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I just joined Mahora Academy, however, I'm lost in forums, so therefor I herby begin my map, just like Yue's map of Library Island.
Keep in mind this is the guild's thread, I merely put it into novel format and edited a few things here and there.

Ry Yuuki
Community Member
Mahora Academy Guild: Library IslandUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Stage 1: Setsuna and Loki’s Questing Recruitment

Setsuna walked under the shadow of Library Island’s core building. In an open window, Shizuna-sensei was eagerly turning pages in her most recent read. “Ah Setsuna, there you are,” she heard from behind her. Loki trotted up the stairs briskly, “You know, if we want to get anything done, we still need a team.” With a simple nod she replied, staring into the still dark edifice, waiting for her eyes to adjust.

“Move….” huffed Akibana as he shoved them aside from the doors.

“Hey! Don’t push me!” Loki spat, his hand going to his gun.

But Akibana ignored him, “Haruka….I’m coming…..” he muttered as he headed towards the reference section on missing people.

Fayt entered just behind him before Loki could draw, politely nodding to the two before he too disappeared into the vast isles of books.

“So how long until this journey gets underway?” Setsuna asked, moving forward now that she could see through the murk a bit better.

“Soon as we get our team together.”

“Who’s replied to the request you hung in the dormitory?”
Loki sighed…“No one….”

Fayt reappeared from the shelving nearest them, “I wouldn’t mind helping out.”

Shizuna hopped off her window and raised her hand, “May teachers assist?”

“Sure, the both of you are welcome,” replied Loki.

“Wah! Sensei be careful!” Setsuna warned, but the pile of books Shizuna had been holding had already lost balance. Her short scream was drowned under the thudding books as they hit the floor. Loki caught her just before she joined them. She barely had time to blush before a final airborne book came crashing down on her head. “Unconscious?” Setsuna asked, Loki nodded, “well at least she offered…would you mind running her back to the dorm Loki? I’ll stay and try to recruit a few more.”

“Fill me in while you’re at it, what type of book is this we’re looking for?” Fayt inquired.


“Ah, ojou-sama! What are you doing here?”

“I saw the ad in the dorm silly, I’m here to help!”

“It’s too dangerous ojou-sama,” Setsuna said sternly.

“Awwwww….but I’m part of the Library Adventure Club, wouldn’t I be helpful?”

“Nrgg….I guess you can come. Just stay near me.”

“Arigato Se-chan!!”

Setsuna couldn’t help but smile back at such a happy Konoka. “Ah Loki’s back. Will we be waiting on Shizuna?”
“No, no telling when she’ll come back around. We should head off as soon as we have some provisions.


“I’m set!” Fayt grinned, producing a bottle of water and a bag of chips from his large pockets.

With a short laugh Setsuna displayed that she also had a water bottle and her sword and was set with that.

“Uhrm, this is a long trip, at best it’ll be three days before we find that book even with the Library Adventure Club’s map.”

“Whaaat, I’ve gone a week on just a bag of chips, three days will be nothing,” Fayt snickered. “Oh yeah, hey Setsuna could we train a bit when we get back from this?”

“Sure, where at?”


“Whoa whoa, can we focus on one thing at a time?” Loki sighed.

Luis approached the group from the center plaza, “Excuse me, but I’ve become curious, what are you all up to?”

“We’re going on an expedition into the Library, care to join us?”
Luis shuffled a moment with his hands in his pockets, “Sure why not,” he then smiled.

“We’ll only need a few more people now,” Setsuna commented.

Stage 2: Akibana's Mysterious Book

Akibana was searching deeper and deeper into the library, looking for a legendary book pertaining to the Knight of Chaos and the Dark Abyss.

To the side, Nodoka was minding her own business sorting dictionaries on the steps of a tall ladder, when she noticed Akibana running around the floor below, I wonder what he’s looking for…

He pulled yet another book off the shelf and skimmed through it. However, this one he dropped with a gasp rather quickly. Scooping it up quickly he slid it back on the shelf and walked away, occasionally glancing back to the shelf.

