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Sadistic Revelation's Role Playing Info. An Encyclopedia All About My Role Playing Characters And Threads.

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My Role Playing Characters
My Mutant Role Play Characters;

These Characters are my creation, so if you wish to use or refer to them please ask my permission. Some are inspired by other characters.

Full Name: Anna Harriet Burlen
Alias: 'Nightmare'
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Eye Colour: Cold Grey
Hair Colour: Jet Black [Dyed. Was Originally brunette]
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 9 Stone 12 lbs
Likes: Her rock music, her art work, making friends.
Dislikes: The Brotherhood of Outcasts, Order 'Extermination', Anti-Mutant activity, her mutant powers.
Appearance: [Images shall be uploaded soon]
Biography: Before Anna's mutant gift emerged, she wasn't exactly 'accepted'. Her taste in heavy rock music, black clothes, and gothic culture made her a bit of an outcast at school. But she made friends eventually, finding people who liked to paint there nails black and wear long black coats. To the people who didn't know her she seemed quiet, and a little cold and bad mooded. But having to look after 3 brothers, and having a father who was always away on 'business', her bad moods were bound to get a hold of her more often than usual. Her father, a Mr Rick Burlen, often told her how much she was like her mother, who suffered from depression, and that she needed to perk up at school.

Deep down Anna had always wanted to be something different, something not many other kids were, something that stood out. She knew that she would never be popular, she didn't have the looks, body or attitude, and she couldn't be one of those cool super hereos who had awesome powers that she read about in her comics. So it was then that she decided to become a 'Goth' as the people at school said. Everyone associated this with a cry for attention, and just taunted her for it. However, on June 14th 2006, Anna found out she was different, just not in the best way...

After another day of hectic and stressful school, Anna rushed home as normal, knowing the only thing that awaited her was cleaning and cooking for her brothers. As usual anger flooded through her, at the fact that her Father was always away, but came back with scraps of money, just enough to live on. And her Father constantly told her she needed to start making her grades raise, when he left her to look after the family, leaving her hardly any time for school work. However, coming in, the anger was washed away as he father had already cleaned the house and cooked dinner. She was bursting with happiness as her father told her he was going to change, and took her into a deep embrace. But something was wrong. As Anna placed her arms around his neck, it was as though someone had taken the breath out of her, and a tiny film was playing in her head. Images rushing around, blurring her vision.. A man striking a younger Rick.. A shabby looking boy walking the streets begging for money.. A brunette headed woman and a healthy looking Rick on there wedding day.. Rick coming in to find his wife attempting to drown there second youngest son.

Anna broke away, while her father gasped for breath, terror plain in his eyes. Attempting to calm him down, Anna knew she had done something. Her father suffered from extreme Caulaustrophobia, and was muttering about being 'trapped in a box'. She dialed the emergency services, and watched as they strapped him to the small wheeled bed as he attempted to violently strangle them. She had made her own father go insane. She was a mutant. Leaving a note for anyone that came round for her rounger brothers, and grabbing her possesions, Anna ran from the house that night, living on scraps in bins. It was a few weeks after the incident, that Anna was passing a TV store, with a live broadcast of Order 'Extermination'.

And now Anna is on the run from the MEA [Mutant Extermination Agents], and hopes to find refuge at the Xavier Mansion, which she has heard is a safe place for mutants, and a place of learning were mutants can learn to control there powers...

Mutant Powers: Anna's powers, like a certain Southern Belle's, negate the simple action of coming in skin-to-skin contact with another mutant or human. Her mutated genes secrete a leeching effect, taking the victim's worst memories and convinces them they are seeing there deepest fears. This causes them great phsyical agony, and if the contact is prolonged can induce mild Paranioa or Insanity.
Relations:Mother; Harriet Collen [Deceased], Father; Rick Burlen. Brothers; James Burlen, Sam Burlen, Josh Burlen.
Other: Hates the Brotherhood of Outcasts with a passion.

