BarbieSlave's Journal |
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Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 @ 08:55pm
Gorgeous is....
Thought an update was probably long over due and I have an awesome Soldat Hat irl that I REALLY feel the need to show off because it's so damn bloody sexy. Xiphias bought it me for my birthday, best pressie EVAH!!111!!11 I look hot even if I do say so myself.

Other Random Stuff
I really really need to get off my arse after the kids go back to school and set up a proper portfolio site for my webdesign. We desperately need more money and I have a talent that quite frankly I'm underestimating, half because I always undersell myself and half because I'm lazy.
I really want to move house now, this has dragged on far too bloody long. Steve's Dad needs to pull his finger out of his bum and sell the goddamned house. *le sigh* I feel like my whole life is on hold and there's nothing I can do about it except sit and wait.
My friend Tracey had a proper pop at me today because I never call her. I'm not good on the phone, I never call my friends except when I need something, and usually when they call me I hate being stuck on the phone talking about random s**t. Everyone else I know can sit on the phone for hours happily gossiping and talking about bugger all. Me, if I need something, then it's a quick call, get the info needed, then go. Maybe that's wrong, but it's just me, it always has been. I can't even explain it. I just don't DO the phone. I'd rather meet up for a drink, go round to her house or email her.
My stomach is getting way too flabby, why after all this time has it decided to do this? I had 3 kids and the youngest was two and my stomach was still as flat as a pancake, why now then has it decided to deteriorate. Maybe it's the coil I had fitted, because that's the only thing that's changed that I can think of. *shrug* I guess 32 years of eating what I like and not specifically exercising since I was 20 has finally decided to jump up and bite me. No more b***h! You can work at it like the rest of us.
Well, that's all from me folks. Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Good Night! heart
Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 @ 01:05pm
New Year and a New Leaf.
Well it's the New Year, and as always I'll be starting it with all the best intentions in the world. Maybe this year, I'll actually stick with them beyond January.
I am giving up smoking, it stinks, it costs too much money.
I am taking up Yoga or Pilates, I don't need to lose weight, but I do need to tone up, an ex-gymnast and model, and 3 babies down the line, my stomach is not what it once was. It WILL look like this again. Yes that is/was my stomach, 7 years ago. And no I am not posting what it looks like now, but I am still a UK size 6, it's just squishy slimness now instead of firm slimness.
We will have moved house by the end of the year, a 2 bedroomed house with 3 children just doesn't cut it, even if it is more than big enough for 3 kids to share, it's still bloody chaos in there at 7am.
We will be a 2 car family by June. I have the car so that I can do the numerous school drop offs and pick ups, but I also have to pick Steve up from work. Either we buy a car or Steve is going to get promoted and next stage up comes with a car.
I will concentrate on making my business work, I've really let it slip since having Joseph (nearly 2 years ago now), and have only done maintenance on existing sites that I already designed. I have chased no new contracts for 12 months now. So it's advertising, cold calling time, and maybe I'll branch out into leaflet/brochure/corporate literature/digital presentations again like I used to do for Jarvis.
Happy New Year, make this one count heart
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Community Member
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 @ 07:58pm
I remember every word...
Well I haven't written in this thing for over a year, so I thought it deserved a little airing.
"Don't let anyone get too close on the internet, you'll cry."
That should be my motto. I have established few close relationships on the internet in my 10 years of being here. And each time I was seduced by the translation of their words, fooled by my own interpretations. The written word can be very seductive when used properly, and I don't just mean seductive in the traditional sense of the word, I'm not even necessarily talking about romance here. But will I learn from it? Will I still let someone through that barrier that exists for everyone else, someone who over time has won my trust and friendship, someone who I have to come view as a like minded person?
I'd be a sad miserable cynic if I didn't. So bring it on, I'm sure I can break over and over again yet still bounce back. The ride on the way was worth it. I reminisce over the good times, and my eternal optimism and negligent attitude towards my own emotions coats the bad ones in blind empathy, because I love you.
Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 @ 09:30am
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