(Vash) appeared from around the corner and glanced at the spot, “What was it you found?” he asked, reaching towards the book.

Akibana leapt back and grabbed it, running his fingers over it as he cast a small fire spell, igniting the book in an instant. “Nothing….just mind your own business….” (Hoi! You book burner! Evil!)

Oh as if that wasn’t suspicious, (Vash) thought with a raised eyebrow, but left it at that after the glare Akibana gave him before returning to his shelf browsing.

Fires….fires….fires of the past….seven years ago…. Akibana hissed to himself, as he read binding after binding….dammit. “HEY! NODOKA! YUE! SOMEONE! I NEED HELP FINDING A BOOK!” he shouted into rafters.

Stage 3: An Author's Solitude

Angel wandered in the east doors, book in hand. I’ll be able to focus here, he thought to himself as he found a seat and began to write.

Stage 4: Two Healers, a Scheme and a Vanishing

Christine smiled, sitting in the hammock she’d strung between two isles, her pile of books on the table next to her. Studying is such a joy for me…but I wonder who else enjoys it here? she smiled to herself as she looked around. Only a few others were in this secret section of the library, and she seemed to be one of a handful of who came here for the books alone.

Haruka was sitting in the corner, glancing around quickly as if certain someone or something was watching her. I’m okay…he won’t come into a populated area…but her…. She fearfully glanced down at her hand and suddenly.

Hmmm… Chris drew her fingers across her palm. There’s someone else Close who doesn’t want me here…. she lifted her book to the table, a smile flitting across her face as Haruka stood and approached her.

“Hi…” she muttered dully. “I’m sorry…for my mood…I haven’t slept in days….but I was wondering…” she added with a yawn, leaning to one side as if she might faint any moment, “who are you? I don’t remember seeing you around here….”

“It’s alright, I didn’t notice a thing. I was working on my studies. I have a short attention span for that kind of thing anyway,” she laughed dryly as she adjusted her bracelet.

“Oh…alright…” Haruka yawned again. The sarcasm was lost on Haruka in her current sleep-set state. “So what book was it you were looking for?”

“Book? I’m looking for no book. I spend most of my time here so I know where almost everything is,” she sneered, lifting another of her many books off the pile. “At the moment I’m practicing Healing.”

“Healing!” Haruka perked up. “So that means you’re a mage too! I know how to heal…it’s my main trait. I can help teach you if you want….”

“Oh, I’m a healer, but I don’t think you can teach me what I want to learn,” Chris replied with a light snicker.

“Oh…alright….” Haruka yawned yet again, taking no offense. “So….what are you looking for?” But before she could get an answer the roof suddenly erupted in an explosion above them. “Look out!” she cried, diving into the girl, knocking her away from the falling debris. They must be here.

A girl floated down through newly made entrance in the wall. “Well well well….Haruka….the soul taker….”

“What…what are you talking about?!”

“Come with me…”

“NO! You’re the person from my dream! I’ll never go with you….”

The strange woman touched the ground and looked to Haruka, two cat ears flipping about on her head. “Oh you’ll come alright…” Removing the large coffin decorating her back, she set it on the floor and pulled off the cover, releasing a swarm of arms. They stretched and grabbed Haruka, pulling her towards the open coffin.


The coffin slammed shut, Haruka locked soundly inside it. The girl leapt up through the hole and was gone.

…Chris lay flat with her eyes tight shut for a long time. Her healer training had taught her not to get involved with other people’s problems but she Felt that this one was interesting. She would ask about this Haruka later on. Another healer was a rarity…or at least one that specialized in healing. A couple of minutes had passed and she opened her eyes again. For a moment her eyes flitted over the book that she was holding. Hmmm… Her thoughts moved from one thing to another and then the woman. She sort of recognized the girl but couldn’t put her finger on it. “I’m sorry if you don’t want me here but I wish to know…” she smiled, passing her finger over the title of her book. “The art of ressurection. I wonder if they suspected for a moment, what I was doing?” She shook her head. She didn’t think so. They had seemed to be bothered by something…she closed her eyes and started for the door. The first place to get info on a person would be the girls dorm, and she knew just where to find it.

