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Just speaking my mind...........as usual
Signed Creeper Anon Valentines
-----Soul's Mate
"A figure in the dark of night...
Colourless eyes burn brightly in the darkness...
Eyes that see all, that are witness to your soul, turn on you...
You find yourself frozen in place, unable to look away...
The stars shine brightly above your head...
You blink, and everything disappears, and a voice echoes in your ears...
"I release you from your bonds, spirit...
May you find your other half someday."
- Soul's Mate"

-----My Name Is My Own
"To be alone in the dark.
Yet, not quite, with being marked.

That is to say, I can no longer run.
Forgive me, I won't see the morning sun.

You would think it'd be easy to avoid that inane crying.
But sadly, I'm already dying.

I hope that death comes soon, as I hear the bell ring.
I rather not be alive to face that thing.

What was that sound?
Oh heavens no, it's loud.

This pain, it's eating away at me.
But poison will get thee.

I do not go down alone.
Not in my own home.

~My Name Is My Own"
"Why now, I did think I would send to you a second time.
What, with all these rhymes.

After all, this is simply but one of many places.
Yet, I see so many faces!

But my mind has difficultly.
To understand the many I see.

Now this is quite the problem.
How should we fix this little gem?

Not that I don't already know your answer.
After I had peeled off all your faces like fur.

But now I've forgotten which one of you is you.
Tell me, you are who?

~My Name Is My Own"

-----Hunter Casparis
"I love the way you wake up looking cute and sleepy. So sleepy that you don't notice me there. ~ Hunter Casparis"

"I'll put a gag in your mouth,
And run my hands up your blouse.
I'll pull your hair until yous cream,
And smother you in cold whipped cream.
And don't worry, I won't forget the cherry on top.
Unless of course it's your cherry that I pop.
"Your bleeding lips are entrancing,
It looks like you need some violent romancing.
Black and blue rims circle your beautiful eyes,
And pain fills your tone as you release pained cries.
One cut, two cut, three cut, four,
I refuse to stop until your blood drenches the floor.
The pain radiates from your body in violent twitches,
It's okay though, you're still beautiful beneath the stitches.
"Twisting body, and bending bones;
With me love, you're never alone.
Your ravishing beauty engulfs my skin; burning,
Your entrancing body sends the blood in my veins churning.
I'll throw your body against the door,
And watch as you get down on your knees and beg for more.
I'm going to break you, my beauty.
"Running my hands up your body my grip tightens and my nails dig in,
Hot breath emerges from my lips as they trace along your skin,
Your beaty trembles beneath my hands,
Your knees begin to wobble and you can barely stand.
Breathing quickens, adrenaline rush,
As blood from your mouth begins to gush.
You let out a cry and hold me tight,
And that, my love, is just the beginning of the night.
"Roses are red.
Warm blood is too.
You’ll never guess what I left for you.
That man is dead.
The one who kissed you.
You try my patience through and through.
Roses are red.
Your lips are blue.
You shouldn’t have run from the one who loves you.

-----Whispers In The Night
""We" like your name*
-yes "We" do-
*so give "Us" your heart*
-and "WE" will help you-
*keep you safe from "Them" at night*
-protect you so that you do not have a fright-

"They" are the ones that whiper in your ear
about may things you dont want to hear
"They" will cut you and chop you
until you are no more
so give us your heart and we will even the score

-Whispers In The Night-"

"Every day
Every night
Through your window
Or down that chimney
In your sleep
Into your sheets
On your body
Or inside you
I'm always watching
Don't you know?

-K "

-----Black Lace
"Goodness me, you look like sin..
Darling lover where should I begin?
With my fangs I'll tear your clothes.
Do you know how this game goes?
I'll tie you up admire your bear flesh.
My lips caress yours while my hands touch the rest.
You'll moan aloud as I enter in
Our passion and sweat will drench your skin,
You like the way I play this game?
If you want more just scream my name.

-Black Lace"

-----Loveless (In an actual present box)
"When the war of the beasts brings about the world's end
The goddess descends from the sky
Wings of light and dark spread afar
She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting


-----Pantie Theif
"Have you noticed any of your underwear missing lately?

