The Cat Demon
By FF12fan06
Chapter 1
The arrival
Hello my name is Roy for most of my life I lived with my dad alone in the deep dense forest on the outskirts of Japan. But now after I met her it all changed. But let’s go back a little ways before I even knew about demons and that they are real.
It was the middle of the day and me and my dad needed fire wood so I told him that I would go and get some from the woods as I was heading outside the door he told me to be careful. “last night I herd a loud howl and there mite be a big animal out there” said dad his voice sounded kind of freaked out but I paid no attention to it “I will if I fill that something is wrong I will come back” but I was not chicken and if I did see something I was going to kill it. So before I went out I grabbed my gun from my room and strapped on my back I had to sneak it out if my dad saw that I had it then he would have known what I was thinking.
The trees in the forest were different some how they seemed to be a lot more taller and bigger not anything like they were yesterday “hmm I wonder what happened to the trees” I thought to my self. But after a wile I just went on and continued to look for a small enough tree that I could chop down. I went deeper and deeper in to the woods but could not find a small tree in fact all the trees were the same size. “Well I be, is there not a tree out here that is small” I said to myself. So I started to walk back to my house but on my way I herd someone walking behind me but when I looked there was only leaves being blown by the wind. Then I herd a loud vibrating sound. After that the sound just got louder and louder. By now I was scared out of my wits so I started to run but no matter how fast I ran the vibrating
Sound was always right behind me and then I stopped running and turned around and yelled in the trees “leave me alone go away!”. Then the sound stopped. All I could hear was my heart beating it felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. I sat down on a log to catch my breath but when I sat down on the log I slipped on the moss and hit the ground with a big thud “dame it that hurt”. I looked around for a less mossy log but they were all covered in moss. So I decided to try to walk back to the house.
I had been walking for about two hours before I finally accepted that I was lost. I still herd the sound but it was far away so I paid no attention to it.
It was getting dark so I decided to stop for the night. My dad would kill me for not returning that day but it was to dark to see anyways so I found a nice flat spot and pulled a blanket out of my bag. The bag was used to carry a lot of fire wood but it was big enough to cover me up so I used it. The night was cold and full of noises, but there was one noise that was really scary it was that vibrating sound it was very close now. Then out of the dark trees a black shadow fell to the ground but made no noise. The figure stood up on its hind legs like a human dose. Then the human like figure came closer.
Slowly I grabbed for my gun it was laying right beside me when I got it in my hand I jumped out the blanket and pointed it at the figure “don’t move” I said to it. The figure froze, all I could see of it was its eyes they were yellow. “what are u” I said to it. There was a long pause then a female voice said “ I have been watching u for some time now roy” the she smiled her mouth was like a humans but the canines were a little longer. “How do u know my name” I said to her. Her smile disappeared and she started to walk towards me but when I held my gun up she stopped. “like I said I have been watching you that is how I know your name” she said. Her voice seemed calm so I lowered my gun. “why have u been watching me?” I asked her. She looked at me with her yellow eyes, which I could not stop staring at.
“I was sent here to bring u back to my home land” she said with a smile.
“What do u mean bring me back to your land?” I asked her. She looked at me and sighed “sorry but I can not tell u that and can we sit down I am tired” she said. Her eyes did look tired so I let her.
She sat down on a log I tried to warn her about the moss but it was to late, she was flat on her back. I was rolling on the ground laughing. She stood up and walked over to me and stood over me it was then did I get a good look at her, she had small feet with long nails that pointed at the end and she was wearing some weird outfit her hands were just like her feet small but with long nails. She looked at me “what the hell is so funny” she said with a mean look on her face. “Sorry it was just funny” I said with tears of laughter rolling down my cheeks. She sat down beside me her face red then looked at me. “well it wasn’t for me it hurt” she said with a smile. We talked all night but all thro the night I could not get her to tell me anything about her home.
About one in the morning I told her that I don’t care what she does but I am going to sleep. I got up and found my sleeping bag and gave it to her “here if u are going to sleep her take this” I said to her. She looked at it and finally took it. “Thank u very much” she said to me. “it is ok’ I told her. I walked back to the spot I found and laid down. It was cold but I did not care I fell asleep fast and a deep sleep it was I did not hear anything. I was tired anyways. About nine in the morning I awoke for some reason I do not know but the sleeping bag was on me then I herd that vibrating sound again I rolled over to find the girl right beside me it was her she was I think she was purring. I continued to look at her, in the day light she was kind of cute.