She got up from the floor, dusted herself off, and sat back in her hammock with her book. She hadn’t had much time this year and wanted to reread it.

Stage 5: Revival of the Sword

Kubi searched through the isle of books until he found the book labled, “The Three Families of Kusaragi.” Alright, Kubi thought, nodding as he opened the book, looking through the table of contents until he found the page where the third family was located. “Okay…According to this the family died out several hundred years ago…Some time after the Edo Period began in Japan……and the last family name was Kyuushuu….Why does that name ring a bell….?” he wondered, eyes narrowing.

“Wait,” Kitten walked up behind him, “did you say Kyuushuu….that was daddy’s full name…I just called him Kyu…I can’t believe it…I…remembered…” she sat down in a chair staring forward. “I remember…my father…my mother…they sold me out…” her claws dug into the table, sending cracks splitting through it. “They gave me to those filthy scientists…all because I was different…” She began to growl, her teeth gritting together. “I also remember how to revive the blade…it was the exact reason my family was killed off by their own people…you must slay one of us with the blade…once our final drop of blood touches the blade…it’ll come back…”

Tears rolled down her cheeks, “So…I guess this means…you’ll be killing me now…” Slowly she stood, walking over to him. She threw her arms open, defenseless. “Well…I’m not going to fight you Kubi…if you’re going to kill me to awaken the sword…do it…” With her eyes streaming with tears, she looked straight at him.

Blinking, he examined Kitten closely. “…Looks like I don’t get a blade then.” He shut the book tight. “I wouldn’t kill you over power,” Kubi chuckled. “Listen you, if it was anyone else, I’d kill them on the spot…But there’s just this thing…you…remind me…of her…That woman who ended my killing spree back in the Feudal Era…” he said quietly. “The way you talk, the way you walk, the way you look…Everything…you remind me so much of her…and how much I loved her with all my heart and she the same. So no, I would not kill you for this sword…” He put his hands on her shoulders, pulling her close and embracing her. “Ever. I promise to protect you, and I plan on keeping that promise.” Letting her go he smiled down at her. “I’m sure there’s something else on the blade, there should be other ways…and if not then I’ll make one.” He turned back to the shelves. “By the way,” he added with a small blush as he selected another book, “you’re the first person I ever hugged…”

Kitten stood stunned for a moment, but only a moment, “Thanks!” she tackled him. Eagerly she looked up at the books, scanning one after another quickly. “This one!” she squeaked, pulling a rather dusty old book from the shelf, the worn cover displaying the title Ancient Legends of the Ten Worlds. She flipped through it, absorbing each page’s contents. “FOUND IT!”

“What?” he asked confused, still dusting himself off from having been tackled. “Found what? That was fast, another ritual or something involving the other families?” He looked over her shoulder at the book, then at the shelves where she’d pulled it. “Just tell me…I gotta see something real quick…” he said as he jumped over the table onto the other bookshelf, grabbing a special book in red casing. The Second Families Curse was written on it’s cover. The Second Family was Kojiro’s family, Kubi was part of the first. He sat down next to Kitten, opening the book and listening to her.

“K,” she replied. “Purgatory of the second world: the blade known as Purgatory was lost to the abyss years ago. The blade had several means of revival. The most commonly known manner is to slay a member of the third family. Second is to harness the power of lost souls into the blade. A Third method existed, but has been lost to the ages. Upon revival, the blade is said to seek the blood of those who sealed it, the third family… If the wielder is strong enough to withstand this vengeful reaction, then the blade will become that of heaven. But if he should fail and slay a member of the third family, the blade will become that of a hellish nightmare.” She turned the page, “Umm…the next few pages are ripped out…sorry.”

