Hello Peoplez!!!!!!!
Sorry I haven't posted in....well.....FOREVER!!!!!! Guess I've just been busy. sweatdrop
Anyway, I'm going to start posting a lot more often because my friends and I are writing a 'book' (if a spiral with a bunch of random writing counts). And guess what???!?!! I'm the one that has to type it all!!!!!! stare haha...... and how did I get this job?? I stupidly offered.... of course I thought someone would be like 'Oh no. You don't have to do it. I will.' But NOOOOO!!! They were all like:

So.....you must be wondering why a bunch of random 14 year olds would be writing a thing like a book.......... Well, the reason is..... WE WERE BORED!!!!!!! mrgreen mrgreen

I really hope you like it and the randomness....... there is a lot of randomness!!!!! WHOOT!!!!! Some of the names of the characters don't make sense such as 'Dr.Slash' or 'Shoe' but those are the only ones that are out there. The others are more normal.... (and of course we didn't use our real names.... ninja ninja now that would just be dumb ^.^ )
Okay, so I, being completely AWESOME, already have the first chapter typed and is currently finishing the second! WHOO!
P.S. - I typed it just the way it was written in the book.... so there are a few (a lot) or grammar and other mistakes. Please don't judge us by those......... I still think its good.... (and sometimes one can tell where someone stopped writing and another started....... Come on, no one edited it yet. Give us a break! Thanks!! 4laugh )
So far only of the following people have written in the Book (sorry, we haven't come up with a name yet)
These are their Gaia names:
- brasilian_bizu (ME)
- kurrikoe280
- Aia Mokuzai