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panrykari's wizdom anything and everything

Community Member
ok to answer all the replys ive gotten on the journal "the diff" the true answer is both a man of the world sould aslo be a man of god and visversa because a man of the world takes care of the world while a man of god wants people to believe in god. if u where to take both of them and combine them we would have a healthy would and a rly rly strong religion... have u ever thought about that ???

the diff
This is the difference between men of god and men of the world.

A man of god is pretty obviouse term. Now people who I call men of the world are your doctors, soldiers, policemen, teachers, etc.

A man of god: Tells stories from a book with no author, to fix a problem
A man of the world: Sees a problem, researches it, and the writes a book on what he finds

A man of god: Tries to force his beliefs on those around him
A man of the world: Teaches fact to those around him

A man of god: Say if you don't believe what I do, then you are ********
A man of the world: Makes his beliefs available to others, and leaves it at that

A man of god: Goes to a monistary, and cuts himself off from the rest of the world
A man of the world: Cuts himself off from everything he knows, to help the rest of the world

A man of god: Sees how bad this world is getting and speaks out behind a podium
A man of the world: Sees how bad things are getting, and dies in a place far from his home trying to make it right again.

Now since you all know your Bibles so well... Riddle me this... Who's actions are more "Christ like"?

Community Member

Community Member
ok im really really board so im going to make a list of ways to get rid of them and maybe just maybe i mite listen to one of em....
1. play games
2. play on the computer
3. talk to your bf/gf
4. read a book
5. fight with family
6. really do your homework
7. get your little sibling in trouble
8. sleep
9. drive like crazy down a drag strip
10. write this crazy thing...hey i did one like i said i would razz

ok theres 10 ways to get rid of boardom if u try all of em and your still board than your hopeless and i cant help u smile sorry
have a good day


This was pretty cute... I liked it.

Soldiers come in all shapes, shades, weights, sizes, and states of sobriety, misery, and confusion. He is sly as a fox, has the nerve of a dope addict, the stories of an old sailor, the sincerity of a politician, and the subtly of Mt. Saint Helen. He is extremely irresistible, totally irrational and completely indestructible.

A Soldier is a Soldier all his life. He is a magical creature. You
can kick him out of your house but not out of your heart. You can take him off your mailing list but not off your mind. Soldiers are found everywhere... in love...in battle... in lust... in trouble...in
debt...in bars and ... behind them. No one can write so seldom and yet think so much of you. No one else can get so much enjoyment out of a letter or clean clothes or a six pack.

A Soldier is a genius with a deck of cards. A millionaire without a cent and brave without a grain of sense. He is the Protector of America, with the latest copy of playboy in his back pocket. When he wants something it's usually 30 days leave, music that hurts the ears, a five dollar bill...or a woman he can count on.

Girls love them, mothers tolerate them, fathers brag about them, the government pays them too little, the police watch out for them and somehow they all work together. You can beat their bodies but not their minds.

You can tame their hearts but not their souls. He likes girls,
females, women, ladies, and the opposite sex. He dislikes small
checks, working weekends, answering letters, missing chow, waking up, maintaining a uniform, and the day before payday.
You may as well give in. HE IS YOUR LONG DISTANCE LOVER...he is
your steel eyed, warm smiling, blank minded, hyperactive, over reacting, curious, passive, talented spontaneous, physically fit, good for nothing bundle of worry.....
And will always be there for you regardless of how long its been since you've last talked.

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Community Member
This is one of the few bulletins I feel are worth reposting. Learn to speak/spell English ********! Did you ever think that maybe this is why the rest of the world hates us so much? Maybe its because we have everything and act like ******** morons!
I am not predgiduce. I could give two shits less what color your ******** skin is. I judge a person on character.