Full Name: Maxim 'Max' Morris
Alias: Psionis
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Eye Colour: Sapphire Blue
Hair Colour: Dull Blonde
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 11 Stone 4 lbs
Likes: Ice Cream, Playing with his powers, Hurting MEA.
Dislikes: Being on the run, Sleeping rough, Seeing people hurt his friends.
Appearance: [Images shall be uploaded soon]
Biography: Always being pampurred and fussed over, Max found it hard when his rich and noble family began to take a dislike to him. Ever since 10 years old his family had started to become distant. When questioned, they would simply say he was being stupid. But Max was far from stupid, his amazing brain granted him top grades, and even a secure scholarship at one of Salem's top university's. He worked even harder, determined to gain his parent's and family's attention and loving again, but they remained as cold as ever. Because of his slightly pompus attitude due to his rich up bringing, and his solid devotion to acheiving top grades, Max was a loner at school. Some students used to say he was a bit of a freak, and teachers even said he 'repelled' students, as if he had a strange aurora around him.

However, at the start of the year, Max began to experience agonising head aches, and objects wriggled and moved around him. Max turned to his family for advice, and was shocked when they told him that he was a mutant. The same day, he was abandoned, and left for dead miles away from his manor. Spending days walking, trying to find a town or city, it was in these times that Max began to train his powers, trying them out on little things. As he arrived in Salem, Order 'Extermination' was issued. Stealing as much as he could, Max fled back to the country side, vowing to hurt any MEA he could. His anger overtook his usual kind and quiet nature as that night he almost killed a squadron of MEA.

Max's powers are greatly advanced for his age, and he occasionaly finds out new possibilites. However, his growing powers puts great pressure on his mind and body, so that he regulary loses energy at a faster rate than normal. Hearing from other mutants on the run of a great mansion in Salem, where mutants can learn to control there powers, Max seeks refuge in the walls of the Xavier Mansion.

Mutant Powers Has the Psionic ability to move and levitate objects and himself [Telekenisis], able to move small objects with the slight twitch of his hands. Can open 'Mind Channels' enabling him to Communicate with someone through there mind. Also by coming in skin-to-skin contact with someone on there head area, he can numb the cells and nerves in there brain, numbing pain or making someone tempoarily brain dead.
Relations: Mother; Lady Gwen Morris, Father; Lord Richard Morris, Uncle; Lord Harry Morris, Cousin; Miss Wendy Morris.
Other: Has an ambition to become a great Actor.

Full Name: Ethan Clarke
Alias: Burst
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Eye Colour: Hazel Brown
Hair Colour: Dark Chocolate
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 10 Stone 6lbs
Likes: Showing off, Using his powers, Laughing
Dislikes:Getting on the bad side of people, Getting beaten in a fight
Appearance: [Images shall be uploaded soon]
Biography:His good looks and loud attitude always gave Ethan a load of attention at School, but to much attention can be bad, as Ethan learned a few days after his 16th birthday. After arguing with his parents again, something that was common in his household with two alcoholic and abusive parents, Ethan stormed out in a rage, intending to visit his girlfriend. But that day he discovered he wasn't a normal teenager.

After being stood up by Carla Romano, his former girlfriend, Ethan became more angry, fuming infact. As he sulked on his way home, he was interjected by a gang of local thigs, whom he had embarrased severley the day before with a few jokes. But now they wanted payback. As he became surrounded by bat-weilding violence crazy men, Ethan's mutant powers emerged. The aftermath being the death of one of the gang members.

Horrified by what he had done, and fully aware of Order 'Extermination', Ethan knew he had no choice but to leave New York, and head to the Xavier Mansion he had heard so much about. Hours later he found himself on the train, cold and hungry. MEA officers burst into his compartment, and by using there specially equipped scanners, identified Ethan as a mutant. They opened fire. Ethan fought back, sending most of them through the windows. As the train grinded to a halt at the station, Ethan departed as fast as he could, while one of the surviving MEA called to base to report another 'Dangerous and Wild' mutant.

