The land that was once joined was now divided. The great elements of this world each took they’re land; now it is separated into kingdoms. But the two greatest powers had to fight for priority, the light and the dark. Once the light won they drove the darkness across the great desert, that was when the light and dark kingdoms where formed. But now is an age of chaos. After a second war the ruler of the light kingdom was killed and now his son takes the throne. His son pushed the lesser elements out of the kingdom of light and after they had defeated the dark for a second time he renamed the once great kingdom of the night and announced it as the blasted lands. Only then did the dark rebel against them in greater numbers. Unknown to all is that the balance of the world is in danger. The light and dark must be equal, or the magical forces of the world shall be uneven. For the light is gaining power, the king corrupt and spreading the corruption throughout the kingdom like a illness.
The darkness, a force looked down on by the world and thought of as the evil side of the world. For millions of years those who live beneath the moon had to suffer with the burden of this title, now it is them who must return the balance. The prophecy claims the time of three. A time when three of the purest blood shall walk through death and out, who shall deliver the night. The Nightsingers.
“We can’t hold ground for long!”
“I know” his king replied solemnly, eyes of deepest silver scanning the horizon. “…But does it matter?”
The young boy looked up, innocently, to see his father, clad in golden armour on the brink of battle. But through his son’s mask the king could see young eyes, full of lust for blood and war.
“Without the day the night is lost…”
The king who was on the opposite side of the battle field spoke.
“Without the stars our sky’s are empty. “
His son listened quietly as the ruler of light continued;
“For shadows lurk in the day, but the moon shines at night.”
Under his black helmet he felt a tear run down his cheek;
“After the day the night proceeds…”
“Once the moon lowers the sun always must arrive…”
“Neither of us can ever win…”
“Less life its self…”
“Fall beneath our very feet!”
Swords, spears, axes and all weapons were readied.
Looking at his son once more, the king prepared, lowing his helmet tears streamed down his face, little did he know even his opponent was as saddened by the meaningless war.
He held his sword firm and looked to the horizon once more. Dawn was breaking as if the night and day them self’s fought for priority. With weapons at hand and taking one last breath they charged, and began towards the end.
Dull light lit the room, all doors were locked, windows covered and no outer light let in to the room in which three cloaked figures stood. Clearly they were of high authority. In the middle of the three was a fire of unnatural brightness. “This isn’t acceptable,” Said one “The master has foreseen this coming but still it faces us to soon”
“Silence, we must tell no one.” Snapped another “ Growth must not be halted and it shall not be.”
“But the creation has already begun, and when it is over there shall be no growth.” Joined the third.
“Who are we to say this cannot happen? When the power of the ancient one begins how can we as mortal stop it?”
“Once growth has finished the master shall be as powerful as the ancient one”
“If that is the will of the ever sun then I shall follow” Admitted the man.
“Now then, shall we begin?” One said gesturing to a poach he now held.
“Yes, master would not wish for delay” The cloaked man took a pouch from his belt.
The third took and held his silently.
All three held the pouches over the fire then all at once poured the contents into the flame, sliver dust fell into the fire and it began to burn brighter as images appeared in the flames. “Three children? Master will be pleased, a easy kill.”
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The beggening of my book.
I wanna know what you think, please tell me. And keep in mind, im not that old. Please comment.
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