So the first thing to take into consideration that Shira isn't human.
As her profile states she's what they call a Vaegan.
Vaegans May look like us, talk like us, act like us but their pregnancies are a little different.
First of all the average Vaegan pregnancy lasts 12 months, with a 75% chance of death for the mother. It is considered good luck in Vaegan society to marry the daughter with a living birth mother as it is believed that the daughter would be as equally strong during child birth.
So why is there a 75% chance of death?
That brings us to point two.
Imagine if you will that you have a tiny ball of energy growing inside you and over the net 12 months that ball of energy grows bigger and bigger, requiring more and more of your own energy to survive. At the end of these 12 months you're not gonna have a lot of energy left and now that little ball of energy wants out. To give you an idea, Shira's own mother was in labor for a week giving birth to the little bundle of destructive power (She survived by the way)
Most mothers who are in labor for more than 2 days tend to survive the ordeal.
Third Vagen babies tend to be a lot bigger than human babies, averaging between 25-30 pounds in weight, 20-25 inches in length with a full head of hair.
Carrying a Vaegan child in the womb is no fun experience. They are much stronger than their human counterparts and the cute baby kicks can result in organ damage, bruising and cracked or broken bones (mostly ribs) I a child is overly active in their mothers tummy the mother may be bed ridden at a doctors request to reduce the possibility of physical harm and the possibility of death
How to tell a pregnant Vaegan.,
Morning sickness - This starts at about 2-3 weeks in, most Vaegan women assume that this is nothing more than a typical virus, however as it continues it becomes more apparent that there is clearly something else going on. Blood can sometimes be coughed up or vomited in large quantities during morning sickness
Sleeping Habits - With Such little energy Vaegan women will sometimes sleep for days, this is a concern as 20% of Vaegan women will die during this, their bodies exhausted to the point that they never wake up. If the mother is far enough a long surgery can be attempted to try and save the child.
Mood swings - Vaegan women are lucky enough not to have to suffer these. Although it may be noted that pregnant Vaegans tend to become shy and quiet during this time.
Food Cravings - Vaegan will will eat anything and everything when they're pregnant, even if it's a food or beverage that they don't like. Normally quite picky and finicky eaters they can clear a table in minutes when pregnant. Weight gain is anywhere between 50 - 159 pounds.
Breasts - Vaegan women are lucky enough to not have to suffer tender breasts but they do go up 3-4 sizes. Milk is begins producing between 5 and 6 weeks.
Vaegan woman rarely suffer from head aches during their pregnancy and back aches are an unheard of thing.
Now Royal Births are a special Thing, Shira's little baby is going to be a crown Prince or Princess. Their Birthday becomes a National Holiday in which everyone partakes in the festivities.
A guardian animal is assigned to the new born.
Depending on how the child is born (as in facing up, facing down, to the side, feet first, head first) they will be assigned a specific Constellation.
The new born must be wrapped in two blankets, the first one made of the finest Silk and it must be colored red, the second blanket made of Satin, which must be white.
The Child must be born in a dark room, lit only with candles and bio luminescent flowers.
The only support the mother may have is the father and no one else aside from the doctors and mid-wife.
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