Now known by the Goverment, Ethan attempts to reach the Xavier Mansion and stay out of the MEA's way as he hones his powers.

Mutant Powers: By building up a strange energy within his body, Ethan can release this energy in 'Burst Orbs'. Orbs of glowing orange/yellow energy, which explode on contact. By practiscing Ethan has managed to change the size of the orbs, ranging from small enough to flick off his thumb, or bigger than his head. He has also been known to be able to delay the explosion by a few seconds, but this has been only rare occasions
Relations: Mother; Alison Clarke, Father; Terry Clarke Grandmother; Violet Clarke.
Other: Seems to have a crush on most girls his age.

Full Name: Harris Fordson
Alias: Wormhole
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Eye Colour: Emerald Green
Hair Colour: Oak Brunette
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 12 Stone 3lbs
Likes: Having fun with his powers, Getting what he wants, Laughing
Dislikes: Being caught in crimes, Never getting what he wants, Being rejected, Talking about his family.
Appearence: [Images Will Be Uploaded Soon]
Biography: Harris grew up in the exact opposite to Max. Poverty, and poorness. His life revolved around the daily trip to get some water for cooking, and he never attended schooling at any times. His father beat Harris regularly, blaming him for the conditions they lived in when it was his father who refused to work.

When Harris turned 12, his mutant powers manifested, allowing him to escape from his father who flew into a rage and attempted to pulverize Harris with a metal bar. After realising what he was capable of, Harris decided to break free of the poverty he had lived with for so long, and use his powers for gain. For days he committed mass robberies, taking things he'd never had. However, he ran into a young mutant girl during one of his robberies, a girl who had grown up like Harris, she had experienced his side of life. She called herself 'Jagzy' and could turn her fists into solid stone.

Within a few weeks of travelling together, the two fell deeply in love, something Harris had never experienced. He became another boy, his loud, sneering side shut away. He was head over heels for her. However, during one of there team robberies, Harris was creating a wormhole when the shopkeeper attempted to hit him over the head with a chair. Jagzy charged forwards and smashed the mans head in. It was no accident that he died a few mineuts after Harris's and Jagzy's departure. Harris who resented hurting anyone in his robberies confronted Jagzy, and she simply laughed it off, confessing she had done it many times before. Revolted by her behaviour, Harris realised he had fallen in love with a murderer.

Harris had heard of a group, a brotherhood of mutants who planned to 'take expressive and reveloutinary action against the anti-mutant mobs' as the informant had told him. He joined up immdeiatley. Rising through the ranks because of his useful gift and care-free attitude, Harris found himself in the company of Oror Munroe, leader of the Brotherhood Of Outcasts. She explained to him her real morals, plans. He found that the 'expressive' action meant world violence. Zipping his mouth shut, and agreeing with Storm he became one of her 'Elite 5'. Although deep down he knows this isn't the true path he wants, he puts on a face of cruelty and ruthlesness to avoid Storm's electrifying wrath.

Mutant Powers: Harris's powers, in short, enable him to create wormhole like portals in which he can travel through. By using one of his own limbs, be it arms, head or legs, he can melt or mould them into a large jet black disc, hovering vertical in mid air. His limb attatchment still stays in place with his body, and as soon as he steps completley through it, it closes up. Another jet black floating disk opens up in his chosen location, allowing him to step out, and the wormhole shrinks back into his limb, remaking the generic structure. His limbs do not become weak, or loose pigment through this, but they do seem to ache a little.
The range of this ability seems limited to a half a mile and under, however its true extent is not known.
Relations: Father; Jaques Fordson, Mother; Alexis Fordson [Deceased], Cousin; Luke Cutlan
Other: At first, he called himself 'Black Hole', but found Wormhole suited him better.

