond hair. It was possible he may die as it is unknown the extent of this virus. He just sat there looking out the window wondering if he'd ever be able to be there again. It was raining, most people would stay inside, but Shun would give nearly anything to be able to walk in it...

The war between the harpies and the (insert you chracter's race here) has been a long and aguas war. After hundreds of years of fighting a deal was struck. In exchange for the Prince of the harpies the (insert you chracter's race here) would stop their attacks as would the harpies. Shun, the prince, is now in a steal cage being taken to the ruler of the (insert you character's race here) HE is unsure of what she will do with him, He fears he may die. But he is bound to not only the cage but the promise to keep his people safe. The cart he was on stopped and his arms were bound behind him he was now taken in and forced to kneel in front of the enemies ruler.

I am the dead one. I was killed only to be brought back as that I never wanted to be. People run from me, but the one I wish who I could run from is my self. I am the creature which haunts my nightmares as I sleep. For over 300 years I have seen myself as that I am not every time I sleep. He wrote in his diary. "No one will ever understand..." he said as he left his diary open as he figured as he was so far out in the forest no one would be able to read it, and left to go for a walk in the woods.
(Human/ what ever you want) It had been a long day for shun, he had lost his job, his house was repossessed and he was now alone on the streets when he felt something hard hit his head. He awoke who knows how much later. He looked around he was in a dark room, he tried to stand up but found he was strapped down to what looked like a table. "What the?" he though out loud. He suddenly heard someone getting closer.
(Halloween special)

There is a rumour that deep in the forest lies a secret, sealed away by the casters of yester year. The secret is only know threw the legend of the chained wolf. Long ago when the days of demons visiting earth began, there was young wolf boy, named Shun. Acording to the legend he kidnapped a girl and forced her to love him thus he was sealed away with magic chains to stay in the deepest part of the forest forever. But this is not true the girl chose to love Shun but this was never revealed, even now because the truth was never told he sits in teh dark forest alone, until today.
(Lost loves in war)

Lee was just a young boy, when he was separated from the one he loved. She was a young girl they loved each other but being 7 they would never admit it to each other. During a war rade of their nutural town, they were captured by enemy sides, never to see each other again. or were they?
He spent the next 10 years learning why the land he was taken to was the one who was to win, and why they were right. Not to mention when they first caught him they used a technique to make him believe what ever they wanted, this was how they got new soldiers. He was now a member of the black ops, he was to raid a base of the enemy, this same base is where his love was....
(got this idea when playing pokemon mystery dungeon and wonder what would happen if a pokemon became a human) (Pokemon mutanat/ mokemon mutant or human)
new image to be found
Umbreon woke up in a tube filled with green liquid. "ughhhhh." he moaned as he looked around. He could see humans in white coats looking at monitors. The last thing he remembered was being caught in a weird poke ball, that was all black with a red red stripes. He looked around some more he saw others in tubes, they looked like humans but also like Pokemon. he then looked at his paws, or hands rather. "What happened to me?" he asked himself then gasping hearing his voice.

Shun was having a nice morning walk in the forest, that is tell it started to rain. He ran into a cave to use it for shelter tell the storm passed. He walked deep in the cave about half a mile in tell he tripped, he used his flash light and saw he had stepped in something sticky. "What the?" he said as he pulled his shoe out only have the force of when he pulled his shoe out to cause him to fall back into more of the sticky stuff. He tried to get up and turn around and stuff of that sense but this only caused him to get more tangled in this silky sticky stuff. As he lay on the cave floor looking around he noticed a shadow of what looked liek a girl. He tried to call out for help but the silk had stuck to his mouth and all that came out was a muffled yell. He hoped she had heard him
(human/Dicolonius (think I spelled it right))
 "What the crap was that!?" Solo said as he fell after hearing a gun shot. He ran over to see two soldiers firing at a girl with pink hair and horns, oddly thought the bullets just bounced off about a meter before her body. Suddenly the two soldiers were decapitated. Solo fell to the ground trying to run, the girl got closer to him. "P-please d-don't kill me...." he said weakly as he tried to move but couldn't. (For this one please have a knowledge of Elfen leid....)
(Human/Demon, vampire, or succubus) Solo had lived in large mansions all his life. From the one he had lived with his parents in to the one he lived alone in, he never wanted a big house but his parents insisted. Truth is he never liked being rich, his parents had too high expectations, he got everything on a silver platter that's why he had moved out. He looked out he back window just as the sun was setting to see something lieing in his yard. He went down his stairs and outside to see what it was. It was a girl but no ordinary girl, she was some sort of Demon, vampire, or succubus (Please choose 1). He checked fr a pulse, there was one there but just barely. Regales of what she was he picked her up in his arms and carryed her inside to his bed and put her down, he sat down and watched her. "I hope she wakes up soon." he said quietly.
(Man/Lover in hospital)

