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Inside t3h head of Zer... (Space for rent) The wheel is turnin' but the hamster is dead... ...Nah, just foolin'!! He's just tuckered out... Luckily Melvin t3h Domo is bringin' 'im some ramen. ^^

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Found this on mah comptuer and I don't believe I ever posted it...
Inspired by the song "Dreaming" by BT and the image featured below by Stahr...
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The door creaked open and shut as the man entered. His pocket watch seemed to be moving incredibly fast, and his impatience was beginning to overtake his naturally calm presence. He ran his fingers through his long black hair, slipped the device back into his long white lab coat, and sat back in his rolling chair, eyes now fixed upon the numerous glowing monitors set up in front of him.

* * *

Splash, splash... Splash, splash...

The two figures raced through the streets, recently filled with puddles by this evening's spring shower. The sky was dark and cloudy as the rain poured from the sky, and a brisk wind swiftly crept into every nook and cranny of the city, making it seem much colder than it should be... Their breath hung in the air in front of them in a little cloud that would soon be dispersed as they rushed through it.

He led her by the hand, still faster than her despite his wounds. Rain and blood made his black clothes cling to his tan skin. His long, scraggly blue hair fell in front of his face, letting only a dark gray eye peek through. Jutting out from his back were a pair of white, feathery wings. Though something was off... Wires and cords dangled and sparked from various bits of metal bolted to one of the wings. Blood seemed to ooze from underneath the steel, staining the soft, glowing white of the feathers a deep crimson.

Being led by this young man was a girl of what appeared to be the same age. She had vibrant green eyes, framed by a pair of smart looking, red glasses, and long red hair which was matted to her head. Covered in a long, white, water-proof cloak, the only other articles of clothing that could be seen on her were a pair of wooden sandals.

The pair hurried as fast as they could, darting, dashing, and weaving through the crowds as they entered the marketplace, in a hopes of losing their pursuers... They made twists and turns down every road, took every side street and alley way they came upon... However, no matter how fast they moved, or how many obstacles they put between them, every time the two looked back they could still see the soldiers eagerly giving chase. It didn't seem as though they were even beginning to grow tired. Each of the men after them carried rifles equipped with a foot-long bayonet. It was as if the soldiers were clones of each other. The only difference between the soldiers were the white numbers printed on the back of their lightweight, black armor.

The winged boy looked back at the genetically engineered tools; then to the girl, whose eyes were filled with both worry and trust. She knew that this person who pulled her along would do anything and everything he could to keep her out of harm's way. He offered her a small smile, to confirm what he could see written all over her face. In this split second, the boy reflexively turned the corner without looking. When his gaze returned to where he was going, his stomach sank.

A dead end.

He spun around as quick as he could, moving the redheaded girl behind him once more, and his eyes narrowed as he looked upon the soldiers who now had them cornered. His mind jumped from one scenario to the next. If he did this, they would surely do that... But if he did this, they could still do that... He couldn't think of how to retreat from the current situation without running straight through the black figures slowly stalking towards them. The girl gripped his hand tighter. After all his thinking, he could see no solution other than taking on the troops head on. He gave the girl a final reassuring nod and pushed her back into the brick wall of the dead end, making sure there was a good space between her, him, and the soldiers.

Seeing what the young man's plan was, the black clad troops rushed in to quickly subdue their winged opponent. The blue haired boy did the same. He charged at them with all his might, his hair finally flying back, out of his face, to reveal a long, vertical scar down his blinded gray right eye; a gray that sent a feeling of both sorrow and hope into the heart of any who gazed upon it.

The boy was much faster than the soldiers, and thus gained the advantage early into the fight. Unarmed, the winged young man dealt a swift and strong left hook to the first of his pursuers, then immediately went as low as possible to the ground and took down two more with a quick sweep. The remaining troops were taken down just as easily.

Letting a triumphant grin play across his face, he motioned for the girl to hurry and leave from the dead-ended alley. She rushed forward and turned the corner just a moment before he did. He looked back to make sure the soldiers on the ground weren't going to be following them anymore. They all seemed to be out cold. That same cocky grin danced across his features once more, until a shrill cry sent a chill down his spine and made his hair stand on end. He quickly turned the corner, just in time to see the clean, cold steel of the bayonet exit from the back of the girl's torso.