Full Name: Harris Fordson
Alias: Wormhole
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Eye Colour: Emerald Green
Hair Colour: Oak Brunette
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 12 Stone 3lbs
Likes: Having fun with his powers, Getting what he wants, Laughing
Dislikes: Being caught in crimes, Never getting what he wants, Being rejected, Talking about his family.
Appearence: [Images Will Be Uploaded Soon]
Biography: Harris grew up in the exact opposite to Max. Poverty, and poorness. His life revolved around the daily trip to get some water for cooking, and he never attended schooling at any times. His father beat Harris regularly, blaming him for the conditions they lived in when it was his father who refused to work.

When Harris turned 12, his mutant powers manifested, allowing him to escape from his father who flew into a rage and attempted to pulverize Harris with a metal bar. After realising what he was capable of, Harris decided to break free of the poverty he had lived with for so long, and use his powers for gain. For days he committed mass robberies, taking things he'd never had. However, he ran into a young mutant girl during one of his robberies, a girl who had grown up like Harris, she had experienced his side of life. She called herself 'Jagzy' and could turn her fists into solid stone.

Within a few weeks of travelling together, the two fell deeply in love, something Harris had never experienced. He became another boy, his loud, sneering side shut away. He was head over heels for her. However, during one of there team robberies, Harris was creating a wormhole when the shopkeeper attempted to hit him over the head with a chair. Jagzy charged forwards and smashed the mans head in. It was no accident that he died a few mineuts after Harris's and Jagzy's departure. Harris who resented hurting anyone in his robberies confronted Jagzy, and she simply laughed it off, confessing she had done it many times before. Revolted by her behaviour, Harris realised he had fallen in love with a murderer.

Harris had heard of a group, a brotherhood of mutants who planned to 'take expressive and reveloutinary action against the anti-mutant mobs' as the informant had told him. He joined up immdeiatley. Rising through the ranks because of his useful gift and care-free attitude, Harris found himself in the company of Oror Munroe, leader of the Brotherhood Of Outcasts. She explained to him her real morals, plans. He found that the 'expressive' action meant world violence. Zipping his mouth shut, and agreeing with Storm he became one of her 'Elite 5'. Although deep down he knows this isn't the true path he wants, he puts on a face of cruelty and ruthlesness to avoid Storm's electrifying wrath.

Mutant Powers: Harris's powers, in short, enable him to create wormhole like portals in which he can travel through. By using one of his own limbs, be it arms, head or legs, he can melt or mould them into a large jet black disc, hovering vertical in mid air. His limb attatchment still stays in place with his body, and as soon as he steps completley through it, it closes up. Another jet black floating disk opens up in his chosen location, allowing him to step out, and the wormhole shrinks back into his limb, remaking the generic structure. His limbs do not become weak, or loose pigment through this, but they do seem to ache a little.
The range of this ability seems limited to a half a mile and under, however its true extent is not known.
Relations: Father; Jaques Fordson, Mother; Alexis Fordson [Deceased], Cousin; Luke Cutlan
Other: At first, he called himself 'Black Hole', but found Wormhole suited him better.

Full Name: Sha'ldain Zerenna
Alias: Behemoth
Gender: Female
Age: 38
Eye Colour: Palest White
Hair Colour: Magenta
Height: 7' 4"
Weight: 46 Stone 5lbs
Likes: Crushing things, Hurting People, Doing jobs.
Dislikes: Being beaten, Being bored.
Appearence: [Images Will Be Uploaded Soon]
Biography: From the rocky planet named 'Raskin' a dispatch capsule was sent forth into the Earth's Solar System to find a new planet, a new enviroment to save the dying race of Raskinians from a deathly meteor heading for there planet. 6 members were sent out. None came back. Among them was huge Shal'dain, gifted with monstrous strength and endurance. As the capsule rounded the Earth's moon diseaster struck.

The moon's gravitational field suddenly distorted, sending a floating satelitte straight into the capsule, destroying the engines. The capsule went hurtling to earth, crashing into the Rocky Mountains. 3 members died during the crash, Shal'dain surviving with her husband [Ter'aken] and sister [Shel'darin], attempted to contact Raskin, only to find themselves surrounded by humans. The humans attempted to capture the aliens, cage them like animals. Shal'dain watched Shel'darin be slain, butchered. She became enraged and killed the humans with her bare hands.