“So I gotta go kill already dead people…? What does that mean lost souls?” Kubi blinked. “Alright then! If that’s the only other way then--Wait, how does it stay Purgatory though…?”

“I think it may be the way you revive it….my family sealed the sword long ago and legend says it hungers for our blood…that’s what makes it change fully into it’s strongest potential…if you had struck me down back there…it should’ve changed like you wanted it to…just reviving it will make it visible…but not stronger…we couldn’t seal it’s powers so we hid it from the world by cloaking it…” she leaned back and tilted her head back. “I’m not really sure what to do from there on…” She stood and started scanning the books again. “It should be here somewhere…” she picked up a small black book and skimmed its pages.

While she did that, he read his own, eyes narrowing at each passing word. “…I have to go…” Kubi said, shutting the book and tossing it down to the table. “Kojiro and I have to…talk…” he said scornfully as he ran off in a blur.

“Uh huh…” she replied offhand, she didn’t even take her eyes off the book. It must be here…I know it is…she stopped near the end and growled. On the page was an old picture of a couple, smiles on their faces. “Mother….Father….I’ll never forgive you….” She scratched the picture to pieces and placed the book back in it’s spot.

Kojiro appeared from the next shelf over. “You shouldn’t stay with him. He’s not sane, he could snap any day now…” he muttered, holding another black book in his hand.

“Well, he’s the only person like me…and I’m no different from him…I could snap any time now as well…I could snap and kill you all…I just hope that doesn’t happen….” she answered, turning around and walking away, the now indiscernible tatters of parchment floating in her wake.

Kojiro sighed, “If only you know…” he muttered, turning back and tossing his book onto the table with the others. “…I’m so sorry.” He disappeared through a portal of Darkness.

Kitten returned later that day, walking deep into the seemingly endless isles. She found a bookshelf that looked promising. Sliding a book from the shelf she opened it and stopped suddenly. “No…way….” She flipped through the pages, getting more and more involved after each one. “So that’s what’ll happen to us…” She shut the book and ran back in the direction she came from. (Is this cat lucky on random book picks and sudden recollections or what?)

A few hours later, Kitten was still wandering around a room that seemed to be getting darker. “Oh man this place is huge…I think I’m lost….”

After several more hours, Kitten was still lost, and starting to get scared. She ran deeper in a darkness so thick normal people would be blind. “I’m not alone…he’ll always be with me…” she muttered to herself. “Kubi…”

Stage 6: A New Chiu?

(24 hours after inviting Sayo for tea at Evangeline’s…)
Dark Evangeline passed the threshold of Library Island. Having an interest in books, she had been attracted to this place since spotting it during her explorations. I wonder if I can find ‘Umbra Magica’ here, she mused. She peered about the shelves and carts, looking for something which might lead her to finding either that book or related books.

Meandering around the Occult section, Dark Evangeline heard something coming from the Mythology section….Who would be talking to herself over there? she wondered.

Chisame hefted her large duffle bag of fabrics and cosplay back onto her shoulder, This will be the perfect place to find new sewing patterns, and the best scenery for my ‘shy glasses, librarian’ and ‘storybook child’ Costumes! she thought excitedly as she scoped out a nice little nook. Unaware of the fact that she was in the Mythology section, she changed into a cosplay and checked herself in her small mirror, “Costume, OK! Make-up, OK! Lose the glasses though, and…smile, OK!” she giggled.

Dark Evangeline shrugged and continued her search for ‘Umbra Magica’ wondering if it would even show up. Didn’t the librarian say something about this island running deeper? I’ll have to get permission from the Headmaster to get past the first level though….tedious….I’ll still around here until I’ve checked everything before I try that.

