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Tacos. :]
GrandMasta: Hello fire. ;'D
zatchbell-2000 enters the chat.
Fire_Creater21: Hey Masta XD
GrandMasta: Wut up fire?
GrandMasta: Hola zatch.
Fire_Creater21: Working on a poll ;p.
Fire_Creater21: Hey Zatch... XD...I like the big moon on your head XD
El_Pul enters the chat.
El_Pul: fire.. as always is hard to find a spot in ur room
Prego your Eggo leaves the chat.
Fire_Creater21: Lol, hey, it's not my fault ;p...it just sorta works out that way sometimes XD
El_Pul: zatch and masta r here o not? XD
Fire_Creater21: Masta is...I think >_>...Zatch idk
GrandMasta: I'm just browsing the guild. d:
El_Pul: lol. nice
Fire_Creater21: Wahah! Poll is up XD...pretty silly poll, but oh well XD
Fire_Creater21: Well not silly...but...-shrugs and doesn't know the right word-
El_Pul: already voted XD
Fire_Creater21: XD lol, nice
Fire_Creater21: P2, are you alive over there ^_^ ?
El_Pul: seems not
Fire_Creater21: She hasn't said anything since she's been in here...at least not to my knowledge T.T
El_Pul: at least she fished?
Fire_Creater21: I don't remember 0-0...I was talking to FLCL lol
Fire_Creater21: XD
El_Pul: brb
Fire_Creater21: k
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz enters the chat.
El_Pul: back
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Lol hey pul =d
Fire_Creater21: wb lol
El_Pul: lol.. hi
El_Pul: ty
El_Pul: fire... emo is also a member
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Orly? O: Kewl.
Fire_Creater21: Nice to meet you then Mist3r ^_^.
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: You too =D
Fire_Creater21: lol, thanks.
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: I was forced to join... I'm quite afraid of piranhas o-o
El_Pul: tidus sent the invite XD
Fire_Creater21: I sorta figured XD
Fire_Creater21: Sorry for the threatening invite XD...not my doing.
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: XP It's okay.. caught my attention.
El_Pul: Mist3r.. fire is the cap of the guild
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Weird how tidus is the only one out of you guys that I've seen
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: fishing
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Really? O:
Fire_Creater21: lol.
El_Pul: mhm.. i find it really weird lol
El_Pul: i mean.. im competing here!!! >_>
Fire_Creater21: And yes, I am ;p. Of course Tidus and Pul are my vice captains.
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Very awesome. p:
Fire_Creater21: lol.
GrandMasta: And I'm one of the sexy crew members. ;'D
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: So what do you guys do in the guild?
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Other than fish
El_Pul: lol
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: P:
Fire_Creater21: The fourms tell all XD...but pretty much whatever you *the members that is* want to do XD
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Don't worry, I'll read the forum guidelines first
Fire_Creater21: It's a very unrestrictive guild.
El_Pul: just like we want it to be ^_^
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: I like unrestrictive... restrictions. X]
Fire_Creater21: Indeed XD
Fire_Creater21: As long as no big fights break out...*aside from Zatch's Star game...if he gets it up ;p*.
El_Pul: so much trash crying
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Same here.. :[
GrandMasta: dammit, where is zatch? o.o
El_Pul: MIA
Fire_Creater21: I have 4 biters in this bucket...I'm proud of myself ;p...and idk...
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Sitting next to me doing nothing ;'D
Fire_Creater21: yeah ;-;.
El_Pul: reset bait fire?
Fire_Creater21: XD of course ;p...I haven't fished that much lately....I only have 10k points from this lake at the moment >_>
Fire_Creater21: I switch between Gambino And Durem XD
El_Pul: lol.. i finally passed ruby XD
Fire_Creater21: Congrats lol
Fire_Creater21: 5 biters ;p...That's a bucket record for me XD
El_Pul: still.. long to got for top 10
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: You guys fish everywhere? I'm usually here all the time. Occasional Gambino, but I like the challenge of fishing here.
Fire_Creater21: Gambino is good for competing...not as many bots...and easier to Filter
Fire_Creater21: I fish here to restock my gold supply ;p
El_Pul: i started fishing here 4 the gold
El_Pul: dunno how i ended up competing lol
Fire_Creater21: lol, it's the fishing gene...it went crazy inside of you at the challenge ;p
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: I started fishing here because I was sick of the noobs everywhere else P:
El_Pul: lol.. bassken is hell
El_Pul: bino is ok
El_Pul: durem ppl.. sometimes they are rude
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: I get along with em... they know me XP
El_Pul: lol.. i get along with some of them..