The two tried to find somewhere to hide in the mountains, to escape the humans. But once again they were surrounded by humans, not just any humans, MEA. Shal'dain and Ter'aken attempted to fight there way out of the cave they were cornered in, but found no avail. A grenade intended for the two aliens thrown by one of the MEA missed and hit the roof causing a cave in. Ter'aken used what strength he had left to hold the roof up, telling Shal'dain to go. She watched from afar as the roof cascaded in, killing the only one left of her kind on Earth. From that moment on she has hated humans, especially MEA.

She was found by the Brotherhood who recognised her hatred and strength and decided to take her in. She now goes by the name of Behemoth, serving only Storm, and slaying humans and MEA alike.

Mutant Powers: Gifted with her home planets custom strength, muscle mass and endurance, Behemoth really is a behemoth. She can withstand blows from tanks and cannons, crush cars like paper, and on a stressful day can pick up apartment complexes. Her strength rivals that of Juggernaught, and she could easily throw Colossus around.
Relations: Husband; Ter'aken Zerenna, Sister; Shel'darin Mariken
Other: Has very severe Arachnophobia, Raskinians believe the spider to be the ultimate evil.

Full Name: Prototype GambitZ12X Model 4
Alias: GambitZX
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Eye Colour: Ruby Red
Hair Colour: Chalk White
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 15 Stone 8lbs
Likes: To serve Substance.
Dislikes: Failing assignments.
Appearence: [Images Will Be Uploaded Soon]
Biography: Remy LeBeau was formerly known as Gambit, a ex X-man. During an assigment with wife Rogue, they were ambushed by a masked man who called himself 'Substance'. The man overcame them with ease, sending Rogue hurtling off the sky scraper roof uncouncious. Gambit was also knocked uncouncious, having his head smashed into the wall.

He was taken back to Substance's lair, and from then on, was never human. His arms, right leg and left foot external limbs were replaced with light admantanium metal limbs. He was injected with nerve changing chemicals, brain altering micro chips and bio-netic toxins. He was now a cyborg, Substance's greatest invention. His powers were altered, and his new target; Obey Master Substance.

Nothing remains of what was Gambit underneath, that was proven all to well when Rogue came to look for him after a few days. Substance decided to test Gambit's loyalty and ordered him to attack her. He did, with pleasure. He went further than that though, he killed her. Strangled her with his own cyborg hands. He happily presented his master with the body, gloating on succes.

GambitZX now responds and only takes orders from Substance, determined to please his master. His mind has been warped by the alterations and implants put into his brain. He is now longer Remy LeBeau. He is only GambitZX.

Mutant Powers: Before he was changed to the psychotic murderer that is Gambit ZX, Gambit was able to charge objects with a form of kinetic energy, makign them explode on contact. His powers developed, he could create a static field around his mind, making it near impossible for telepaths to itnerfere with his head. He could delay the time of explosion of the charged objects, and activate it by mereley glancing at the object. Now he is changed his abilities are altered. With his new super strong limbs his improved dexterity and speed have been pushed further, along with a base line strength increase. Now, instead of cahrging objects up with Kentic energy, he uses Kenitic energy to create the objects. Anything. Shields, chains, cards, knifes. The objects explode on contact, and can interfere with electrical fields. He usually uses explodable, finger sized diamonds, clubs, spades and hearts.
Relations: Wife; Rogue
Other: Using his newly improved powers, Gambit adds knife blades onto the ends of his staff.

Full Name: James Howlson
Alias: Substance
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Eye Colour: Leaf Green
Hair Colour: Night Black
Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 16 Stone 12 lbs
Likes: Creating things, Getting his own way.
Dislikes: Being beaten, Not getting his own way, Being embarrased.
Appearence: [Images Will Be Uploaded Soon]
Biography: Born a with a brilliant mind, James was always praised at home, but bullied at school. Envied by other students because of his academic abilities, he was always a loner. When not in school, James was creating things at home, making planes and adapting ideas of previously created objects. It was then that his obsession with creating things manifested.

