these are some exapmle of my work... all comments are read.
Fore warning alot of this is school work...
Pretty flowers make pretty tea
Soft velvet petals dance in the wind
White and cream blend in love
Plucked by gentle fingers
Stroked and stretched before the sun
Drying to become the tea leaves cherished for a special occasion
The day comes and all is ready
Petals so soft are taken to the brewers
Placed in the factory pot
The rarest of teas is made
White was born
Shipped through uncaring populace,
Bottled and drunk,
Dizziness follows,
Aching pains, flashing headaches,,
Hearts speeding
Quicker & quicker, faster fasterfasterfaster
By exhaustion
Silencing the millions,
Bottles shattering and precious tea spilling,
All has perished
Brought to you by Pepsi CO.
The last stagger of the last man,
Allies last worries given up all around
Common knowledge that the reaper came
Sight lost, body beyond recognition, comprehensions failing,
The sun shows hell,
Brought by the bringers of peace,
Accepted by carrion,
The fearless are fly ridden,
Incapple of all emotion,
There is no victory,
Only disease prevails.
Mother’s love
Love sinks to the corners of everywhere.
It focuses around mothers and loved ones.
All mothers contain this talent, this flair.
They are shown to love through their baby son.
The mother desires to hold her newborn,
No matter how they feel, they yearn for the child.
Love stays strong so they don’t have to adorn
The mom shall smile and the baby will smile,
Mom loves her babe; babe knows this through kind rubs,
A kiss to the brow and a smile to babe’s face,
Love is total, now that she has joined the mom club.
She will coach to the kid; he shall suit ace.
No matter the age one gets, they will love each other,
The love is revealed when he says mother.
A mothers love shows every day,
Through clean up of spittle and the change of a diaper.
Even when she puts the babe down to lay,
With all her love she still doesn’t see the terror in the crib, the viper.
With a giggle of happiness the baby falls gently to sleep.
Out slithers the misguided hunter on to the unaware babe.
If only the mother and father knew for they would weep.
But God was watching over all that night, and sent the angel Gabe.
He kept the little one from turning so the viscous killer went on its own path.
Safe was the mortal baby, from all creatures.
But because of God’s intervention, he attracted the attention of the devil’s wrath.
Lucifer sent one minion to poison the babe with colic; it tested its poor features.
All the meds in the modern world could not save Survivor, as was his name.
With the mothers prayers the babe was saved from the passage of death with “I shall serve you” as her proclamation.
Love permeates everywhere.
It concentrates around mothers and there loved ones.
All mothers have this talent their love flares.
They are show how to love through their baby son.
When the baby is born the mom wants to hold their newborn,
No matter how tired they are they want to swaddle the child.
Love stays in them so strongly that they don’t mind the accompanying thorns,
the mother will smile unconsciously and the baby will smile,
she loves the babe and the babe knows through cresses and rubs,
a kiss to the brow and a smile to its face,
The love is unconditional; every one knows that she has joined the mother hood club.
She be the child’s first teacher and give the little one all its grace.
no matter how old either one gets they will love each other in their core of their being,
The love will always be there even when they go their separate ways and don’t see beyond the argument.
Fated Crew
Riding the creaky, leaky old ship
Famed Odysseus barking orders
Commanding to sail dangerously close to the cliffs
The yawning jaw of Charybdis swallowing the sea
Heart pierced by Artemis’s bolt of fear
Limbs numbing, veins glazing, head thumping
Shipmates, five gone at once with barely a shriek
The bolt of ice grows to a panic, riddled spear
Where to run, hide, cower
None, stuck in the middle of the cliffs
The fear, the panic, they take control
The drive to do anything becomes unbearable
Phantom barks of cerebras echo through my head louder than the belching of Charybdis
Collapsing on the rail, vessel’s breaking
Sweet release
Scylla has chosen a new meal
Unbreakable Bonds
Wife of the man of pain, your love will wait
Great Penelope Queen of Ithaca
The power greater than the gods, the Fates
Woman of steel do not become laca
Father in laws death shroud, of protection
Magnificent work unwoven at night
Traitor maid revealed upon inspection
Penelope caught in the act, on sight
Only child learning of his master’s way
Stalking mentor on the mainland abroad
Praying, to all deity’s in dismay
Affronted, maddened, by the man-like frauds
The Pallas gifted beggar revealed
The faithful’s unbreakable heart is healed
Tender of the Sea
The depths of the ancient, green sea shine
Brine fills the air in clashing waves
Liquid coolness soothes all ills when calm
The delicate and tender fish of my kingdom feeds all men.