Deciding the book wasn’t in Occult, she headed towards Mythology silently, taking care not to disturb anyone. I’ll try not to bother whoever it is…

Chisame, or rather, Chiu was raelly getting into the photo shoot. “O-hohoho! heart This will definitely boost my ratings!~~” With a twirl, she spun into different chennes (shen-ays) for the camera. “O-hohohohohohoho, o-hohohoho~ho?~” she stopped short as she tripped over a cable, falling to the ground. “Owwww….” I guess it’s time to put my glasses back on! she thought as she shifted back into Chisame again. “Where’d I put those confounded things!” Now definitely Chisame, and increasingly agitated, she began coarsely groping about the ground, and pressed a piece of wood on the bottom of the shelf….only to cause it to start shaking! “Gyah!” she yelped, but her glasses teetered off the shaking ledge and into her lap. Hurriedly shoving them back on she looked up in time to see a door open from behind the shelving, just before all the displaced books fell right on top of her, “Waaaah!” ….

“Huh? Where’d that doorway come from?” Dark Evangeline hopped down from her searchings atop the book laden archways and walked up to the new entrance, and also the book-covered Chisame. “Are you all right?” she asked, quickly placing the books into several piles and helping Chisame to her feet. While Chisame dusted herself off, Dark Evangeline quickly replaced all the books to their spots, inadvertently doing so at vampiric speed. She turned and then spotted the camera, “A camera in the library?”

Chisame just about had a heart attack! It was bad enough that Akibana knew her secret! Now Dark Evangeline too?!? “Um, you see…that is to say…Look! A distraction!” She grabbed the camera and ran down the freshly uncovered hall as Dark Evangeline briefly glimpsed away. “You’ll never take me alive!” echoed Chisame’s voice as she sped off.

Dark Evangeline watched Chisame’s retreating back bewildered. What’s up with her? Never take me alive? Hmmm….as a new member of Mahora’s security, I’ll have to investigate. Removing a piece of paper, she quickly sketched out a picture of herself. With a poof, a chibi version of herself popped into existence. “Follow her,” she ordered, “I don’t think she’s a spy, but there’s something odd going on here.” Nodding, the shikigami disappeared, zeroing in on chiasm’s location.

It reappeared in front of Chisame, “Hey! Why are you running from me?” it demanded.

“Gyah!” Chisame squeaked, “Wait, you mean you didn’t figure it out?”

“Figure what out? You mean you’re a spy?”

“A spy? No! Not at all! And just you never mind what you did or didn’t find out!”

“Who’s a spy?” asked a voice from behind the both of them.

“Gyaah!” Chisame screamed and spun around to see (Loss). “Will everyone cut that out?! It’s insensible, uncourteous, illogical, and scares me all the time! Why must I always be surrounded by freaks?!”

“Ummm…actually, I’ve been standing here a while, you just hadn’t noticed me….”

“Well you still scared me! It’s not my fault you’re all nuts!” she shouted, and stomped off deeper into the labyrinth.

“Wait! I don’t think that’s such a good idea…”

She stormed into a large reading room and stumbled over something, crashing to the floor, “Whoa! What was that, and how dare it get in my way!”

Loss followed after her and winced at the sound of her clatter.

“Let’s hope it’s not another shelf,” Dark Evangeline’s shikigami muttered as it floated after them. “As for us all being nuts…what in the Styx is she on about?” At this rate, I’ll be forced to use my telepathy to find out what she’s hiding, though I don’t detect any evil in her.

“What do you mean she’s hiding something?” asked Loss

…! I thought it, how did you…?!

I know, I have a small amount of telepathy, and you were thinking loudly.

Dark Evangeline sighed as she caught up and dismissed the shikigami, “Well anyway, let’s help her out.” With some minor concentration, she glanced at the flustered girl’s surface thoughts. What? So that’s what she was hiding? Talk about worrying for nothing… “Ok Hasegawa-san, get up. I can see now you’re no spy so relax. Next time though, remember you’re not the only one with something to hide, whatever it may be, and have some trust.” She gave a friendly squeeze on the girl’s shoulder as she helped her regain her feet.

“Huh? What? Did something happen?” Loss asked.

Chisame looked at her feet to see what she’d tripped over. A chibi-looking doll with small white dolls ears and visible joints. Wah, how beautiful… “No way!” she exclaimed.

