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OMFG!! i love playing RO Its sooooooooooooooo fUN!!!..I HAVE AN ASSASSIN!! OMFG...you know my friends server of RO hates me alot...well i have no friends on her server but still...yeah...and everytime i want to lvl up I DIE!! YOU KNOW HOW SAD THAT FRIGGEN ISH??? I MEAN OMG STUPID MONSTERS!!.. YEAH...Oh and you know what? everytime i log into my SERVER i see a mini boss but i die! THATS SAD...WHY does this happen to me??? WHY WHYWHY!!??? yeah im sorry...anyway i have nice friends on ragnarok online...(RO)...yeah the bubbles they make are funny...hahah porings...yeah...KLOL...and i want a knight...yeah ok im finished talking about ragnarok..good bye for now

....IM SO SCARED cuz school was sooooooooooooooo BOREINNG ((i spelled that wrong ...w/e...)) AND MONJAY WAS ACTING HORNY AND RETARDED AT THE SAME TIME....wait...he's always like that...oh well...anyway jasmine F. WAS LIKE SCARED of kathy cuz kathy was like telling a story to us ...for some reason...with chess pieces...and yeah...she got high too .... crying GOD I DIDNT THINK SHE WOULD GET HIGH LIKE THAT...and yeah...well the story was usually about a guy with a girl in love then they whined up killing each other or something like that god i was sSOOOO SCARED crying ....SO HAPPY SCHOOL ENDED BEFORE SHE MADE A NEW STORY!!

After school...HMMM...well i went home and my parents said we were going to watch a movie called Are We There Yet? we watched the movie in the cheap movie theater place...sad isnt it...yeah ...O.O you know that movie was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FREAKING FUNNY!!!!!!!! OMG EVEN MY STUPID SISTERS THAT DONT KNOW HOW TO LAUGH AT FUNNY THINGS LAUGHED....weird...anyway hahahahha yeah well thats basically it..kinda sad NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....HAHAHA oh wellllll...>.< i'll edit this later

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anime video's HAHHA>.<
hello everyone! well im haveing a bad day ight now...dammit..anyway hahha...hey you know what?...i feel like telling a story instead of the anime vidoes that i have...lol i'll tell you what i have for the anime video's tho!lol..hmm...i have naruto volumes ((episode)) 1-23 umm...full moon wo sagashite # 1-23 and Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne #1-16 errr...1-15..im downloadin #16 ight now..anywayback to the story.....ok well....the story is just my odd dreams that i have soooo...

WAIT...I WILL START OVER...it doesnt sound right, right now so yeah..

hello everyone!
Heres another story from me to you!
Its about my weird dreams

Strange Dream

((my dreams are kinda odd..so dont laugh))

it all began in the dark. I was all alone. No one on my side. No one directly in front of me. No one in back.I was so alone, well until my dream changed...which is odd.

Weelll...Then as the dream changed i bumped into a REALLY CUTE GUY there...((haha so many cute guys in my dreams))...He asked if i was alright. I replied yes...He smiled so beautifully..yet something told me i should slap him. Then as i got up i started to think "where have i seen that guy before?", pondering the guy asked of he can walk with me. Of coarse i said yes. Then as we walked ever so slow, I started to look at his cute face. But i looked away quickly because i thought to myself "wait, i dont even know this guy..and i think i like him!...NOooo way!!...i hardly know him!". As i walked with the stranger i quickly asked if he may looke the other way for a moment. He asked why. I said "because i dont want you to see something. And, yes, he turned away. After a second i quickly walked away from the stranger and got......((that was odd for me to do but....))got a cocacola drink. >><< haha well i cant finish my story because i have to go now ...lol i'll conintue later...you will know when i continued if this messege is gone lol ...yeah..byebye

comic..page 1
ok now heres the comic...follow the numbers...if your wunderin...#??? WHAT THE HELL?? ..well the stupic ink of my pencil wont go through and the damn paint or sumtin like that keeps erasin my pics..so im left for putting the subtitles on...lol haha anyway yeahh...lol here you go!LOL!

oh and there are 2 or more words that you can probaly read by yourself..but just in case not...the first letters are on the top..it says .."Beware this is mostly chibis"..yeah..anyway on the bottom of that is "its time..." and then sumone shouts "MOTHER??" and here are the numbers..lol

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number one is the picture that is right next to the one that said mother..yeah..the second picture of the top right corner..lol anyway ...if you can read this....w/e...here..

1)2nd Girl: "Mother? what are you dong here? Why are you appearing in my dreams all of a sudden?"

the second dialoge is right under that first picture that i wrote for number 1.