Letting out a fierce yell, the winged boy went into a rage. His fists slammed into the helmets of the dark troops, which now seemed to flood the streets more than the rain could ever hope to. Bones were heard crunching beneath the onyx armor. The screams of pain were muffled and trapped within the suits that would soon become their coffins. The blue haired young man paid no mind to the damage being inflicted upon him. He merely shrugged off the bullets which slammed into his shoulders, and the bayonets which sliced at his sides and legs. After what seemed like endless fighting, the body of the last black clad troop hit the ground with a dull clank.

The battle worn angel, slowly shuffled back to his fallen beloved, and fell to his knees beside her. He picked her up and held her close in his arms until the end. There were no words, no talking. There was no more pain, no more hurt. They were now together, forever dreaming...

* * *

The black haired man in the white lab coat, shrugged his shoulders and scratched his head.

They were both marvelous specimens... He thought to himself... What a waste it was that they longed for freedom... And love...

He let out a sigh and the door creaked open and shut once more as he exited, his pocket watch still tic-ing away...

HOMG I'm actually getting around to trying to write Zer's complete story... Or at least the parts that I've worked out in my head thus far... Nothin' about his childhood/upbringing/training yet, but the story of the scar and the sun will be explained at least... Feel free to voice any comments, critiques, and concerns... Even help me word something better or point out my numerous spelling errors... XD Anything!! I like finding new comments in my journals...

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"What is to give light must endure the burning..."

. . .</center>

The blaring sun pounded down vicious rays against his worn body. Already pushing his body to the limit, it was amazing that he was able to press onward. His shoulders sagged under an increadible, unseen weight, and his scar covered body glistened with sweat. Emblazoned upon his back was the image of a burning sun, which seemed to mirror the one overhead. Still, dispite his fatigue, he found the strength to grip the weapon in his hand like a vice. The worn handle of the blade was riddled with niches and notches, and a ribbon was tied about it's gaurd and sheath making it incapable of being openned.

Bright, blue hair, faded from long exposure to the sun, was matted to his forehead with sweat. His weary, gray eyes, the right of which was lighter than the other, could only be opened about half way. The long, straight scar that decended from above his right eyebrow, down to his cheek, ached, more so than the rest of him.

He had removed his dark grey t-shirt by this point, and was tucked through his belt. A pair of tattered blue jeans clung to his sweaty legs and a pair of leather sandals covered his feet. Hanging about his neck was a plain black string, off which a silver, grinning dragon-head charm dangled.

Stopping for a moment, he peered about, looking for any sign of... Well... Anything... However the desert just seemed to expand forever in every direction. It was then that a slight gust of hot wind hit him in the face like a brick wall. His head spun and his eyes struggled to remain open. His struggle was for naught, though, as he lost conciousness and hit the scorching sand with a muffled thud.

The memories swept away his mind like a tidal wave...

<centeR>. . .</centeR>

As he walked down the allyway of the slums, a small smile played across his face as he passed through the sweet scent of the bakery's ovens. All about him, in the poorest place in town, he could see signs of the people that lived here; those that worked hard during the day, and knew how to have fun at night. That's why he had decided to settle here, instead of in the upscale city apartments or the rich mansions, like most of higher military officers. People here were real. They were among the people he most respected.

It was cold for that particular time of the year... His warm breath hung in the air in front of him, and disappeared as he walked through it. As he looked up into the darkening sky, he could see traces of snow flakes, so fresh that they weren't quite heavy enough to make it to the ground. Returning his gaze earthward, something caught his eye in the distance. A red light flickering around the corner up ahead made him uneasy. Quickening his pace slightly at first, he ended up breaking into a mad sprint. He turned the corner and his eyes grew wide in horror...

