I don't really gon on Gaia anymore so I'm giving my items to an ebil theif of a friend of mine. i might log on once in a while to say goodbye to friends. But I'm mostly hooked on FB now ^^;; Good bye all. heart
minoko · Fri Oct 26, 2007 @ 01:41am · 0 Comments |
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Hope you all have a wonderful time and a Happy New Year 3nodding
Minoko will be out for Christmas and won't be back until next year whee Ciao!! Love you lots! heart heart heart
minoko · Sun Dec 25, 2005 @ 01:08am · 0 Comments |
Ok so I've neglected this poor thing ^^;
But I've brought myself a nice birthday+christmas pressie for myself 3nodding A NINTENDO DS! *does teh boogie* Soooo happy! =D
Oh and I've passed my driving theory test ^^ I'm goood cool Now for my exams in January... Gotta revise STAT! whee
Hope to speak to you during my christmas holiday ^^ (Started today =D)
Luff and Huggles~ Minoko xxx
minoko · Fri Dec 16, 2005 @ 03:21pm · 3 Comments |
Wow I've been like dead on Gaia for ages! I mean school haas really caught up with me and I haven't actually found the time to log on and talk. I'm mostly chatting on MSN now and doing homework whilst oh there aswell >.> I'm even drawing rarely now crying They're mostly doodles now... *sighs*
I'm learning to drive right now. It's fun and not scary at all! ^_^ Only done it for two lessons and was driving at 50mph already xP Faster than you can walk and it's scary turning around bends >.> I couldn't slow down... but yeah I got past those bends aand drove to two towns and all the way back home ^^; Quite please with myself to be honest ^_^ Next lesson next Tuesday! Need to work on my T junctions and turning.... rolleyes
Hope to speak to you all soon! Missing you loads already! *huggles everyone of you* ~minoko xxx
minoko · Thu Oct 06, 2005 @ 03:06pm · 3 Comments |
Wowee I haven't updated in ages! whee
Well today Gaia released the Casino where you can play Slots! 4laugh Ehehehehe! I like some of those prizes >.> Currently have earnt 75 tokens so far xp Not much but still it's something biggrin And erm while I was talking on MSN with Bethy (a friend ^^) who randomly quoted Lex and then said he was gay rolleyes ... And so I replied back that he fancied Edmund since he's always on about where Edmucd has gone off too etc. And then she came back with this!
Looool!!!! *rofl* I love it!!! mrgreen Had to share it with you all and I'm sorry to all Lex fans sweatdrop but we couldn't resist ninja
minoko · Fri Jun 10, 2005 @ 10:40pm · 6 Comments |
Woot! YAY! *Dances and prances* |
Ehehehehe! I has a kitty! =^.^= (Named her Mimiko after the one I lost crying ) All thanks to imfreezingandhungry *glompers* She's so kind 3nodding I heart her!!!! I wish her luck on her new residence in Florida blaugh
For this Easter event, I collected a few baskets 3nodding (Some people got 17! eek ) Am trying to sell them now to earn money for my quest for an AFK ^_^ (It's gonna be hard sweatdrop )
Like many others I met, we all stayed in this Free avatar art thread yesterday and just well chatted ^^ I got into a slot for some avatar art though ^_^ *Dances* Kiara's so nice 3nodding Everyone so give her a pat on the back for doing this for all Gaians and a hug for being so nice biggrin In her thread I met a lot of nice people and even made a few friends ^_^ From the top of my head people I met in that thread were Freezing, Demu, Minoren (He has scary leaves beware! eek ), Kiara, Fallen smile (Wonder how she got on with her dancing >.> wink and that guy who was trying to woo her xd Lol! i'm sorry if I missed you on the list sweatdrop I have a mind of a sieve and forget almost everything... haven't a clue how I past my exams... I should be amazed I passed without a D grade on the list O.O...
Was amazing how lots of people turned their siggys off O.O I guess they all just wanted the eggs ^^ Hehe. I turned mine off because the thread I went to had this Gaian who swore to bite people's heads off if they didn't turn their sigs off xp Ehehehe! The huge font and domos scared me sweatdrop Like Minoren's shape-shifting leaves xp He also has a talking pet kitty! Such an amazing breed! Too bad I couldn't get a close look at it crying (I think Minoren hates me.. shall check the thread to see the post's I've missed...)
