I find that I'm at an interestingly unbalanced, yet mostly stable situation in my life. I don't consider myself to be entirely impoverished, though I am by no means well-off. For the time being, I live almost solely by the grace of the people nearest and dearest to me. I try to help when and wherever I can with what emotional, physical resources I have. But lately, even these thins feel insufficient to me. I know I have some internal dilemmas that seem to vex my every effort to make myself a stable individual, but I'm often assured and I assure others in turn that "Things will get better eventually".
I know that might seem like some trite, optimistic rhetoric, but I have often found that with some well placed effort and the stubborn belief that conditions can improve in the instance of what troubles my life at current. With any luck, it often does happen that my life changes for the better from time to time. So, it all stands to reason that in time, as has been to my experience thus far, that if I'm patient, persistent, and optimistic, I will soon enough find that my situation will change for the better.4laugh
So here I am...At it again! this time I attempt to make parts of Sailor Moon S. Yay, Death Busters/Witches 5! This is going to be painfully fun...sweatdrop
Well, I'm at it again. This time, It's The first arc of Sailor Moon R.Sorry, no Doom Tree Tektek ( Plus, I'm too lazy to find a sprite for it). sweatdrop Hope you enjoy these too!
I'm having way too much fun with tektek. sweatdrop Due to this I've decided to do a series of tekteks done by me in honor of my first love in anime/manga. I'm starting with the senshi's civilian forms and Tuxedo Kamen. Others will follow as my weirdness continues.