Dress Shoppin'!
w00t w00t, yeah, tomorrow me n jocey, and linds, and laura are going dress shopping for the spring dance coming up. it's 'formal' so i guess we have to get an in-between dress. not too fancy, not too sun-dressy, you know?? yeah, so we're going to polo park, and we're gunna look in all the stores, like Mariposa. we also need shoes....grr, shoes. i need some with a high-heel, but not too high. more like a....half-heel?? yeah... i don't really know what colour i'm gunna get yet, but it's not exactly that much into spring yet, so i'm probably still gunna stick with the darker colours still. but not like, Rachael dark.... i wonder how many people are gunna come....hey, i really wonder if any guys are gunna come, since they have to dress up. i wonder if he'll come....well, he never does, so.....that'll suck. makes getting dressed up a little less fun if you can't even show it off a little to people who actually count....sigh.. so yeah, that'll be really fun. the shopping, i mean ^^ and probably the dance to, but you know......lindsay, if you're reading this: i forbid, no, we forbid you to get anything anime and or japanese oriented for the dance. dude. home bro'. just kidddddssssssss, home slice
yeah, so that'll be gewd. and i love polo park, so it'll be kewl being able to go before spring break. well, if we don't find anything there, we might go somewhere else also...yeah, i'm gunna stop talking now. buh-bahy!