Today I got my port taken out. For those of you that don't know, I got diagnosed with cancer last March. The cancer was Lymphnoma, I was later treated with 6 months of chemo therapy, which they inject into you through a port. They use ports now because back then some chemo would burn your skin when touched on skin contact, on top of it with the constant injections it would soon wear down your veins and you would have to find a new spot to inject your chemo into. (Much like a druggie who's veins go out do to excessive needle injections).
The port is out because I'm in remission and there is no point in keeping it there because normally with people that have lymphnoma they really don't end up getting a reassurance. In 5 years from now ill be counted as "cured", I cant wait!
07DeadlySins · Sat May 22, 2010 @ 06:49am · 0 Comments |
D: Im engaged! *giggles hysterically* No but seriously... my boyfriend proposed to me Saturday: December 19th 2009! <3 <3 <3
To sum the story up, he proposed when we were on a "Horse and Carriage" ride through seattle. It was sooo freaking romantic.
07DeadlySins · Mon Dec 21, 2009 @ 11:52am · 0 Comments |
Seriously... these pointless updates on cash shop items that have already been released, and have already been in a past announcement are fing annoying. Ontop of that im browsing and I see that stupid little "mysterious Luck Chest" click on to find out. OH! I need to spend real money to actually get this item. Get this crap off my gaia page, I dont spend real money on gaia anymore... I dont care to log in every day to find out that they press the matter even further in pointless announcements or "surprise" dailie pop ups. I JUST DONT CARE!
Its sad to think that a site I loved and enjoyed has become so commercialized after its sale to a CEO that I cant even find a reason to get on much anymore.
*sigh* I miss go-gaia... anyone else?
07DeadlySins · Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 07:19pm · 0 Comments |
So I got my wisdom teeth taken out, and man is my jaw sore, and on the left side its all swelled up and hurting mad Im out of it because they gave me alot of drugs, ones the anti-biotic. But then they gave me a high dosage of asprin, oxi, and even vicoden. I dont need to take the pain killers really aside from the aprin, I took one oxi last night before bed and was out like a light. I think what sucks the most is trying to eat. My thoat is sore as <f> and im having a hard time swallowing without the food touching the wounds. Im bascially in the mood now not to eat, which bothers me. Atleast I can drink water fairly well and some times juice if the swelling is down.
The fun part in all this (yes there is one surprisingly!) they gave me an IV while I sat in the chair. I thought they would tell me to count back or something. But all I remember is looking at the IV going into my arm and boom! I cant remember even fading out, I must have just went out like a light then woke up in a daze and had no clue what people were saying to me or what was going on aside from something being in my mouth (later on finding out it was gauze) I couldn't even walk well that it took two people to help me into the car. D: Yes I do find that part fun, silly isnt it?
Well.. good luck to any that havent got theirs taken out. Its annoying mad
07DeadlySins · Fri Aug 22, 2008 @ 04:55pm · 0 Comments |
Joking aside... since most of my entries are not serious ones... here is one for the books.
So ive turned 21, and yet again I start to reflect back on my life... what ive done... what I havent. To be honest with myself... I feel like my childhood moved by too fast... that I accomplished little... when I have opporotunities to do much more. Im not fully happy with myself yet, but im getting there. I try hard to be a good person, and look at everyones views, since many dont do that with myself.
I know I could go other places career wise... but as of late... or for a half a year now... I feel that no matter what I do in life... it will be like any other job. I'll maybe enjoy it at first, like the people... and seem to be happy with where I am... til I get sick of it... tired of the people and not so happy with where I am. No matter what im doing, even if its what I was going to college for, for a while... I feel that it will all be the same. People may argue the case "Hey your atleast doing what you like, blah blah blah." But I guess im just not one of those people pleased with working... or keeping busy. Im a simple person, layed back... and yes I admit im at times lazy, but who isnt? For now... im content with my crap jobs... and until I see otherwise... ill try for something else.
As for why this entry was originally intended... here is the quote that stuck out to me. (I found it in another gaian's profile.)
"If you are not sure where you stand in someone's life, it's best to leave things behind so that if they drop you off, it will be easier to forget them. Don't waste your time for nothing, when efforts are not recognized, it's best to just give up. You've done your part, let them do theirs."
Although im not one for giving up... in this instance it made me think about the people in my life. This quote express soooo much of how I feel as of late. There are people that come and go out of your life, no matter how much you try to hold on to that little bit of friendship with them. Sometimes... you just gotta realize... "Hey I have tried hard to be friends with this person... now I just have to let go and let them take the reins." Friendship isnt a one way street, its not held together by one person, there are two of you... and two of you should be making the effort.
I think its time for me to give up on trying to make plans, working so hard to keep things together with these people. If they are my friends... they will put forth effort also... if not... oh well. We had good times and I wont dwell on the past, I'll miss hanging out with you of course...
But life is life... and sometimes we just need to learn to grow up.
07DeadlySins · Tue Feb 26, 2008 @ 09:00pm · 0 Comments |
So durem was the team I choose during the water wars. Was fun, got a bunch of free art for bumping threads. smile
 And here is my sig I made for the event... what can I say? I just had to :O
07DeadlySins · Mon Sep 10, 2007 @ 08:56pm · 0 Comments |
Adoption, am I ready for this?! |
<FINALLY>!! Gaia manages to finally make a silver halo... which isnt a rumor... which isnt a Aprils joke... nope the real thing! Ive been waiting FOREVER... I had gold... always have >_< and for years I wanted a silver halo... I love the idea of a halo... just not a gold one.
:3 YAYZ to you gaia! For finally coming out with a good enough donation letter this year for once... *cough*
07DeadlySins · Tue Jun 19, 2007 @ 04:34am · 0 Comments |
Finally got the last item ive ever wanted on gaia, that being the nm scarf xD All I have to do is get 800k back to pay back a friend who was lovely and nice to loan me gold for holding onto my items. :3 So thank you much mothy!
Shouldnt take me long till I have enough gold to buy back my stockings ill miss and then ill be back where I wanted able to help people finish their quests, to repay back the nice people that helped me!
07DeadlySins · Fri May 11, 2007 @ 12:22am · 0 Comments |