christmas gifts already? @__@
thanks you faye!!
4laugh heart *GASP* another one for sleinah! XDD
santa? @__@ i wonder who that could be
ninja from panda!
heart also don't kow who this is from @__@ (but i will find out.. since the person will be revealed when it opens XDD)
From panda!! again
whee heart and from crystal!!
heart from chibi!!
4laugh from yuki
whee another from chained
whee heart from crystal
whee from chenali XDD
heart from panda.. again!! XDD
from star!! it's so shiny @___@
from .. someone..
ninja sercret list1 :
1. ~Star.x.Light~
2. Public` Affair`
3. ELLiePeaR626
4. chenali
5. Star Sorceress
6. [chainedfaye]
7. miss neon
8. bored_easily
9. Emi
10. Crystal_sakuya
11. o0o0 D3nis3 o0o0
12. Panda.Gal
13. N y a m o `(dalki)
14. Devon de Dante
15. [Intuitive]
16. baby_dolll
17. Sleinah
18. sarahoh105
19. Yukinohana
20. Puppy.Gal
21. Starxxlight
22. .Silver.Pegasus.
23. ratthief
24. Moorina
25. Lykopis
26. weddingsakura
27. ChibiKyubi
28. x_Sherry_x
29. meggo-waffle
30. gigi_raykon_
31. DevilEx
32. mokki
list 2