Lee had just gotten home from school when he got a call. This call said that his girl friend had been in a car crash and was now at hospital with a head injury. He raced down on his bike. When he finally made it he wasted no time finding her room he found her unconscious in a bed. He walked over to her. "Please don't go." he said softly. He leaned in and kissed her for what he hoped wouldn't be the last time.
(Human (me) X Mermaid)
(please ignore girl in pic unless you want to use her)
He had won a free trip to Hawaii, but the made of getting there was boat. The boat was a cruse liner. He had been on the deck at night and fell into the water. To bad for him he had never taken swimming lessons. He sank like a rock, the last thing he saw before blacking out was the shadow of a something swimming towards him.
(Human (me) X Angle or spirit)
 It had been a tragic month on Lee, on his birthday his girlfriend had been stricken by a bus coming to see him. When he got to the hospital she was already dead. Now, Lee had always been able to see and talk to spirits if he focused on who he wanted to talk and see enough if they were in front of him, he wished he could have said good bye to her. today he sat in the park on the bench they had first kissed on, and cried, cried his sad heart out. "I just want to see her again!" he yelled out.
 It has long been known that angles and demons are forbidden to love each other. But Shun, an angle has broken that taboo and loved a demoness he has spent time with her and they are what we humans call a couple. Today Shun waited by the lake they had met at, waiting for her to arrive so they could begin their date. "I just know she'S going to make me wait just cause she can." he said aloud.
(revised Angle/demon) *New* As it is known Angles and demons have an ever lasting conflict, some times two fall in love but this is rare. Shun is one of the angles to fall in love with a demoness, he loved her very much as she loved him back, to bad her father and mother found out. They at first disproved and captured shun planning to kill him, but they soon realized how happy he made their daughter so they decided to let him live. But as you could guess demons won't simply let a captured angle free, for reasons such as they may have found a weakness, so now he is forced to stay as a slave. The burned their family symbol on to his neck, this prevents him from leaving their manor without the primition of the family head, her father. He can be with his love only, when he's not doing chores, or running arrons. But they still make it hard on him, when he is done his work, he can usually bleary move, or passes out before he can see her or reach his bed. It had been a long day and Shun was now on his bed just laying there, his body to tired to move. Today he had to rearrange rocks and bolder, non stop. He was laying on his stomach, his once silky white wings lay flat on his back.
(Human/ angle or helpful girl) new image to be found
He had always been alone. Always sad, he could usually not show it as he was an orphan on the street as he had been for 16 years but when ever it rained he cried. he was on a dirt road outside the village. "Why...?" he asked himself quietly "Why does no one help?." He hugged his knees "why must I be alone?" He wished someone would help.
(Human/ what ever you want)
 The boy slowly awoke his hands tied behind his back. The last thing he could remember was being in a fight in an alley then falling down. He tried to get up but he found his legs were bound as well, looking around did him no good as he was in pitch black darkness. suddenly he felt someone or something touch his shoulder.
(Vampire hunter/Vampire) new image to be found
He had watched everything he loved be destroyed. He was told if he could kill a vampire all his pain and misery would be gone. So he followed up on rumors, and myths. He thought he could never find one let alone kill one due to his kind heart. But today is his day to find out.
(Spirit seeing human/ nurse or spirit)
 People said he was crazy, truth was he wasn't he truly could see the ghosts of those who had not left for the after life. Thinking he was threat he was restrained by the men in white, taken to a mental instatution, restrained, blind folded so he couldn't see his so called 'hallucinations'. "Please I'm not crazy!" he yelled as they threw him into a padded cell. "This is for your own good kid. A nurse will see you shortly." Said a voice fallowed by the sound of a door being closed and locked.
(Human/ human animal hybrid)
 Lee had been sailing when a huge wave broke his ship apart and fell into the sea and blacked out. He woke up on an island. But this was no regular island, it was the island of (insert animal name here)mimi an island long thought to be lost. It was inhabited by half human half (insert same animal name here) hybrids. As he came to he saw someone leaning over him.
(Hurt boy/ girl who has a crush on him)
 Lee had been in the woods but was attacked by wolves, when the park rangers found him he was nearly dead. He now lay in a hospital bed farther away from death but still it could go either way. The beeping of the heart monitor was uneasy for anyone who walked in, but only one did a single girl who had liked him. As he slept he felt something warm touch his lips causing him to stur.
(Human experiment subject/ Human experiment subject)
 Solo had been taken away by the military the day after his birth. He was taken to a human experimentation fisility, he was to be the first of a new generation of super human warriors. He was now 15 almost everyday he was tested for changes or injected with a new version of the liquid to make him a super human warrior. Today he had a rare day off, he sat in his cell alone as usual. He looked out across the hall to an open window and wondered what was out there..
(Wolfboy/ Catgirl)
 It was the year 2111, a time after a great war where soldiers were genetically modified with animal DNA to enhance there power, this caused after the war to have babies with animal features to be born. Today was another bad day For Lee, a human with a wolf tail and a heightened sense of smell. "Why, why is my life so miserable!?" he asked his girlfriend. For years Lee had been picked on, his only joy was girlfriend. "Why?" he cried.
(Mortally wounded boy/ lover) new image to be found
Solo now lay on the ground bleeding after a mugging attempt on him, his best friend and girl friend. "(insert your RPC'S name here)..." he said barely able to talk "I think I don't have alot of time left, Just promise me you'll visit my grave at least once a year." he smiled a little as he passed out close to his death.
(Angle/ his love in life)

