"While truncheon may still be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.

Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth."
Community Member
Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 @ 10:23pm
pokemon roleplay
Lately I have been having a dillema finding a good roleplay, and since they have all died or I have lost intrest I dcided to start my own.
I would like oif this were a literate rp, meaning at least 3 lines, and i would prefer size 9 text, but I am not going to make it a rule. I also would like to state, no master level pokemon trainers, I want it to be a beginning out rp, where people still meet with hardships, must actually train harder to beat gym, or pokeon or just friendly rival, and well I would write a story line but its just pokemon I mean, if you know what pokemon is, then you pretty mmuch have the jist.
I will allow people to choose up to 4 pokemon for their beginning party, highest level I will allow right now will be level 20.
and no rare pokemon, unless you can write me some really impressiong story as to why you have it.
And I am also going a bit more by the show then they game. meaning you can have more than 4 moves for your pokemon, like when your pokemon is level 20, your pokemon learns all the moves that came along the way, so like no forgetting moves.
TM/HM moves are allowed as well. Just state wich ones are tm/hm moves on your move list.
Also, I will be running the battle system differently than usuall on line rps and more like table top.
/ Wild Pokemon
When you are battling in the wild, choose a pokemon that comes frm the habitat that you are in, abandon pokemon are allowed to be found too, just no like mega awesome strong pokemon, there was a reasn as to why it was abandoned. Also, i would love if you all gave your pokemon personality, but again, its not a requirement.
Alright so yeah back to battles, if you are looking for wild pokemon, and since I am allowing a 20 cap, you can roll either 2, 10 sided dice, or a 20 sided dice, also if youd like to fight two wild pokemon at once it mst be the 2 10 sided dice, each will be the level of a different pokemon.
Battling: to his you will roll a 4 sided dice, if its a 1 or a 2 you miss, if its a 3 you hit and if its a 4 you crit.
and the calculate damage while in the battle you will have to roll 10 sided dice, one for basic physical attacks, 2 for special moves, and 3 if your move is strong against.
and you just calculate damage by adding up. also, one thing I almost forgot, if the pokemon is strong against the attack it will be like a basic attack, meaning one die.
/ Battling trainers.
its basically like a roll fight, the person who gets the higher numbers out of the two wins.
there are two ways I am willing to run trainer battles. You both must come to the agreement on how you do your battle.
-Move by move battles
This is where you both, if you have patience, do the battle system I wrote up there in battles. where you write your attack and rol to seif it hits and if there is damage.
- Winners choice.
You both write that they are rolling to win, and each roll a 100 sided dice, the player that gets the higher number can write how the battle went, with their win of course,
but I want to also write that they musttake into the account the deficit.
say player A got an 87
and player b got a 92
Player b wins te fight, but since player a wasn't that far behind player b, player b can not write,
"And with one move my charizard wasted all of its opponents."
but more like
"And after a feirce battle, and just barely comming out on top, my pokemon pull through with a satisfactory win, we thank the other trainer for such a heated battle."
/ Charries
Okay well I have decided to made a new island where people come, it has all the habitats and all that good shi%. Just so that it gives every one a reason to meet up with other trainers.
there are new gyms, and a gym in each habitat, cities are every where, there is also a city habitat, where the role to finding an abandon pokemon is higher % then any where else, just roll a 6 sided die, then a ten to see the level. 1s are like bug pokemon 2s are like grass type (ie; grimer and koffing type of city pokemon) type pokemon 3s are like cat type pokemon 4s are like dog types 5s are bird types and 6s are your choice of pokemon. also you may add another 10 die to the level roll
Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 @ 08:47pm
safty save
~Bad guys (Team Rocket II):  Gaia Name:Juko Von Dezmo Character Name: Lilia Rostropovich Age: 23 Birthday: Jan. 2 Reason for being evil: She was mostly talked into it, she was a normal trainer, but one day she and her pokemon were in a battle on a cliffsaide by the ocean, and well the other team pulled out and electrode which blew both trainers off the moutain, only was Lilia and her pokemon the ones that lived, she doesn't know what happened to the other trainer or the other pokemon, but the ship she landed on was a Team Rocket ship, and their leader was there, she was about 18 or 19 when this event had occured, but amazigly, Giovanni demanded that every one take care of her, and she spent the rest of the cruise getting to know some of the Team Rocket team, and Giovanni actually trying to woe her. But before the cruise was over she had decided to work for Team Rocket, it might have ben the drugs they used when se was in pain, or it might have been the words they said and the compassion they shared, but they convinced her. Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Bio: Born to a small town besides pallet she was able to meet professer Oak whan she waas given her first pokemon, Her Bulbasaur, and she basically traveled around Kanto, catching and training pokemon, then after conquering(not really) she moved on to Johto, then Sinnoh, she had already met many Islands, She did travle with a Boy that had never known the difference of women and men and that ed to many shinannegans and funny moments but over all he was a deep and caring guy, and they both traveled together till the two were seperated at the explosion on the cliffside. She Loves pokemon with color changed or alterations, she catches pokemon Oddities. Her first pokemon was Bulbasaur, which seems to really like his owner, he turned purple the time the two met, he is rather protective and hates Giovnni for trying to put some moves on HIS woman, her hobby is training her pokemon, when they are low leveled and need more power in their normal moves, by fighting them herself, she has many a batle wound that may not be caught by first looking at her but upon further inspection you can see many a scar. And her crush, well it was the boy she traveled with, but now it's a fellow Team rocket memeber that she had the pleasure of meeting once. Region Born: Kanto Pokemon Team: Ivysaur (Root Rook) Lvl 54 Solar beam Razor leaf Leech seed Vinewhip Larvitar (Stone Rook) lvl 43 Crunch Earthquake Dig Stone egde Raichu (Shock Bishop) Lvl 54 Volt Tackle Thunder Grass Knot Iron Tail Froslass (Ice Pawn) Lvl 50 Ice beam Shadow ball Avalanche Attract Nidoqueen (Queen) lvl 47 Superpower Earth power Poison Jab Surf Nidoking (King) Lvl 52 Megahorn Earth Power Thrash Blizzard Girafarig (Chad) lvl 47 Psybeam Zen Headbutt Crunch Shock wave Flygon (Lygo)lvl 50 Dragon Claw Earthquake Dragon pulse Fly
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Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 @ 12:20am
Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 @ 02:00pm
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Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 @ 08:03pm
mirror mask profile, thought it was worth keeping
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Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 @ 07:59pm
the apple-my current favey for my myspace, just saving it.
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Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 @ 07:31am