So erm, yeah. That was my easter ^^ Was up very late collecting those eggs blaugh And chatting too ^_^ Was also being a some kind of Guru on MSN and giving people all sorts of advice and such whee I should make them pay me for my services xd Multi-tasking is a very hard thing to do! But I've had practice ^_^ And do it most of the time ^^ Was on 3 different accounts collecting these eggs and baskets ^_^ yup yup, was helping a friend too but got off when he came online smile ((Oh yes Bio, you owe me some goldies biggrin Hehehe! I gots you a sign too!))
Hehe! 'tis getting late now 3nodding I should be headin to bed now. 3nodding Night night all!!! heart ~Minoko
minoko · Tue Mar 29, 2005 @ 01:37am · 8 Comments |
Woot Woot!!! 'Tis teh Easter Hols! ^_^ (Or Spring Break as some call it) Now ish teh time to go shopping and spend spend spend! 4laugh However, I think I've been spending too much money lately and have brought just too much sweatdrop
I've brought/spent money on in the past month: 2 Skirts 1 adorable fuzzy wuzzy Mokona hat (from genkigang.com Thank Kyu!!!) A LOT! of manga heart sweatdrop Sent off some letters >.> CDs xp
Stuff to buy: (Just a little list to remind Minoko's brain 3nodding ) domokun =got ^^ Pressies for- Auntie, Tonie domokun , Sum domokun Cards domokun Fine Fine Fine Liner xp domokun
minoko · Thu Mar 24, 2005 @ 04:58pm · 2 Comments |
Yay!! Hehe ^_^ Yup I went on holiday to China for two weeks and spent a few days in Hong Kong collecting my new ID card blaugh Was very fun!!! Got my aunt to buy some mangas for me there ^_^ (Fruits Basket 3nodding ) 16 mangas for $416 whee It's cheaper than online though, the only trait is that it's translated into Chinese not English; I guess it could help me brush up on my Chinese though smile
It rained most of the time in China so we couldn't really go to many of the tourist sites/places. (We so wanted to go to the Great Wall but it was -7 degrees so we couldn't sad ) So we basically went shopping most of the time and I think I brought too much to fit in my little bedroom sweatdrop (Especially accessories. whee ) Mum and I just went on a shopping rampage and I think we both just shopped till we dropped xp The only thing we couldn't buy in China was clothes. Jeeze! Clothes over there are tiny! Next time I go there again I'm gonna have to loose some inches on my waist xp Or just take the ferry to Hong Kong and buy clothes there 3nodding We also went to the hot springs that was close by to where we stayed. Was a nice warm day that day. (We camped the TV to check the weather forcast everyday ninja ) It was very nice because we practially had the whole place to ourselves that day heart The tourists came after we went xd (Good timing eh?)
We went on a one-day trip into a cave that was formed by underground water?? Very pretty but my Grandma said that the ones in a place called 'Gway Lum' in China had better formed ones. *shrugs* (The cave we went to was only opened last year so yeah....) After that the tour guide made us climb a tall, steep mountain. We took the steps, don't worry blaugh But it was still hardwork! Like my bro says. It's a whole years worth of exercise all done in one day, but to my cousin it was 10 years worth of exercise xd No one accomplished the task but me, my bro and my 2 other cousins out of the 40-ish people on the tour domokun (We're goood mrgreen ) The hard part was walking back down the steep steps though >.< I had a feeling I was gonna fall whee The most funny thing though was that our parents phoned us to check if we fell off the mountain or not since we were gone for more than 20 mins; unfortunatly for them, we didn't wink
And here ends my wonderful holiday in China ^_^ I would post some photos when I get the time to or if I'm not afraid to... >.> I might just do it in my blog instead... Heh, I seem to be posting in here more than my blog sweatdrop
P.S: I'm sorry for not telling any of my friends about my 2 week absence. So if I replied back to your message/pms late this is the reason and I also found out that some of the PMs posted before (or on) 22 Feb was lost through the post so if those people could re-send them again I'd be very grateful 3nodding *bows*
minoko · Wed Mar 02, 2005 @ 03:17pm · 8 Comments |