Shun had died from a fatal disease but didn't want to leave his love he wanted to be with her more than anything, so it made sense he became her guardian angle. For the past month now he had watched over her from the point she went to his funeral to to the day she finally felt up to going back to school. "I just wish she could see me...." he said as he flew behind her.
(Hired friend/rich girl)
 It was a beautiful starry night and on the side of the dirt road in the country where two kids about 15 or 16, one rich the other poor. The poor one had been highered as a friend or assistant to the rich one by her father, but they had developed feelings for each other, but the boy believed it could never be... "I'm sorry, (insert you Rpc's name here)" Lee said "But, I'm just a low class filth lucky to be with you, by your dad's request, only in a perfect world where there are no "classes" of people could we be, but we don't...." he looked at her. "Let's go it's late your dad probably wants you home now..."
(werewolf/human girl or werewolf/werewolf (in control of her beast)) (This one can also be for a battle) Human:
 As the evening started to come people hurried to bored up their windows before the full moon came. Every time it did anyone or anything that was outside was found dead the next day, the few who survived could only say what they saw was a shadowy beat with big red eyes and claws that could go in one side of a cow and out the other. As people ran into their houses one boy ran into the woods. He was the beast, a werewolf, he didn't like what he was as every full moon he couldn't control what the beast did. As he ran threw the woods he felt the changes take affect. Black fur spread over his skin, his face moved out into a muzzle, his mussels grew larger splitting his clothes, a tail sprouted from his back side. As it finished the beast let out an eerie howl to show it was there as it ran back to the village.
(Human/ Space Alien (can be what ever you want))
 "AHHHHH!" Shun yelled as he was blasted back by a huge explosion. He slowly got up and right in the middle of his family's farm field was a huge crater with something in the middle. "What the?" Shun said under his breath as he climbed into the big hole in the ground and got closer to the object in the middle. "H-hello?" he said as he noticed the object looked like some kinda ship.
(Legend of Zelda special RP) (Zora/Gerudo)
 "Get more one the right flank!" One of the high ranking officers of the Zora Royal guard yelled. Today a battle was being fought at Lake Hylia, apparently the water temple after the death of Queen Ruto had been taken over by some unknown entity, all the monsters were poring out in the dozens maybe even hundreds! As Lance got closer he saw it a figure by the tree, he ran over. "Who are you?" he asked. "Oh nobody." the man answered then shot Lance with a hook shot. "Just a shadow...." he said as this shadow took to his steed clutching lance by the thought riding off into Hyrule fields leading the army of monsters towards Gerudo Valley.
(Outcast/ School counselor's daughter)
 At every school there is at least 1 out cast. Well for, Sama high, Solo was the outcast. He didn't say much, or have any obvious friends. All people knew was he was there and someone to look down at. You see not only was he an outsider, he was an orphan. Though the most interested person in Solo, was the school counselor, who he regularly saw. Not by his own will though, teachers would send him there. When he was asked questions he would make them short veg ones. This made him a mystery to the counselor, luckily She had a daughter who was going to start school at Sama high, soon.
(Cyborg boy/ Lab assistant/ or girl who wonders in)
 Lab room 7, the lab of Dr. Caren, Bora. The inside was only seen by her and her young assistant. Though if by some stroke of luck you got it you'd see a teenage boy hanging from the wall by wires. You see this "boy" is not human, in fact he is a robot. This robot was made to look exactly to look and act like the Dr.'s late son, who died when he jumped into the road to push a kid out of the way of a speeding car. So sad, his mother couldn't take life without him. After many years of research in her field of cybernetics, she created a robot with advanced capabilities, to look, and sound and even feel like a real human. Right now "Shun 2.0" was hanging on the wall, ever detail of him exactly like his now dead human counterpart. The only difference was he had yet to have his left arm covered in a synthetic skin.
(State Alchemist/ State alchemist, military worker, or Automale maker) *new*
 Shun Kazenara, The Elemental Alchemist. Fresh from the hearing and new to the Military now A state Alchemist. Ever sense the destruction he saw during what is now known as the "Conqueror of Shambala indecent" Shun wanted to become a State Alchemist to help people in need. Right now he was in Central just leaving the office of Führer Roy Mustang and was now headed back to his hotel for some much needed rest...
(Boy friend/ Girl friend telling him her biggest secret) *new*