She opened her eyes and looked at me while I was looking at her she smiled and said “good morning”. My mind was blank “why are u over here” I asked her. She just looked at me and smiled then she got up and walked around for a minute, then came and sat down beside me “Are u ready” she asked me. I sat up and looked at her and said “Ready for what?”
“To go to my land” she said. Then it all came back to me “But u never told me why I had to come” I asked her. She looked at me “u don’t need to know just come with me”. I looked at her for a minute then said “u tell me first”.
she sat on the ground and sighed “fine I will tell u why u must come with me” she said.
“ok and if it is a good reason then I will come with u” I said to her. Then I sat down beside her.
Sorry but I will not go in to the depth of the discussion it lasted for about three hours but I did find out that she is a Neco which is a half cat half human and that her race was in trouble. “how can I help your race” I asked her. She did not answer for a minute but finally she did “I don’t know but our elders told me to come here and a single human male he did not say which one, but when I saw u I made my choice I don’t now why but I did” she looked at me and I was looking down taking it all in. “I am sorry to tell u this Roy but you are already part way in my realm that is why u could not find your way out”. I looked up at her “how did that happen?” I asked her still in shock. “well when u entered the forest I put u in deep sleep which u never new then warped u here then u awoke while u were still walking and that is how it happened” she told me. I stood up “lets go then u went thro so much trouble bringing me here it would be rued to tell u to send me back” I told her. Then I walked towards her and put my hand on her shoulder and smiled.
She looked back at me and yelled “thank you, thank you, thank you”
Then she gave me a hug. After that we started to walk, I followed her thro the forest. I asked her why I can’t just ride on her back and she just jump thro the trees but she just said no. I thought about asking her why but I didn’t I just said ok. For most of the walk she was quite but out of no ware she asked me why I wanted to go with her to her home? I said that I wanted to go because u went through so much trouble getting me here and besides I am a bit curious to what your town looks like. All she did was just smile and quietly walked through the forest. About a hour before sunset she stopped and said that it was time for rest we will reach the town tomorrow. Then she told me to set the camp there she pointed to a flat area with a lot of little rocks. So I walked to the spot and moved the rocks into a big circle that the fire will burn in. When I was done with that I looked up to see if she was there watching me but she wasn’t so I went back to work. It was after dark before I got the camp done and the fire started. I went in to the tent to get a blanket but when I got back out she was there, she looked up at me and smiled. I got u some fish she said. I smiled and said thanks. I dropped the blanket back in side the tent then went over and sat down on an old log. But this one was old It did not have any mold or moss on it. She handed me a fish on a stick I bit in to it and it was very good I was very surprised. She looked at me and said o by the way my name is Naru. I looked at and smiled and said hi naru. That is cool name what does it mean? I asked her.
I don’t know but my mom and dad both agreed that it was a proper name for me. I stood up and told her that I was going to get fire wood she just smiled and continued to eat her fish. As I walked thru the woods I could not help but think about her name as if I herd it some where “Naru” I said to myself where have I herd that name before. But after a wile I just focused my mind on finding some wood I stayed close to the camp so not to get lost.
All I could find was a bunch of little sticks but they would have to do, when I got back to camp naru was already asleep she was sleeping on the sleeping bag I gave her. I did not fill like sleeping so I put the wood I got and put it on the fire. I sat down on the other side of the fire so I didn’t wake up naru.
But after awhile I felt sleepy and I couldn’t keep my eyes open so I just laid down on the ground and slept there for the night.
I woke up to a taping on my forehead I swatted at the finger but it just continued so I finally just opened one of my eyes and just as I figured it was naru wanting me to get up. Get up Roy it is time to go she said. So I decided to do what she wanted I sat up and robed my eyes after that I noticed that the fire was still going and that I was cold. If the fire is burning then why am I so cold? I looked up at her and I was about to ask her what was up with the cold but my question was stopped because her hand went over my mouth.
Be quite they r coming. I looked at her with a questioning look on my face
She looked down at me, the ice dragons she said with fear in her eyes.
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