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: The other day I banninated a stupid haxer using an angelic rod here. It was fun.
Fire_Creater21: Good going ;p...I had to do that earlier >_>
El_Pul: i loooove doing that
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: I know, it's fun
zatchbell-2000 leaves the chat.
zatchbell-2000 enters the chat.
El_Pul: hate botters so god damned much
zatchbell-2000: Wah
zatchbell-2000: xD
GrandMasta: wb zatch.
Fire_Creater21: Zatch!
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Hi zatch [= I am a person you don't know!
El_Pul: sup zatch?
zatchbell-2000: Fire will be jealous cuz i fishing with this lame rod :]
zatchbell-2000: HELLO EVERYONE biggrin
GrandMasta: OMG
GrandMasta: Zatch
Fire_Creater21: I am not jealous of the basic rod >_>
GrandMasta: GUS WUT?
zatchbell-2000: What?
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: I don't even HAVE a basic rod
GrandMasta: Fire was lyk tots ahsumsauz today
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: >->
GrandMasta: and like helped me get my coco. ;'D
zatchbell-2000: o-o
zatchbell-2000: xD
zatchbell-2000: Cool
GrandMasta: :3
GrandMasta: Cuz dats how kewl fire is. :]
zatchbell-2000: Inari Beads
zatchbell-2000: ....
zatchbell-2000: Midnight T-t
zatchbell-2000: T-T*
GrandMasta: Huh?
GrandMasta: Who's Midnight? o.o
zatchbell-2000: o.O
Fire_Creater21: 0-0 lol
zatchbell-2000: My bro's b-day ish today biggrin
zatchbell-2000: Chinese food whoooo
El_Pul: *drools*
zatchbell-2000: o-o
zatchbell-2000: Mine D:
El_Pul: not even a tiny little bit to share?? ^_^
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: o_O
zatchbell-2000: o.o
zatchbell-2000: Um idk
zatchbell-2000: xD
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Wait a minute... who is p2?
El_Pul: dunno
zatchbell-2000: Basic rod is awesomeness 8D
El_Pul: think she is dead lol
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Distance Plus is where it's at BD
GrandMasta: ;'D
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Rankin Grover
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: o-o sorry. code.
El_Pul: lol
GrandMasta: heh, seasame street. xP
zatchbell-2000: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QkmS-ayhk4
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: That's what I thought of xD
Fire_Creater21: >_>...is that...Caramelldancen?
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: YES
zatchbell-2000: D:
El_Pul: LMAO
zatchbell-2000: No
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: With brawl
zatchbell-2000: DX
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: it's awesome
zatchbell-2000: XD
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: I love that vid 8D
zatchbell-2000: biggrin
Fire_Creater21: -recognized the link-...sorry, don't need that addiction right now XD
zatchbell-2000: D;
Fire_Creater21: I prefer Everthing you want XD
zatchbell-2000: Listen to it D:
zatchbell-2000: NOOOOOWWWW
zatchbell-2000: XD
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Listen to it or I'll rick roll you
zatchbell-2000: XD
El_Pul: lol
Fire_Creater21: Bring it! Lol jk
El_Pul: addicting little song >_>
zatchbell-2000: D:
zatchbell-2000: But it's awesome :]
zatchbell-2000: xD
El_Pul: it was my gambino's competition theme song last month XD
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NpBGyrTRe0&feature=related
zatchbell-2000: Fine you wanna see Kirby dane <.<
GrandMasta: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJk4N9gEEmk
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Consider yourself Lucario'd
zatchbell-2000: Huh fire D<
Fire_Creater21: >_>...
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NpBGyrTRe0&feature=related <- LUCARIO ROLL'D D:
zatchbell-2000: D;
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Come on, watch it, it's a dancing lucario
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: :[
zatchbell-2000: XD
zatchbell-2000: ok
El_Pul: lol
Fire_Creater21: ...lol...so many links floating around now XD
zatchbell-2000: XD
El_Pul: LMAO
zatchbell-2000: Lucario ;D
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: ;3
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Somebody lucario roll'd me today and I was like 'that's so jive'
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: [=
zatchbell-2000: xD
zatchbell-2000: Dance lucario 8D
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: He never stops! BD
El_Pul: lol
zatchbell-2000: *throws 5 bucks at him*
zatchbell-2000: 8D
El_Pul: the song is just too slow to be this month competing theme song XD
El_Pul: might fall asleep
zatchbell-2000: xD
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Here's a guy in a lucario suit... phayling the caramelldansen...