"So what did you want to talk about?" Lee Asked his girl friend as he sat down on his bed. He wondered what she wanted to tell him, that she hadn't already, They had been going steady for a year and a half now, after all. Little did he know he'd be getting a pretty big surprise as soon as her lips opened.
(Student with a kid/ student) new image to be found
Room 301, second desk to the door in the first row, sat a sleeping boy. Now at first glance you may get mad at him for being asleep in class but he has a good reason, he's a father. Yes, a student in high school is the father to a 4 year old girl. It all happened back when he was about to finish the 8th grade. He had fallen in love with a beutiful girl. That girl ended up stealing his virginity and getting pregnant. Once the child was born, she didn't care for it and left him. Shun didn't care he love his little Mimi so much. Over the next 4 years he raised her despite only being a teen. It was hard, being a single parent. People picked on him, he was always tired, and had to make sure his daughter was safe. But he was ok, he liked knowing he had a daughter to love. Soon enough he was woken up by the bell and realized he had dozed off again. He closed his binder and put it in his book bag before standing up to leave
(Lycan/human girl) Wolf form:  Human form:  Lycans, ,mysterious human like cretures able to take on the form of wolves. They live among the humans, who cannot tell they are what they are. For generations that how it has been. It is now the year 20XX (please replace Xs with current year), and the story of a young Lycan in now unfolding. Solo Ookami, Ran through the woods in his wolf form. He could smell human blood, fresh. He also heard wolves chasing after something. Once close enough he could see it, they were chasing after a human girl.

During the days of the samurai, there lived a young swordsman named Shun. One day the dojo he studied at was raided by bandits and he lost his life trying to defend it. His soul attached to his sword taken by the bandits. Over the years he watched as his sword was sold from person to person, until today.
He sat on the box which had been sent from Japan to America. "It seemed yet another of the living want my sword..." he said quietly as the back doors of the delivery truck opened and the box was brought to the front door, Shun being forced to follow. "Sign here Ma'am." the delivery man said to the woman who had ordered the sword.

The circus, a place full of riders, animals, and espicially the side show! You see this circus had a special attraction they called "The Foxy lovers." They were a boy and a girl just over 18 and in love, but you see there was somthing odd of them, they had fox tails and ears!
The two have an interesting story as well. You see they were not always part fox, they were once human like you or I. It all began when the girl had been kidnapped, taken by an underground DNA experiment research group. They spliced her DNA with that of a fox leaving her as she was. When her boyfriend tracked her down and tried to liberate her he too was captured and mutated. They were kept in a cage in a room with hundreds of other former humans. As they looked they could see some had given in to their animal instincts and gave up on their humanity and they acted liek animals. The two were scared this may one day happen to them. One night they saw their chance to escape and did. Scared of what their families may think if they saw them like this, they ran away to a place they could be excepted, the circus. The two soon went from the side show and to the center ring as the circus' most popular attraction.
"And here they are the Foxy Lovers!" the ring man called. A spotlight pointed to a curtain which the two walked out of. They wore spandex leotards, with holes for their tails, which wagged happily as they waved as they walked into the ring. The crowd cheered. Soon their act began, they jumped through hoops of fire, jumped in the air higher than any human and many other fantastic feats before taking a bow and leaving the stage. "That was fun." Lance the male fox said as they sat down back stage and dried his sweat with a towel.
(Pm me to continue, girls only, romance encouraged, please be at least semi-literate, RPC picture would be nice but not needed.)
leeexe · Wed Apr 21, 2010 @ 02:11am · 0 Comments |