I'll return it as soon as I lose my sense of smell...

-Pantie Theif"

"What a strange, demonic vixen are you,
I'm not sure whether to woo or to promote.
to a position as such to where you command a bit of my army.
Your dark raven hair is fine enough to grasp and tug,
but your dress, too bright, what is with this crud?
are you evil, or not?
if not I shall cast you out.
Weakling demons are useless,
Show my your strength!
Show me you're worthy to keep being a demon in hell

-----The Erotic Flower
"I wound duct tape on your mouth
And lay you upon the floor
Shh, it's okay
Your screams can't be heard anymore

Give in to the lust
The feel of my lips
The roaming places
Of my fingertips

Your bedroom looks so secure
Those locks, easily broken
Leave that as a message
That needn't be spoken

I will come for you
Day after day
I'll come, my Valentine
'Till the sun rolls away

Ready yourself
This feels so right
I'll be in your room
In your bed tonight

~The Erotic Flower "

"Death does not care
About right or wrong
Good or bad, fair or unfair,
To him they are one in the same.
For death is nothing
More than a business...
Not about reaping souls
From the living,
Rather maintaining
The order and balance
Between dying and living
So cherish every moment
For you never know
When it'll be your turn

-----Sultry Cupcake
"I’m sorry I don’t have much to offer to you…
But please don’t let that make you feel blue.
I’ll do my very best to bring you joy…
You know what I’m talking about, don’t be coy…
Being alone on Valentine’s Day really does suck.
So come home with me and we’ll kiss and…

-Sultry Cupcake"

"You must know that I am made of death, from head to foot, and it is a corpse who loves you and adores you and will never, never leave you! -OG"

-----Le fantôme cramoisi
"I see you've become popular with the depraved;
Tell me you've tired of repetitive games.
It is without creativity that others focus on what they do to you--
Instead let us dwell on what you'll do to me.
Your hands so smooth, your nails so rough
Drenched in my blood as you rake them through.
Struggle and grab my passion.
So warm, so hot, so yielding you are;
As driving and forceful as I.
You'll hurt your wrists on the leather, dear,
But don't fret--I'll hurt you worse.

--Le fantôme cramoisi"
"You've become distracted, my dear, but do not fear;
Your attention I'll soon earn back.
Enjoy the quivering in your hips as yours knees
Eventually give way to the pressure of pleasure
And the weight of excruciating pain.
You are open so becomingly to me, so welcoming
To my warmth and my desire.
So responsive to my touch and that of cold steel.
Against your skin it will warm quickly
Like the air which envelops us as you breathe so hard onto my skin.

--Le fantôme cramoisi"

-----Frustrated Masturbater
"Okay... I'll try to be calm here...
Could you /please/ scoot your a** a little to the left? I can't really admire your crack from this angle. :I
Frustrated Masturbater"

"I wanna hear you scream tonight.
Just wanna hold you really tight.
Tight enough to crack your ribs.
And let the love flow through my hands.

Fall asleep and let you die.
Might make you into a pie.
Come on baby, gonna love this ride.
Sleep inside your ribs tonight.

~ Butterfly

P.S. Ask and ye shall recieve"
"Break your bones
Bite your skin
Close your eyes
And let me sin

Promise it'll hurt
Make sure to see you cry
Im gonna rip you into shreds
And maybe watch you die

~ Butterfly"
"Your skin calls to me,
Whispers that shake me
Ill always watch you
No matter how far you run
Let me love you darling
I dont bite much
Let me kill you my darling
Ill keep you forever
In my heart.

~ Butterfly"

-----Sir Skeet
"You think you're so smart
But I've got you beat
Did you know I'm watching you as I speak?
I hear the clicking of your keys as you chat with your friends
Unaware of what is coming ahead
I can just imagine your face, once you read this my dear
I smile to myself, lick my lips
I'm focusing intently on the back of your head
You feel my eyes, every so often looking over your shoulder for something that is indeed there.