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiZTbdZSTLI&feature=related]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiZTbdZSTLI&feature=related
zatchbell-2000: I bet 1k gold that I can finish this bucket with just basic rod :]
GrandMasta: Zatch that's easy. xD
zatchbell-2000: XD
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Me too, so if you do, I get 1k, right?
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: 8D
zatchbell-2000: No I do xD
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Ripoff ; o;
zatchbell-2000: D;
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: o-o watch the funny man doing the caramelldansen very badly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiZTbdZSTLI&feature=related
zatchbell-2000: ;-;
zatchbell-2000: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGmF1bCrF0Y&feature=related
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: ROOOOOYYYY
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: ;n;
zatchbell-2000: XD
GrandMasta: Capt. Falcon pwns a$$. ;'D
zatchbell-2000: XD
zatchbell-2000: Woah ;o
zatchbell-2000: 1 trash in bucket biggrin
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Falcon paawwwwnch! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNvbPzSTpPI
zatchbell-2000: XD
zatchbell-2000: I told you Basic rod is the best razz
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: I should go buy one
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: :B
zatchbell-2000: XD
zatchbell-2000: *dives into water*
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Since I have only distance and distance plus
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: o=
zatchbell-2000: *jumps out of water and everyone sees clones of me*
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: O:
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: shenanigans
zatchbell-2000: *throws my deadly dark star at everyone*
GrandMasta: :0
GrandMasta: Who wants to go to rally with me? ^^
zatchbell-2000: XD
El_Pul: *uses p2 to cover*
zatchbell-2000: xD
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: xD
GrandMasta: D;
Fire_Creater21: Pul...that's sorta...bad XD
Fire_Creater21: Oh well, she's dead anyhow XD
El_Pul: exactly! XD
Fire_Creater21: p2...Talk if you wanna live! -in Arnold's voice- XD
zatchbell-2000: *dark star go poof*
El_Pul: lol
zatchbell-2000: fire you have the star biggrin
zatchbell-2000: so throw it XD
Fire_Creater21: Hehe, fine ^_^.
GrandMasta: I'll be in the one that always has the most people. d: In "Jesseghost's room" ;'D
Fire_Creater21: lol...-rears back and throws the star "to" Masta.-
GrandMasta: D;
GrandMasta: What star? O.O
zatchbell-2000: o.o
zatchbell-2000: xD
Fire_Creater21: Masta, have you not played Frisbee XD?
zatchbell-2000: *gets in front of Masta to save his life*
GrandMasta: ;'D
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: *fishes*
GrandMasta: zatch is ahsum
zatchbell-2000: You owe me masta >.>
zatchbell-2000: xD
GrandMasta: D;
zatchbell-2000: *gets in the sky and throws star to Masta*
GrandMasta: COME ND JOIN ME. mad
zatchbell-2000: Masta you suck at this game ;-;
GrandMasta: What game? Dx
zatchbell-2000: Flapjack wanna play :p
zatchbell-2000: Um nvm
zatchbell-2000: THIS RP GAME o.o
GrandMasta: Oh.xP
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: oO ?
GrandMasta: I don't rp. xD
Fire_Creater21: Hey, Zatch...are you still going to post the Star Game on the forums?
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: I don't deal well with confusion X-x
zatchbell-2000: Yes I will DX
zatchbell-2000: Don't rush me :[
Fire_Creater21: lol, I'm not XD...I was just checking ^_^
El_Pul: lol.. nice going zatch
GrandMasta: zatch hurry with th game. >_>
zatchbell-2000: What game T-T
zatchbell-2000: O.O
zatchbell-2000: XD
GrandMasta: biggrin
zatchbell-2000: Well you still need to catch the star <.>
GrandMasta: :3
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: firmly grasp it in your hand
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: O:
zatchbell-2000: xD
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: fiiiirmly grasp iitt
zatchbell-2000: Nvm masta <.<
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: BD I wear my sunglasses... att niiiight
zatchbell-2000: *throws Star at muko*
El_Pul: *kicks back to fire*
Fire_Creater21: -throws biter at star to block it-
zatchbell-2000: A deadly star at about 1 foot long with deadly sharp blades o.o
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: *fishes* O:
El_Pul: bitters are hard stuff XD
Fire_Creater21: Biters are like stone man XD.
zatchbell-2000: XD
Fire_Creater21: -picks star up and hands it to Emo-...give it a whirl ;p
El_Pul: brb... 5 mins
Fire_Creater21: kk
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: o___o I don't know what to do with it!
