
Current Quest- Custom Shounen Price- ?? (not sure yet xDD)
Name: Hikari Position: Uke Eyes: Bright pink Hair: White or pale blonde Skin: Animal: Swan (Most likely but would also like-White cat, dove, or ?) Clothing: Personality: Hikari is a very cheerful uke, he always tries to find the good in everything. He will do anything for others, but Hikari is often too good to others. Even going as far to sacrifice his own happiness, though he would never admit it. Deep down Hikari is always afraid of being alone, he hates it more than anything. History:
Name: *pending* Postition: Uke Eyes: Blue, his right eye would have a scar going over it. Hair: Long, blonde, and up in a ponytail. Side-bangs would slightly cover his scarred eye. Skin: Animal: Clothing: Personality: Because of his history, he is timid in large crowds and would rather be with a few people he trusts. Even that is hard for him though, since it takes him a while to trust anyone. But once you gain his trust, you'll find that he is really just a love-starved little boy. Being alone for so long made History: When he was about 5, thieves raided his town. Almost everyone in the small town was killed, including his family. He was badly injured (as can be seen by the scar on his eye and on his back) but lived. After being cared for by a monk, he lived alone and sucluded, afraid of the world that took his family and friends.
I'm trying to organize my pets better, so I made a new entry :'D heart

 Because she is just so beautiful in both stages whee

LavenderMantis · Sun Feb 25, 2007 @ 03:37pm · 0 Comments |
Pictures cause I feel like it.

big sunglasses rock. <3
Goodnight, GoodnightYou're embarassing me. You're embarassing you. 
LavenderMantis · Sat Sep 24, 2005 @ 04:53pm · 9 Comments |