[A short adventure...]
[...For entertaining a guest]
[Get ready.]
[Break Out!]
[...For entertaining a guest]
[Get ready.]
[Break Out!]
A Guest From Another Tale

"Alright, Mayne, Ace and I will show you how this is done."
Not too long ago, Finalis and I met with our aunt Brisbane, whom had come to visit us regardless if we were traveling or not. Which meant she was traveling with us. Little did we know she had brought some friends along. They were Mayne Caraktor, an adventurer like myself, Roei Tal Di, a rather rash girl with tanned skin and pink and white hair, and Proa Taego Niste, a woman in the Tannark military. I had a bit of a run in with Proa, since she was about to put Brisbane, Roei, and Mayne under arrest. Basically, the princess of Tannark owes me a favor, and bringing that up against Proa, along with my name, forced her to back down. In the mean time, Mayne, Ace and I were about to raid some monster's lair, which was a large compound. It was night time.
"Hey, why'd you only bring me along?" Ace asked, using one of his revolvers to adjust his hat.
"Think of this as a sort of covert mission. The fewer people, the harder it will be for us to infiltrate the compound undetected."
Mayne interjected. "But it's a raid. Aren't we just supposed to charge in?"
I shook my head. "Listen, it's my plan, we're going through with it. Don't forget: Our artes overpower them. They're just simple monsters."
"That's cute." Ace remarked. I sighed and lead the two into the monster compound, the three of us knocking out and guards we came across. It was a simple job to recover a personal belonging. It must not have been any old trinket, though, because the payout would be worth it.
"Hold it." Mayne whispered, causing me to almost fall forward when attempting to stop. About to harass regarding why he stopped us, I noticed a larger monster lurking nearby. If I hadn't of stopped, it would have noticed us.
"Good call." I whispered back. "I'm getting rather bored now, though. You guys ready to bust some of them up?"
Ace's reply was a gun shot. He had killed the large monster. Mayne nearly punched him in the face, but I stopped him, telling him that we might as well fight. Readying our blades, we prepared for the onslaught that was about to begin. As we ran through wave after wave of enemy, I couldn't help wonder...
"Where the hell are we supposed to go?!" I shouted to Ace and Mayne, whom were busy fighting off several groups of monsters.
"Well, s**t, Sepphire, don't you know?!" Ace shouted back, blowing off a few heads with a single bullet.
"While you two chat away...I'll finish this!"
Mayne blew all of the monsters around him away with an energy burst, sheathing his beast of a blade on his back. A ray of light broke through the sky and engulfed him.
"With solar rays...prepare to die! Higher Than the Sun I'll Create Your End!"
In a split second, Mayne blinked out of my vision and then back into it. All of the monsters we had been currently fighting were now split in two. The only thing I could think of was...
"That was a Mystic Arte, wasn't it?" I asked Mayne, who still had his sword on his back.
"I've been trying to perfect it. When I use it...time just seems to stop." he replied.
"There's still more coming, think you can do it again?" Ace asked, motioning a gun towards an oncoming mass of monsters.
"Sure, I can take them on myself!" Mayne boasted. "You guys go get the item. I'll fend them off."
With a nod of acknowledgment, we ran off toward a large structure in the center of the compound, hoping that Mayne would be able to manage on his own...