<centeR>. . .</centeR>


He found himself on his back staring up into the cloudless, blue sky his eyes wide and filled with terror. Frantically he flailed about, trying to get a handle on something solid to help himself up. Finding only sand, slipping through his fingers he hastily pushed himself forward with no footing and tumbled down the dune he was currently standing upon. His face hit the bottom of the dune first and his body sprawled out accordingly afterward. With his entire body now throbbing with more pain than ever, he let his mind drift back towards unconciousness once more...

<centeR>. . .</centeR>

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^^ . . .
<center>This is a poem that was in the graduation card my grandfather gave me... I really love it, so I thought I'd post it...
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If by Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!

z.z &lt;3
<center>User Image Dreaming - BT User Image
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((Will edit with song later...))

EDIT: Or not... I guess I was too lazy...
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<centeR>Yup, here comes t3h farmer's tan...
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^^ <3
<Center>Been listenin' to a few Blackstreet CDs the last few days... Then they had this little interlude thing that this kid is reciting... Just thought it summed up how I feel about my friends... All of j00... Lobbiers and R/C folk... And any others who might be connected to me in some other way...

Deja's Poem
How a True Friend Feels....
Support of the mind, body, and soul.
The flower of a root that will never grow old.
Love is something special; oh what a treasure to find.
You can't touch it, smell it
Priceless (money can't buy)
Dedication, trust
The heart shall reveal
But words can't express
The way a true friend feels

I hope j00 all know that if I can ever do anythin' to help j4, whether it be lendin' an ear, eye, or hand, all j00 have to do is ask and I'll do my best... Even if I don't say it enough, I really do love all j00 guys...

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<CenteR>If j00 saw this ignore it...
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-.- <3
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Zeram/BidSunday1.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com" border=2>
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<centeR>Alright, another story written at three in the morning inspired by Stahr's awsome outfit designs and the song "Dive For You" by the Boom Boom Satellites... Tell me what sucks, so I can improve... Cause I'm sure there are many many things to point out...
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Dive For You


The desperate plea shot through the deafening silence. However, it only brought a evil grin to the gigantic figure's twisted face, which was lit up by the spectacular moon peeking through the clouds. The young warrior remained still, but his brow furrowed. He slid his tough, worn fingers around the hilt of his katana. Raising his brow questioningly, the monsterous man's grip on the girl's neck slowly loosened. She now dangled over the edge of the building, wriggling and squirming in a vain attempt to free herself.

Time seemed to stand still as a slight breeze danced across the entire scene...

The boy's eyes went wide behind his glass frames, in grim realization. The massive fist gripping the girl's throat jerked back and released. Blue hair shot back as, the young man dashed forward, as fast as his legs would carry him. Without hesitation, he leapt into the air and spun about, while drawing his long blade as quick as lightening and launched the weapon like a javelin right through the heart of the villain on top of the building. A flash of light gleaming off the sword from the moon was the last thing he ever saw.

The blue-haired warrior continued to spiral as he shot down through the numerous levels of flight traffic that filled the air above the city's streets, in pursuit of the falling girl. Finally, she came into sight, thankfully unharmed by the various cars and trucks that zoomed by. Straightening his body to become a little more aerodynamic, he soon caught up with her. On his way past, he grabbed her and pulled her in close. The girl's eyes, which had been shut tight, opened wide only to find their bright green irises gazing at the scarred face the warrior, who offered a small smile and a wink.

"Hold on, kit..."

Quickly unsheathing his wakazashi, the young swordsman timed the passing of a large truck just right so that he could kick off the side and to the wall of the adjacent building. Stabbing the small sword into the wall, the warrior gritted his teeth and made sure that he maintained his frim grip. The blade left a long slice along the wall, and slowed the momentum of the two. When he couldn't hold on any longer, the blue-haired one released his grip and fell the remaing distance to the ground, postioning himself underneath the girl to protect her from the impact. Luckily the remaining distance wasn't great and he hit the ground with a loud thud.

The girl quickly gasped, sat upright upon him, and leaned forward filled with worry. She held her breath and waited in hopefull anticipation. Then, slowly, the warrior's eyes flickered open, glasses cracked, and he gingerly lifted his throbbing head. Thrilled, the girl's face lit up and she hugged the boy as tight as she could, not paying any mind to the several broken ribs that were sure to be causing him extreme pain...

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