Been ages since I wrote anything for this. I really should start again. Depends on how lazy I get I suppose. Awww, people keep sending me links to really cute Harry Potter fanfics that on further reflection are a little creepy. Dang.
Piker · Wed Jul 11, 2007 @ 09:16pm · 1 Comments |
Its been ages since I wrote anything in this sucker XD I should post the story Karen wants me to write for her in here and see how long it takes her to find it. On second thoughts, while that would be funny, its also exceedingly cruel, so I wont. On third thoughts, I'm talking to myself. Joy. First sign of madness all covered. Does anyone know what the second sign of madness is? Oh wait, yeah, I forgot. Im not actually talking to a person other than myself xp Maybe thats the second sign!! surprised ninja I should investigate
Piker · Mon May 29, 2006 @ 08:12pm · 2 Comments |
BurnBurnBurn!!! 3nodding I think that I am emo... Emo heart for you all
Piker · Thu Aug 18, 2005 @ 05:09am · 2 Comments |
Im a hyper kitty. Except I'm not a kitty. That previous statement is to be struck from the record, and ripped up, and burnt, and stomped on, and then burnt again. And we shall all pretend it never existed, now back to the point... Im a hyper (insert animal name here)
Piker · Mon Aug 01, 2005 @ 10:13pm · 3 Comments |
I heart [Colour=Blue]
he commented.... and so i want his children
Poor guys going to think Im a creep!
Piker · Mon Jul 25, 2005 @ 09:41am · 1 Comments |
Today was such a ******** up day. I barely knew the guy but I still feel so sad. I cant imagine how it feels for Reesa, Molly, Matt, Samira and Raph. I just wish i could do something
Piker · Thu Jul 21, 2005 @ 09:52am · 0 Comments |
Just for the record:
1) Dumbledore dead??? scream gonk crying IT ISN"T FAIR!!!!
2) Charecter development? stare So so, I can deal...
3) Harry and Ginny whee A steaming pile of awesomness!!
4) Hermione and Ron wink Bout time ********
5) Snape scream There aren't words for how much i want him to burn
6) Draco crying I just feel sorry for him. He didn't want to do it, he got himself in too deep
7) The seventh book sad Its gunna be wierd, those three playing vigalantes and Hogwarts closed. Where will the student go?
8.) Fluer She actually turned out to be not as bad as everyone thought. biggrin
9) The word slut in a childrens book? eek In this case it was justified
10) REMUS AND TONKS ROCK MY WORLD!!!!! heart heart heart
Well as long as that is cleared up.... I cried for so long
Piker · Sun Jul 17, 2005 @ 10:03pm · 1 Comments |
I dont think Prudence likes me anymore.
The smilleys dont do the situation justice.
Piker · Wed Jul 13, 2005 @ 01:40am · 1 Comments |
I just did the most degrading thing i have done this week. Im at work and no-one here is tochnologically ept.... so they get me to solve all their problems... They have recently started adding irritating noises to their computers for mail notification and today it fell to me to find one for Jason. But not just any irritating noise... oh no, the most irritating. THAT ******** CRAZY FROG s**t!!!! Argh.... teh humiliation nearly killed me stare Anyway.. it took me nearly six hourse to do this. First i had to find it... for teh computer... free... NOT A RINGTONE. gonk I finally managed this. I tried to put it on a disc.... the disc decided to work in the computer... but not in Jasons when i went to put it in... so i had the bright idea to email it. Now the only computer here with teh internet is not hooked up to the company network so i couldn't send it through an internal message. Having determined that teh set email for this computer doesn't work.... i tried to send it through my own email. First the attachtment didn't work... when i finally got it to work, the email didn't send. Now thoroughly annoyed, i decided once again to try the set email carrier... and it decided to work.... much to my irritation, the previous email id sent from my own carrier managed to show up to even though i had been sent a 'this message cannot be sent" message. Anyway.. now armed with two copies of that deplorable frog song, i saved it to desktop, entered the control panel and then the sounds menu and was met by another obstacle, the ******** file was a MIDI, not a god damned .wav file as required... I almost killed someone. Not to be thrown off now that i had spent my whole ******** morning on this i decided to convert the file on teh internet computer and resend it. Not being equipped with a converter i decided to download one and was met with a whole new set ob problems. The first converter i did couldn't (because it was a trial copy) convert more than 60 of sound.... stare so i downloaded another one and shock horror (because it was a trial copy) it couldn't convert more than 60 second. scream Needless to say i was annoyed.... So for my last try i looked it up on a trouble shooters forum.. and found the answer to my problem... OPen the file and record it using the widows sound recorder..... ******** YEAH. On teh second try it decided (much to my relief and to the relief of my employer who was worried that i was going to throw the freaking computer out the ******** window) to do what i wanted. I then resent it to Jason (first try) and set it up.... and ow it is the most ******** annoying thing ever, but i still feel quite proud of myself. xp
Piker · Sat Jul 09, 2005 @ 04:37am · 0 Comments |