Odysseus the cause of my anger
Shall have his ship ripped asunder, and the pieces will fly like a swarm of locusts
He will grow deaf of his subordinate’s cries
The waves will beat him, and all his men down to the depths.
All the sea will grin with joy as despair is wreaked upon the man of pain.
I, the god of earthquakes, the sea, and the creator of horses will overflow with mirth.
My heart ached when my beloved son, Polyphemus pleaded in pain, and blindness to destroy Odysseus’s ship and
To take away all of his aggressor’s joy.
Odysseus, blinded the son I had with Thoosa, the nymph.
He will pay all the anguish he caused with his own torment.
I’ll change the gentle bumping of the waves on his ship to the booms of a typhoon.
A second time I tear apart his ship like paper.
Again Odysseus survives like a parasite.
The crew eats the cattle cuisine of the sun god, holy Helios.
Zeus punished the crew accordingly with a thundering bolt,
But ignored the man I despise.
Fates have made it so Odysseus will not die at sea for all my striving.
In his mad run for home he stumbles upon the home of the lofty Laestrygonians.
My heart brims
In hope he will be torn limb from limb.
The land groans with the weight of the Laestrygonian’s chasing Odysseus and his crew, hoping for a meal.
Odysseus, alone, at last makes his way to the sea loving land of Phaeancia.
Phaeancians summon my anger in their selfless act of helping Odysseus.
They pay by their life giving port being surrounded by a towering mountain.
As they weep tears of anguish, Odysseus weeps tears of elation.
Out of my domain Odysseus is safe from damnation.
I the great brother of Zeus only wait and chafe for the chance to get my revenge.
Holy Man
The mind of the Friar, tumbling with turmoil.
Will Romeo be:
Rational and quick,
Star crossed through grief,
Dead of heart
When the Friar stumbles on the tomb and sees that life has fled from the couple
Marriage to death
Marriage to death
For his holy vows have been tested
Fearfully, quickly, hopefully the friar dashes to the tomb,
he sees the dead Romeo, the yet alive Juliet and urgently whispers:
“Thy husband in thy bosom there lies dead”
The Confusion
Paris, a sentinel guarding his motionless beloved
Shall I be married,
With the bride being entombed on our wedding day
How one wishes life were gentler
Why not me
Why not me
Ponders Paris within his inner self
The astrologers strike true
Proposal on Monday
Death on Tuesday
Undergoing a wedding,
Altered to a funeral
Faintly, desperately, lovingly, I whisper the words I thought true.
“Open the tomb (and) lay me with Juliet.”
Hollow Air
The last gasps of a dying man,
Wanting to see his loved ones
Fading away with each withering breath,
Sight shrinking to the size of pins,
Air rasping through his lungs,
Trying to say “I love you”.
The crackle of his voice to the greedy lawyer,
Hoping his assets won’t flutter away on the wings of letters.
The cough of dreams unfulfilled,
Wanting to see his grandchildren grow,
The soft whispers of his family,
Surrounding his head with looks and sounds of confusion and sadness.
The Thump-Thump of his last heart beats,
The cries of don’t go
Dad, grandpa, husband, loved one,
The dead silence of a passing soul.
Depression is freezing.
Icicles slowly build up,
Freezing every thing they touch.
You try to fend off the cold,
In storing warmth in friends and family but
It freezes you any way,
With or with out your preparation.
It comes
Killing your friends,
And scaring away new ones,
It puts every thing on thin ice,
Just waiting to put every one in danger,
When bitten
By the frosty fangs
The cost to warm,
up may be a limb,
One may never,
Fully recover from the
Of the whirling,
Freezing waters.
Flies from the fingertips,
Only it will decide if it will stay on the wing,
Soars through clouds when willing,
Falls and burns through ignorance when not,
Panic of the due date,
Stills the mind with fear and hate,
Hope fills you up when complete,
With joy,
And love,
Texture so hard to convey with words,
Like dew on the grass of morn,
Hate filled words when spoken rashly.
One poem can bring volumes of life.
A Cake has many colors,
It can be
Yellow, red, green, blue, or
But the color is only
Aspect of a cake,
The taste,
Is a HUGE attribute on the cake,
I like mine to be creay,
Or crunchy,
Or frozen,
Or just plain great.
But the best cake is the one you make yourself.
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