2) 1st Girl : " You will know why soon enough my dear. On your sixteenth birthday...you will know.."

the third dialoge is when the 2nd Girl is in her bed.
Now that, that's settled all you have to do is look on the right of each picture for the new dialoge..lol yeah

3) Girl : *YAWN* "What was that all about?? ...wait i've had mother in my dreams for a few months already..why???...oooo...i have to go take a bath..."

4) Girl: "Oh well...i shouldnt worry about it..."

5) Girl : "But then again...she did appear even in my nightmares...so odd...what does mother wnat me to know?What is she trying to tell me??? ..*SIGH* SO CONFUSED..."

the the sixth one is below # 3

6) Girl: "Thats it! im getting off..im getting all pruny"

Theres writeing on the botom left corner it says " If this is confuseing i am sorry...you will get it soon lol"

ok and # 7n 8 are in the same box so yeah...

7) Father: "Hikaru! You'll be late for school!"

eight) Hikaru : "Coming!"

next box>>

9) Hikaru : " Hello! My name is Hikaru. Please to meet anyone that is reading this!LOL! well..My father is the man that is next to the kitchen sink. My little brother is right next to him.Do you see a little rectangle near my father? Inside that ((look carefully)) theres my lil bro!...anyway i had a normal life until my sixteenth birthday..so odd...Please read on.. until next time! BYEBYE"

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Dear Journal,

Today i found...Wait...lemme start over......THats the one that im using..yeah...>>>>>HORRAY!! i FINALLY GOT FULL MOON WO sAGASHITE ON VCD!!..RRR...DVD...W/E!!!HAHHAH ITS SOOOOOOOO COOL!!LOL! HAHAH Aand hmmmmmmmm....welll i think ima copy it too..hahha anyWAY...lol hmmmmm TAKUTO IS SOOOO FINE!!Lol! OH SO IS EICHI-KUN!LOL! HAHAHHAH AWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE oh by the way..........I ALSO GOT KAMIKAZE KAITOU JEANNE!!!! OMFG!!! AINT THAT AMAZING?????? BOTH SHOWS ARE SO KAWAII!!!!!>.<!!!! 4laugh hahahha in kamikaze ((sumtin wind)) kaitou ((thief)) Jeanne((just a name)) CHIAKI IS SOOOOOOO FINE!!LOL! HE'S FINER IN HIS KAITOU FORM!!LOL! SINBAD IS HIS NAME!!LOL! OMG I WISHH HE WAS REALL!!LOL! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..well anyway...if ((the following people are reading)) tiffany, Basilia, joanne, jasmine, or jennifer is reading this...I SAY..HAHHAHA IM CRAZY AND I MADE ANOTHER PAGE OF MY cOMiC!!LOL! HAHHA do you wanna see the first page??? ...wait that means i have to put the sub titles...yeah..anyway i only did one page...OOOOOOO NVM...I'll add the comic page later to night...this is heting to long to read again...i wunder where my story board went...*went to look for it* *then stops* Oh Btw i'll be back soon!!*goes back to looking*

My last year trip to L.A.
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heres my trip to the L.A...yet again..

HI every1 i just got back from L.A....lol! kinda tired!LOL! well..sorta...lol...well i guess i'll saysumtin bout da visit...lol..wells...da first day i went to visit ma grandparents place...n well....no affence to dem or anytin but there place hella stinks! well...das cuz all da smokkin ma uncle does...das weird...lol...dem after da i went to ma aunty's place to stay for like 3 days ..i tink...lol! well i never new i was gonna see ma cousins like abigail, versilane(sorry if i spelled ure name rong lady! is cuz is soooooooooo hard!) n ma cousin mariel, krisel..(cant spell), ate kichy(still cant spelll)ma aunties n uncles...oh n i also saw my wierdo cousin Aaron!LOL! n april! n her other bro! ( sorry pplz dat r like related to me for spellin ure name bad!) hhahaha n yea...etc...loL! hm... wat else! ...OH N WEN I WENT TO MA SISTERS GOD PARENTS PLACE ME, ABIGAIL, N VERSILANE ( WE CALL VERSILANE BUDA) SAW A REALLY FINE GUY!!!! all three of us were all quiet at first until we got introduced to jameson! n her sister maryanne!LOL! Jameson was da fine guy we saw! n den wen we, as in me n Abigail, went into jamesons car( Jameson is like 20) me n abigail were all like s**t DAT GUY IS HELLA FINE!!! but we said dat wen we went to eat in a restuarant! LOL! woooo! u couldnt belive how much food there were!LOL! wells anyway ight after we ate n all me abigail n buda were talkin to jameson n maryanne! hahaha JAMESON IS SOOO FINE!LOL! HE'S SOOOOO BUFF TO!LOL! HAHAHA N her sis is sooooooo prettY!! ahahhahahaha!>.< 0o0o0o0o00oo cant wait to see ma cousins again dis christmas!LOL! hahahhahahhahha wellls anyway wen we went back to dere place we saw maryanne's (she's 19) debue pics!LOL! daMN HER DEBUE COST'S AROUND 30,000 DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!! wells anyway wwe went back to ma aunts house n abigail was like "JAMESON JAMESON! UDA SCOOT OVER! JAMESON IS SLEEPIN ON DA FLOOR SO SCOOT!" lol they were fightin like hell!LOL! den after dat i saw ma cuzin Aaron n April ...lol! dAMN DEY HELLA GOT DARK!!!!!!!!!! lol! n Aaron got fatter!HAHHAHAHAHHA LOL! WELLS after all dat i went to ma fwends place n like talk to her n played games...so yea...den i met her funny cousin...lol! haahhah n den i went to sleep den went home...lOL! well there place wasnt so fun unlike ma aunts place!LOL! hahha wells das all! hahha byebye pplz n pplz dat r ma cousin dat r readin dis!LOL!

