Who Am I? xxxxxxxxxxxx
★ Clarissa Jones
★ 25
★ Female
★ Member of the church, daughter of Christabella and cousin to Alessa
★ Kind, nurturing towards children, hateful towards men
★ Carries a lamp with her at all times
In The Light Of The Lantern xxxxxxxxxxxx
★ Long black hair w/purple highlights
★ Warm complexion
★ Tall & Slender
★ Pet crow used as a warning bell for danger

I have always lived in Silent Hill. It used to be a beautiful and lovely town, before disaster struck. Now the citizens of Silent Hill are plagued like rats by Alessa's wrath.
On The Insidexxxxxxxxxxxx
Christabella is my mother, I have blood ties to my dear cousin Alessa. I was against what my mother was doing, but there was nothing I could do to save her. I warned Aunty Dahlia but she did not listen. I am safe from Alessa's wrath but my sins have yet to be paid for. I, like the others of the town, will one day pay for what we had done to Alessa.