Hi i'm going to tell u bout a great triget love stroy. Well it all stated in the city of tokoyo. The was 15 and the boy was the same age. They knew each other ever since elmertry school.Mina and Yuki both had fellings for one another eversince middle school but they both were too afair to tell one another they though that there friend ship would end. So they both loved each other scretly. On the way to school one day Mina was waiting for Yuki like usaly he was late . So she diced to go to his hose to see what was taking him so long when she saw him kissing another girl. Well she droped everything and ran off home. While Yuki was walking to school with his new friend he saw her stuff and pick it up. He tough he could give it to her at school but she wasn't there. While Mina was at home crying wonder why he did that. She always knew they wont be more then friends but she never though he would date someone and never tell her about it. Well while she was felling bad for her self something stang staed to happpen to her in her room. Her bed stared to glow. She was transported to another world. Hi Mina They three boys said. You have awakend from this saddness will come good things. You have stared to becaome a hero just like your ancestors did. You are the frist one in a thousand years to come about. You will got back home in a little bit but frist we have to tell you how to use your new powers so you can protex your friends and family. Well what you saw this moring never really happen we had to show you one of your wrost fears befor it happen. There is great drankness comeing your way. You have to learn how to save the world. What happen today will be a million time more worse then that we frigured we give you a little of pain and sadness you will awken. Well your true from is priessness Mina of the planted sparks. Well will train from now on to be a hero. From this day on you will be called upon to save the world ok. Yes but i do i do that. Well all you have to do is use this wand to trans from ok you will learn spells and creat ate your own ok yeah well tell you more later your friend Yuki is on his way to your house now so later after he leaves will tell you more ok. Alrigth. So yeah later but what are your m..names i need to know that. We eill tell you next time ok. O one more thing you should tell your friend how you fell he fells the same way.
Capter 2
Well what if yuki saids he don't like me. Trusts us ok he does and will ok till next time okay. Alrigth I will trust you guys okay. The door bell rings and Mina goes to the door. Hi yuki i have something i want to talk to you about okay. Alright what is it? Hold let me guess is about you not being in aschool today. No it isn't. It's about how i fell about you alrigth. I have had a crush in you since middle school and was to afaired to tell you how i fealt but i fealt that i should let you know befor it was to late and you were gone. I will understand if you don't want to talk to me any more okay with me yuki. OMG. I fealt the same way ever since middle achool to and for the same reson i never told about it either. I really didn't want to ruin our friend ship over this. So what should we do since we both know how eaach other fell about one anther. A blank slince feel over then as Yuki leaned to kiss Mina and thier faces blushed and sunddley her wwand started to glow and she had to tell him to hold that though. She call her three gradness to ask them what that ment. They told her that means save the world time. So she had to friguer out how to use the wand to trasnfrom. She went to Yuki and told him she had to go to the store for her mom she would be back in a few okay stay her my mom wont care you know that. Alrigth i will wigth for you Mina. So Mina put her wand in her packcet and leaft. She wander what she had to do. Then she saw it that all of down town was falling alsleep rigth in the middle of the day there were tons of accints going on. It didn't look like anyone was hurt though. She took out her wand and contacted them again and asked how do i change into my hero from. Do i have to say anything. Well we think you do but no for sure sorry about that. So what an i going to do. We know this when the time comes alrigth. Do you know what my emney looks like by and changes. Yes that we can help you she is a pertty girl the olny one walking around a side from you there that is . O you can walk in to the down town area and wont be afted by the spell that is down there okay yeah. Alrigth know i have to find a girl and frigue out how to transfrom great. HeHe He I see you little princess. I hard your whole conversatin Now it is my trun to kill you. Mean while Yuki is winder what is talking her so long at the store maybe she needs my help or something well if she isn't back in 15 mints i will go looking for her. Mean whlie Mina is getting her a** kicked by this girl she don't seem to aapear over the age of five though. She transfrom into her mage from and staed throwing spells at Mina. Mina danged some of them but got hit by her fire ball spell. THen her wand started to glow again. Then Mina said God of power goddes of ligth len me your power to fight. Then she transform onto a beuitful mage. She had a long dress that was red and really long hair. She use the spell goddes of ligth let your poer flow throgth me live a river at nigth out came a huge rush of water and she crushed her foe. Then she used a spell to trun everything back and know would rember this byt her.Then she passed out from using to much power. Good thing Yuki was on his way to her hosue from school. So what all she told him he never was told but he had a feelong they went thriuh something deep. Hopefully they both can share their fellings sometime again. Well Yuki carried Mina home and put her in her bed and is waiting for her to wake up. Mean while the evil mages are palning there next acttie on her and earth. Well Mark that didn't go as planed. I know we under easted her and her powers. Well Tina do u have a god idea to deal with our little orblem. Yes I have a great one. HAHaHAHAHAHAHA
You finally woke up. How long was i out Yuki? I was out for three days yeah. I came by everyday befor school and after to chech on you. You had me so worried i though you dead and i would never see you again. Yuki why were you so woried about me is it because you love me. Yeah how did you know that i can tell just by the way you were acting. Well i love you too so you don't have to worry about me. So Mina will you be my girl friend. Yes Yuki. Then Yuki leand in close to Mind and started to kiss her it was both of theres frist kiss.Then Yuki realizes he told Mina's mom that he would tell her when she woke up. So Yuki whent to use the phone and call her mom. Meanwhlie Tina and the others came up with a great plan to take care of Mina. They were really caght off grad this time. So they sent the singer Danle to godistory earth. Meanwhile Mina was traning with the grandens reather then doing her home work. She was though by Nick today to figth wind power. She had to transfrom frist. So go on Mina and transfrom ok. Here it goes God of power Goddes of ligth leand me your power to figth. Then she trans fromed again. This is so cool. She was tough the spell to disband the wind it was le vent va. Then nick had Josh and Tony cast a wind spell to see if she can diband the wind. The wind came towlling towards Mina and she forgot the words and she said winds dissapera. The speel did work but not the one they werer trying to teach her so nick got mad at her for that so Mina Had Tony send her home. While Tony and Nick and Josh talked about what just happen What is wrong with you Nick you should have acted different. You have no need to figth us. Serious We all will work together. We need to work close and price more and tell her not to do short cuts any more okay or she wont gwt stronger for lets leave it be. Hey Yuki are we going on a date to nigth yeah to this new comers conters i know you will love his music.It Danle. O i hard of him i hard he was good i hope is is a good conster.
What will happen next time?
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