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My other dreams..YAY
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this is another one of my dreams so yea...

HIYA! ...u noe i should change da music on ma xanga huh? da lilcutegirl dat is ...cuz it doesnt match da bg....loL! hahaha ok mayb i'll change it but....I LIKE DIS SONG!LOL! Hey! ima talk bout ma dream i had yesterday!LOL! hahahahah ok wells here it goes!LOL! Um it was DARK! n BLUE!LOL! ok n i was walkin den i saw a slimy green scally lizard...actually...didn't noe if it was green since it was like dark...n yea...anyway...lol! dat lizard was all askin me if i was lost ight? den i said no im not...lol! n den he's all yes u r...den he started to like drag ma foot!HOW MEAN! n damn his hands were scally! ( das how i noe he was like slimy n scally) n den i found a rocky!LOL! well...while i was like bein draged n all sumtin hit ma body or head...w/e...lol! ok n den i was like hittin da lizard wit da rocky!LOL!hahah das wat he gets for doin dat to me!LOL! ok n den he was like " ima eat u now!" n den im all!" eeeek! ewww!" n den i well killed dat stupid lizard n den dis dude dat was really cute came over n said " Why did u kill my lizard?" n den i was all " CUZ HE TRIED TO KILL ME!" (oh n by da way it got lighter wen dat guy came over) den he was like "oh" ( i told Joanne n Tiffany dis but i left out sum tings..lol!) n den i had a different dream ...well not really da guy just like left n i was in a corrador or a hall way w/e!LOL!hahah ok n den, da hallway was sooooooooooooo pretty n sparkly!LOL!, i went into a a room dere was a like spiral stairway in da middle!lol! haha ok n den (Mariel n Kathy n Tiffany was there!) Mariel N KATHY! * GASP!* was cummin towards me n they were wearin these pretty clothes...exept mariel....she had like a blackish dress dat was like really scary on her...no affence mariel (if ure readin dis) ok n den both of them were all dance wit a guy or dance wit dis guy! W/e !LOL! ok n den they finally like found a guy for me to dance wit n den ma outfit changed! OMFG!LOL! oh wells ...ok well da guy they wanted me to dance wit was really i mean REALLYREALLY! UGLY! lol! ok den i reffused n kathy n mariel was like if u dont we'll get mad...or sumtin like dat...lol! ok n den we were dancein da guy was all sayin "ure so beautiful..."n all dat s**t...EWWWWWW! ok n den he started to attack me! OMFG! lol! ok n den ma outfit changed again i was wearin sumtin like a black short n a white tank top...i hate tank tops!LOL! ok n den ( wen he started to attack me i meant like he started to hit me like punch me kickin me....w/e....ok n den Tiffany was there n said "i wanna fight too!" n den i was all! sure! n den she started to like maltiply!LOL! hahah it was funny!LOL! after dat whole ting da guy looked REALLY UGLY N FUNNY! N REALLY RETARDED!LOL!HAHAHHAHAH OK n den da dream ended n another started.....i have wierd dreams...lol! oh wells....n den i was at a beach n there was zet! ( Zet's a guy i met on da internet) well he was in shadow!Lol! soooo.....yea..i dont noe how he looks like but ....i dreamnt it!LOL!..ok wells he was all " can i live in ure shoe????!!!??!!??!?!?!" n i was all no n da rest was dat dis really cute guy said dat he promises he'd marry me wen we grow up.....kinda scary da way i pictured it lol! n well...oh i forgot before zet asked if he wanted to live in ma shoe there was dis other guy there but i didnt noe him i was all dazed n said " where am i?" n den he ( dunno da guys name) showed up n said " look at da sign ova dere" n den i was all " Welcum to Arizona...ARIZONA! WTF! Why would there b a sign on a beach!" n den da guy answered " Who noes!" n wells yea n das all!LOL! AINT IT FUNNY N SCARY AT DA SAME TIME!!!

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