Untote FM- Neutral Good
 Name: Megan Reo Gender: Female Race: Half Demon Class: Rogue, Fighter Occupation: Thief Alignment: Neutral Good Height: 5’ 5” Weight: 149 lbs. Age: Died at 20, resurrected at 81, looks 20 Hair: Long, Blond Eyes: Green Build: Petite Element: Light Personality: Megan is upbeat and generally always happy. When she’s in her rogue state of mind she becomes rather quiet and serious, so as to not draw attention to herself. After a successful robbery she likes to return to her normal, happy self. Skills: Pick Lock, Sleight of Hand Feat: Lightning Reflexes Flaws: Daredevil, Overconfident, Wanted Starting Equipment: Dagger, Cloak, Minor heal
Deathmaster8000 · Thu May 22, 2008 @ 11:16pm · 0 Comments |