Aquarium fish, booty Grabbing, and your budget Part 1 |
Now, I'm certain that you are likely one of the two types of gaian's I have come across along the lines of your opinion of Booty grab.
A. You believe that it's the greatest thing in the world to run a tank, and makes you oodles and oodles of gold.
B. You believe it is just another gold sink to try and make your own tank.
In both respects, these are both, very correct answers.
Owning a booty grab tank, can be a fantastic opportunity to earn gold on gaia. On the off hand, if done improperly, you can suffer major losses. How can you be certain your tank is worth the risk? that's what I'm here to talk to you about.
It turns out, there are not many "Bad" fish out there, for booty grabbing. And those that seem like they might be, tend to have a decent priced drop, to make up for the difference in your earnings, and the cost of the fish themselves.
For a nice example, I'm going to look at two very different priced tanks.
The all Loved, Always grabbed, Giant Stone coatl Tank. [Pro Tank]
And, the Not so cared for, Witch Doctor Tank. [n00b tank]
So far, it's clear to see the price difference between these two monsters.
Giant Stone Coatls can range in price from 300,000(300k) to 440,000(440k) As opposed to Witch Doctors, that are sold automatically from Phin Phang, for 10,000(10k)
You may be wondering why I would suggest a Witch doctor tank for a person just starting booty grab. Well, let's look into the over all costs for a full tank, so you can see a bit more of why.
A full Coatl tank, by the calculations we've got right here, would range from 5,100,000 gold (5.1M) to 7,480,000 gold (7.48 M).
Edit: Made some mathmatical errors. =w=" Going to re-review the witch doctor sections.
A witch Doctor tank, will cost a small percentage of that cost, at 170,000 gold(170k)
Now, don't get me wrong, you get a LOT more gold from a coatl per second, but it isn't economical for someone new to the system to go for the behemoths.
I've done some crazy long winded searching, and found a source that says, that a giant stone coatl, can throw out about 96 gold every 60 seconds. that's without power ups. =O So, at that rate, with all their coins getting gobbled up (or at least most of them) you can expect players to earn a nice chunk of gold for you. At least 1,000 per game, isn't unreasonable of a score. But how many people would have to play for you to earn your money back? Looking into some rough estimates I made, it can take anywhere from 61, to 80 plays per day over the course of it's 56 day life span.
Games max out at 30 players, so this isn't unusual, if you max out 2-3 games a day.
For a witch doctor, you will find that it is a much different story. For starters, they only toss out 15 gold every 60 seconds. Yup, 15 gold a minute without powerups. Looking at it in the same respect, you may see scores a lot closer to 200 or so, rather then the glamorous 1,000 that a Coatl can bring. But that draw back, is worth the investment. Compared to the Coatl, you need approximately 24 grabbers a day, earning that kind of score, over 28 days to earn your money back. These monsters glow rather frenquently, and if you have a few friends willing to grab your tank, then you could easily earn your gold back, and then some. The 17k investment grows quiet quickly after this initial start up.
Now, let's take a look into the idea, of these two monsters, as an individual. Rather then looking at the tank full price, let's see how much you can expect these monsters to pull their own weight.
A giant stone coatl, it can glow easily, 4-5 times a day, dropping those 96 coins. This means, if 1 player grabs all of it's coins all 4 times it glows, you'll be making about 384 from that one player alone. Unfortunatly, that means that with only a single player grabbing your tank, you've earned 21,504 gold (21k). What are you to do?? Well, it seems that in it's life span, it had only earned you 224 plays. In order to earn you back all of the gold, in it's life span, it may need to have anywhere between 3416 plays, to
The Witch doctor, can have a more laid back feel. Glowing 3-5 times a day, it drops it's 15 coins in a more careless spread. If you can convince one of your friends, to hunt down that doctor for all his coins, 3 times a day for you, you can see that you are earning 45 gold per day they stalk that little fellow. This means, that one player will pull in only 1260 gold for you. Seems pretty small right? Well let's look at the ratio's for the two monsters next.
For a coatl, you have earn back 21,5014 gold with a single grabber 4 times a day, compared to it's 300,000 gold cost. so, rounding it, we have 2:30, or a 1/15 gold returned for a single play for all glows in a day, every day, for 56 days.
Our witch doctor, can snag you a lifetime of 1260 gold, with a single grabber 3 times a day, compared to it's 10,000 gold cost. So, rounding it around to 100:12, or 3/25, we can see which of these growths is larger, by percentage.
We have earnings that increase by 12% per 3 plays for our witch doctor, and a our coatl goes up about 6% every 4 plays. Pretty crazy right?
Mathmatically, you are more likely to get your return with a witch doctor, then a Coatl, BUT you are socially more able to get your coatl grabbed, then your doctor.
All in all, here's my results....
If you are just starting to own a booty grab tank, Do 2 months with the witch doctors, to save up your gold. It's a great idea, and you only need 3-4 friends, willing to grab it daily, while you go around and advertise your tank every glow or two. Get to know glow thread runners, and talk to them about your plans to expand, and you may just end up on their thread anyway. =O I suggest the the thread advertised on my profile, it has a beginner's section, that is for people who have tanks that are still on their way up.
If you've got the time and the gold, go for coatls. The investment isn't only in gold, but in time! Expect to tell 10-15 friends you are glowing a day, and toss around your link in many bump threads. You won't have trouble getting into a group glow thread either! Your socially accepted fish, make it easy. Arch Angle Neko is a person you may want to talk to once you have a full tank ready to set up.
Lord Emeron · Wed Mar 07, 2012 @ 07:31pm · 0 Comments |