Just don't look up, valentine.
You wouldn't want to spoil the fun.
- Sir Skeet"

"I turned and gasped as you stepped out into the cool night air. Sleepwalking, you were. And I knew it too. I could see your eyes flickering about, your chest heaving slowly to the beat of your incredible heart... And I could stand it no more. I know it was wrong. And I am sorry. I took advantage of you, that was wrong... And yet, it felt so... right. So damn right, so damn good, I finished with enthusiasm. And now, as I recollect, I do not regret it.

I will be back tonight.


"Each night I cut a lock of your hair. I put it in a locket so part of you will be with me always.
But hair is not enough. I want your heart.
- R.S. "

-----Hair and Handcuffs
"Late at night when you have drifted to sleep I sneak into your room holding handcuffs to keep them silent. I sneak to your bed raising your arms fastening them to your headboard. I kiss you a moment licking my lips enjoying your taste. I cut off some of your hair and leave letting you rest arms above you head and helpless.
~ Hair and Handcuffs"

-----Your Sexual Executioner
A special time of year this is. I get to see you get fawned over like a goddess. But I know your secret. you are the sexual deviant I adore. those handcuffs. the whips and chains. You screams of pleasure as you call my name.how you do as I command no matter who is around. I adore you you nymphomatic girl.

~*~Your Sexual Executioner~*~"
"Seeing you beg for me sent me chills. Not of fear but anticipation. I will wait for you tonight Your torture chamber await all your favorites lined up for you. The cold hand cuff that hold you to your bed. The whip You named Fred. I polished your chains after your adventure last night. Tonight thought Japanese silk will be what will hold you down tight. I added new toys to a collection we've have gathered. Now beg my pet and we shall get started

~*~Your Sexual Executioner~*~"
"I see your enjoying yourself. Just the look on your face. your mouth open wide. Your eyes half lidded. The ever growing blush on your cheeks. To hear you moan as I strike at you with the whip. To hear you beg is such a trip. Oh my pet you are a sight and I do so love it when you try to fight. You struggle and growl before it turns right around. You beg and plead for just a little more. Well my dearest there is No LITTLE more. Prepare youself There will be much more

~*~Your Sexual Executioner~*~"

-----Chef's Apeiron
"Plumbers are red,
Hedgehogs are blue.
Press "Start" to join
And be my player 2

~Chef's Apeiron"

-----Your Stalking Rapist
"To the person that got away,

I'm sorry that I scared you. It's just that your beauty mesmerized me. And when I saw you in that dress, I just lost control. I didn't mean to tie you up and gag you. I thought your words of "No. Don't. Stop." were cries of passion. If you could find it in your heart to press charges, I think we can start over...

Love always,

Your Stalking Rapist"

---The Rakist
"Tonight, I will ******** you with a rake.

The Rakist"

-------------------------------Got Lazy On Updating---------------------------------------------------

"Blood is red,
Arteries are blue,
brains are tasty to eat,
and i bet yours is too!

The creepy gimpy"

"Roses are red,
My heart is black.
If I tore off your head,
I'd mail it right back.

- Non."



"In my isolation, I dream of you in a moonlight chamber.
Your wrists chained to the wall, and your satin bed within view.
I'll write you a love letter on your headstone.

Love, you'll share with me.
I'll taste your heart, your love, until you have nothing left to give.
Hold your beating chambers until they beat no more, and hold them with me for all time.

In your bed of satin, you'll lay.
Six feet under, with no more love to give.

~The Father Of Lies "

"You are the Master to command me as you will
I stand before you
Stripped of the worries
and conventions of the every day
Blind to the events yet to come
Eager to begin the plans you
have laid out for me
Anticipating the next move you
would have me make
Helpless to do anything about
the outcome, or change what will be
Bound by the promises that
we have made. and the desire that
burns from the deepest depths within.
I am the slave, with fantasies fulfilled.
~You're darling pet"

"I'm n-not very good at b-being creepy...
oh... umm... hmm...
d-did i scare you...?
i'm-m so sorry if i did...
i hope you s-still love me...

- A Lonely Unicorn"

"As long as there is love, I will cherish you.
As long as there is life, I will love you.
As long as the stars shine above, I will want you.
As long as there are waves in the ocean, I will need you.
As long as there is heaven above, there will always be our love.

~The old One"

"Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again? ~ Little Green Highlighter"

-Sizzling Seducer"

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