His mutant gifts began to show when he began to attend College, his school work failing as he became amazed and awed by his own powers. Pretty soon he found himself rejected from College, no job and no qualifications. He was useless. Furious at himself he fell into a deep depression, attempting to end his own life. One night, as James stumbled home extremeley drunk, MEA surrounded him. A fight ensued, and he ended up killing them all.

James then became wanted by the goverment, hunted daily. He needed a new project, something to keep him focused and out of Alcoholism. It was then that he decided to capture Gambit. After weeks of planning, and hundreds of plans, one night he finally got his prize. His masterpiece, GambitZX was more loyal than he wanted. He was perfect.

Substance had a small run in with Storm one night, both intending to attack the X-men. The two tried to work together, but James became frustrated with her lack of tactics and planning, and turned on her. He and GambitZX attacked her, almost beating her, before the rest of the Brotherhood showed up and defended her. James has commited countless crimes, but now he plans to execute the perfect plan, and blow up the X-mansion...
Mutant Powers: Jame's like Gambit, uses kentic energy as a weapon. When releasing the energy, he can choose wether to morph it into a thick gas, like fog, which can cloud people's sight. Or change it into burning liquid, thick and gloopy, acid like. Or turn its form into boiling hot bars, able to melt through several sheets of thick metal. He uses his palms and fingers to release the energy.
Relations: Mother; Marilyn Howlson Father; Unknown Sister; Veronica Howlson
Other: Once signed up to the Anti-mutant website.

Full Name: Elizabeth Pearl
Alias: Spectre
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Eye Colour: Snow White
Hair Colour: Snow White
Height: 6'
Weight: 11 Stone
Likes: Her hair, Her nails, Her Appearance.
Dislikes: Having her hair and nails ruined, Being rejected.
Appearance: [Images shall be uploaded soon]
Biography: Ever since Elizabeth was little she had always possessed two crucial gifts a woman needed. Looks and charm. A lot of both. She seemed to give off an aurora of beauty and charm, the type of person that had the hairs rise on the back of your neck, in a good but bad way. She always got her own way at home and school, naturally gaining popularity due to her looks, she was surrounded by adoring boys and jealous girls.

It was not until she began her career as a teacher that her gifts began to manifest, first taking shape in the most obvious way; her appearance. Her hair faded to bright white, along with the hole of her eyes, giving her the look of a ghost. At first Elizabeth was horrified, and locked herself up inside. It was these hours and days of loneliness that her powers began to truly show. She would become almost completely invisible for hours on end. She had become a mutant.

Somehow her true genetics leaked out into the public, and she was forced to leave her home town. It was then that the MEA pounced, attempting to capture her. They had a real struggle, she showed a lot of resistance and almost killed them all. It was then that the leader of the MEA, Governor Duncan, noticed her true potential, and took her in as a RMCU [Reformed Mutant Capture Unit], A mutant used to capture others. She has since then become a lot more colder and stone hearted, devoted to her training. It is fabled that Duncan has fallen in love with Elizabeth, but shes to devoted to her work to notice.

Mutant Powers: By connecting with another plane, and spiritually distorting her matter and atoms she can become almost completely invisible except for her ghostly white eyes. While in this state she still has matter and atoms, meaning she doesn't just vanish. Also, she can create small knives, or kunais in between her knuckles with a though, ghostly white and seem to correspond with her thoughts. All though she cannot control the exact path when she throws them, she does have some control of over how far and quick.
Relations: Unknown
Other: Hates the Brotherhood of Outcasts with a passion.

Role Playing Threads
Threads I Own;

An X-men Thread, based after the Apocalypse War. The goverment have issued Order 'Extermination', a 'peace keeping law to keep the economy and population balanced'. Or Genocide against Mutants. While the X-men are taking in mutants to keep safe, and trying to lay low, the Brotherhood are intent on making humans and the X-men pay for betraying mutant kind.

Threads I Am Currently Role Playing In;

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