Fire_Creater21: Throw...
Fire_Creater21: It...
Fire_Creater21: At...
Fire_Creater21: Someone...
Fire_Creater21: lol
zatchbell-2000: Try to kill someone o.o
zatchbell-2000: xD
zatchbell-2000: Cx
Fire_Creater21: Basically XD
El_Pul: back
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: xD Well...
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: P2 is already dead...
Fire_Creater21: wb Pul XD
El_Pul: ty
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: -sticks star in puls back- you can have it. I don't feel like killing people BD
zatchbell-2000: XD
El_Pul: i do.. >_>
Fire_Creater21: XD
El_Pul: *grabs star jumps and throws it as hard as he can to zatch*
zatchbell-2000: ;_;
zatchbell-2000: OMG
GrandMasta: -intercepts it and puts in my pants- :3
El_Pul: LMAO
zatchbell-2000: o.o
zatchbell-2000: XD
zatchbell-2000: Nice one ;'D
Fire_Creater21: Anyone got disinfectant spray XD
GrandMasta: anyone dare to reach? :0
Fire_Creater21: I vote Zatch to retrieve it >_>
zatchbell-2000: Um sure I will get it >.<
El_Pul: lol
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: It's in my pants. o=
GrandMasta: eww. -takes it out and throws it to fire- ;'D
zatchbell-2000: o.o
zatchbell-2000: OMG
zatchbell-2000: DX
zatchbell-2000: give me that
zatchbell-2000: <.>
zatchbell-2000: *graps the star*
zatchbell-2000: <.<
zatchbell-2000: MASTA D<
GrandMasta: ^^
zatchbell-2000: *tries to slice Masta's head off*
GrandMasta: que?
GrandMasta: D:
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: o3o -jumps in ocean and lives happily forever after with the fishies-
GrandMasta: I'm too kewl to die. *)
GrandMasta: * cool
zatchbell-2000: *washes star in the lake*
Fire_Creater21: -then Emo gets eaten by a shark-
Fire_Creater21: lol jk
zatchbell-2000: XD
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Awww x3
zatchbell-2000: *puts habd in pocket*
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: I'm too tough for sharks
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: >:O
zatchbell-2000: hand*
El_Pul: piranas, sharks and barracudas.. not ur day emo
zatchbell-2000: xD
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Man, I hate getting killed by brain food
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: ;n;
zatchbell-2000: *swiftly turns and throws star at Fire*
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: I should go to the supermarket... and go to the vender dude... ask for fish... and then scream o:
zatchbell-2000: xD
El_Pul: lol
Fire_Creater21: -jumps up and kicks it toward Pul and Emo-
El_Pul: *takes strenght rod and whacks the star towards masta*
zatchbell-2000: XD
zatchbell-2000: Strength rod=Hard as a rock biggrin
El_Pul: mhm -nods-
GrandMasta: -kicks the star back to zatch and also throws a pillow at zatch's face-
zatchbell-2000: ;_;
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Ewww hard as a rock
zatchbell-2000: xD
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: o=
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: Battletoads... that game was so fun
zatchbell-2000: *ducks and let's star go to Fire*
zatchbell-2000: Oh crap o.o
GrandMasta: xD
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: @BD -> BD You see this? This is my new haircut.
zatchbell-2000: My hair T-T
zatchbell-2000: Fire cuts my hair...then Masta cuts my hair T-T
GrandMasta: I'ma go to gambino. xP
GrandMasta: See you guys later. ^^
Fire_Creater21: 0-0...-blocks and knocks it back with frostbite blade-
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: -cuts my own hair*
Emo Mist3r Flapjackz: 0-0
zatchbell-2000: Then Pul will cut my hair Dx
Fire_Creater21: Later Mata ;p
GrandMasta: D;
Fire_Creater21: Masta*
zatchbell-2000: So much horrow T-T
El_Pul: cya masta

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