I'm Batman.
Hard to believe, huh? That all these years this costumed whacko was just some punk billionaire with alot of time and money on his hands. But there's more to it than that.
I'm beginning this journal due to the suggestion of my butler and confidant, Alfred. He insists I keep a record of everything I do. Nobody has done what I'm doing before. People think I wear tights and a cape to make a fashion statement. The truth is I do it because I need to. I take it upon myself to keep this city safe, and show the people in it that their home doesn't belong to the criminals and the corrupt.
In my long career I've met a colorful cast of evil doers, crazy thugs, and psychos. But I've also met some powerful allies. I've trained several sidekicks, worked alongside some of the finest men and women in the super hero biz, saved countless lives, and almost lost my own more times than I can count. But I do it all because, years ago at the age of 8, my parents were murdered by a gunman right in front of my eyes. Since then I have dedicated my life to helping others and saving lives, so that others would not share the pain that I felt, all those years ago.
Until Gotham no longer needs a Batman, I shall continue my crusade against evil doers.