This is what I believe. In the MODERN world there is no such thing as as Racism. Its only ignorence and stupidity. There are only idividuals that ******** it up for everyone else, I swear to god! I have never ONCE seen, in all my travels and educated black guy say "We aint got no good jobs, them crackers are oppressin us!". By the same token I have heard an educated white guy say "Damn niggers are takin all our jobs". I could list more references, but that seems to be the two colors you stupid ******** seem to fixate on. Now you can say "Well we aint got no money" all you ******** want! Its called PUBLIC EDUCATION assholes! Do good in school, instead of haning out with your homies, and you will get good grades(that's lack of education). "But Dr. Baron Von Evil Gauthier, we can't afford no college" Well ******** if you didn't squander your first twelve years of school than you would be able to get scholorships. If you did get good grades and are still complaining, do you know what that is? ******** LAZINESS!!! I have a friend that is Czekloslovakian. She is a MINORITY. She got good grades and is funding her own a** through college on scholarships alone! IF SHE CAN DO IT SO CAN YOU! You ******** stinky, lazy a**, wastes of space need to get up and go get your ******** the government will FUND YOU for that). Make something of youselves! Contribute to socioty and the ******** economy. If thats too much to ask you need to go trace your liniage back to wherever the ******** you came from, move back there and DRAG THEM DOWN instead of US!
Now when I say this please take my meaning as its meant to be. Ghetto does not mean black. Ghetto means STUPID LAZY ********! What I want to know is, since when did being stupid, lazy and ignorent become the COOL THING TO DO! Personally I want to better myself. I choose friends that keep my mind challenged and entertained. I DO NOT look for friends so I can say "yeah I suck, but you're just as ******** dumb as I am", so I can feel okay about myself. I talked to a chemistry major a couple of weeks ago. She made be feel like a stupid child, but she was funny and smart. I can't wait to chat her up some more! With this I tell you: If you walk, talk, or speak ghetto you are ******** WRONG!

Now... I give you the bulletin that spurred this...

Leroy is a 20 year-old 5th grader.


This is Leroy's homework
assignment. He must use each vocabulary word in a sentence.

1. Hotel - I gave my girlfriend crabs, and the ho tel everybody.

2. Dictate - My girlfriend say my dictate good.

3. Rectum - I had two Cadillac's, but my b***h rectum

4. Disappointment - My parole officer tol' me if I
miss disappointment they gonna send me back to the joint.

5. p***s - I went to the doctors and he handed me a
cup and said

6. Israel - Tito try to sell me a Rolex. I say, "Man,
it look fake."
He say, "Bullshit, that watch israel ."

7. Undermine - There's a fine lookin' ho living in the

8. Fortify - I axed this ho on da street, "How much?"
say "fortify."

Furthering your education with Today's Ebonic word....

Today's word is: " OMELETTE"

Let us use it in a sentence.

"I should pop yo a** fo what you jus did, but omelette
dis one slide."

the wanna be gamers and the true gamers
OK OK ive been asked a few times by people to explain the difference between real gamers and the wanna be gamers so here are a few of them.

The Wanna be: buys every game just so he can brag about haveing the game
The gamer: buys a game for the challenge

The Wanna be: goes to cheat sites to find out how to beat a hard part
The gamer: stays up hours on end trying to figure out how to get past the hard
part and end the end ends up beating it

The Wanna be: brags about beating the game the fastest
The gamer: takes his time and truely beats the game by getting EVERYTHING

The Wanna be: gets pissed off because he cant beat a part
The gamer: stops at the hard part to take a breather

The Wanna be: puts the game away and never plays it agian after he beats it
The gamer: plays the game over and over and over to make sure he gets

ok there are some i will add more later if i feel like it. but to make people get off my back there is the difference between a wanna be and a true gamer. u can kinda guess where this is going from here so bye

Community Member

Community Member
Ok this world is really going down and i mean down and its getting faster and faster each day like the other day there were people trying to cyber rape people just for fun well heres something to think about YOUR F#$KEN STUPID.. get a freaken like and be something dont waste others people times if u and a few friends wont to do that then do it to each other dont do it to people u dont even know because thats just retarded and it makes u look like idoits which we all know u are!!!
so heres some advice


Goth vs Emo
i meet this guy names emo_king_of_blood or something like that who says emo is better well he is wroung!!! there is a huge diff between the two and here is why goth is better...

ok we will start with emo's here is a list of what they are and what they do
1. they cut themselfs like idoits
2. they sit in the corner and cry like babys
3. they run there mouths and cant back it up
4. they mainly like the same sex
5. emos are people who want to be goth but cant pull it off so they have to come up with something new to try and make it better but in the end THEY SUCK...

ok time for goths here is a list of what they do and what they are...
1. tell people off and back up there words
2. dress in black because they dont want the attetion
3. dont sit and cry in a corner but get out and do what they want
4. want death for everybody because death is only the beginning
5. like the opposit sex
6. write dark gloomy poems and storys to tell the world what is really going on
7. only wear black until they make something darker

ok there is the diff if u dont believe me then screw u!!!
there are just to many to type and i dont have that much time to type it all.
so if u want to comment then comment i really dont care to tell u the truth.

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