My stuff. |
Well, this is my journal. |
Community Member
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 @ 03:54am
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 @ 03:50am
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 @ 07:07am
Oh my sweet......[2/12/09]
Drawing Ever nearer To Each Other Why, Why Me, How was I Wrong How could He still How could HE still...
What have I done to deserve this, Why am I so lucky?... Luck... What were his intentions, motives, goals It means so much to him Or seems to...
If only Just one inch Break the barriers Between us Touch my hand And hold it... Let me sleep on your shoulder Forevermore
Don't let this fade away Celebrate For the Lord hath blessed you again And I knoweth not why... I thanketh thee yet once, twice, Infinity Thank you, Lord, for all You've given me.
If I fell into you, Would you save me? What are you thinking of now? Should I let you keep your control over me When I now have a perfectly good chance to break it... No Not yet. He owes me anyway....
Mission Accomplished Round 3.
And you, my Platinum Thief Have yet to steal him from me...again. Nice try though wink
A fool among fools....what if they are the wisest of them all?
Be careful how you treat this situation, for you don't want to lose him. You almost did, several times. Not again. We're leaving too soon. Suppose we'll meet again? But of course.
I want to make you happy. I'll do anything. All you have to do is Ask.
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 @ 07:52am
Ars Amatoria
excerpt 1:
Prima tuae menti veniat fiducia, cunctas Posse capi; capies, tu modo tende plagas. Vere prius volucres taceant, aestate cicadae, Maenalius lepori det sua terga canis, Femina quam iuveni blande temptata repugnet: Haec quoque, quam poteris credere nolle, volet. Utque viro furtiva venus, sic grata puellae: Vir male dissimulat: tectius illa cupit. Conveniat maribus, nequam nos ante rogemus, Femina iam partes victa rogantis agat. Mollibus in pratis admugit femina tauro: Femina cornipedi semper adhinnit equo. Parcior in nobis nec tam furiosa libido: Legitimum finem flamma virilis habet. Byblida quid referam, vetito quae fratris amore Arsit et est laqueo fortiter ulta nefas? Myrrha patrem, sed non qua filia debet, amavit, Et nunc obducto cortice pressa latet: Illius lacrimis, quas arbore fundit odora, Unguimur, et dominae nomina gutta tenet.
Community Member