Loss knelt next to them, “Where’d it come from?”

“A doll?” Well it’s not ChaChaZero. Cute but deadly, she thought, mental shields raised against the peculiar Loss and uncertain how the new student had guessed her thoughts. Chisame picked up the doll, “It’s so old,” she said as she brushed away dust and debris, “and reminds me of someone…”

“Does it have any inscriptions on it? Like a name or something?”

“White doll ears?” Dark Evangeline mentioned, “Hmmm…I remember reading a tankoubon called “Chobits” prior to my arriving here…”

“It says Pupa Amatrix Exsuscito,” Chisame recited.

The doll suddenly began to shake. With a gasp, Chisame dropped it and slowly, it stood unsteadily.

Loss jumped backwards into a defensive stance, “Animation?!”

It slowly raised it’s head, a blank look in it’s eyes… “Mama…” the doll reached out it’s arms, “Mama!” it repeated, slowly tottering forward, still trembling, it’s head falling sharply and rising back up like a crude wind-up toy.

“Awake, sweet doll?” mused Dark Evangeline, recalling her Latin books. She tensed, gauging the doll’s reaction.

“Alala!~ It’s so cute!” Chisame twittered, scooping up the doll in her arms and holding her up. “What’s your name?”


“No name huh?” Chisame thought for a bit, “Now I know who you remind me of! Those crazy assistants of Evangeline’s, ChaChaMaru and ChaChaZero! So, I think I’ll name you ChaChaChiu!”


Loss relaxed. “Does anyone have an idea about what’s going on?

ChaChaChiu? That’s an odd name…” Looks like my ‘Chobits’ comparison was pretty close, though this is no Chii, she thought to herself as she decided that it was no threat. At least it’s not ChaChaZero.

Chisame didn’t know or care why she had ChaChaChiu, she was just loving the little doll to bits! “No say, Stupid Foreigners! C’mon!~”

“Stoo…Stupid….Fore..nirrs….Stupid Foreigners…”

“Yay!” cheered the proud Chisame.

“She kinda is like Chii, she does learn pretty quickly!”

“Chii!” it recited.

Well this is interesting… Loss thought.

Shaking her head in amusement at her choice of words, Dark Evangeline watched Chisame play with the doll. She really has in issue with gaijin doesn’t she, she reflected.

Chisame and ChaChaChiu both turned their heads to look at Dark Evangeline. “Play, play!” the doll chirped.

“Well, it looks like it’s at least made you a little more open, Hasegawa-san,” the vampiress mentioned, “I’m not sure when I last played with dolls…must have been at the age of six, when I used to play at my uncle’s castle…” She momentarily closed her eyes in pain at the recollection. “Anyway, I’m glad you’re happier now.”

“Let’s take a look at the books in here,” Chisame suggested as she picked up ChaChaChiu and carried her off to the shelves.

Loss looked around the room and shook his head, “What’s the deal with this place?”
“Well it’s called Library Island for a reason,” Dark Eva explained, “It has many floors, all of them involving books of all kinds, from ordinary to magic. However, to go past the first floor, we would need Konoe-senpai’s permission. Only the Library Committee are allowed to go deeper.”

“Interesting…” he paused, then gave them a nod before he departed to wander about the shelves on his own.

Dark Eva studied the doll closer as it was toted around with the girl. It does look kind of like an amalgam of Chiu the Net-idol and Chii… That woman, worrying over my finding out something so trivial…I’ll keep it a secret since it’s none of my business anyway, besides, I like seeing her like this. The doll has really mellowed her in such a short time, she thought, still holding her mental shields steady.

“ChaChaChiu, would you like to dance?” Chisame was giggling at the doll.

“Dance!” ChaChaChiu perked, hopping, dance was a word she already knew. They spun in a miniature waltz.

“Well, Hasegawa-san,” Dark Evangeline sighed, “I’m afraid I have to return to the mansion. Have fun.” And with a wink to Chisame, she turned and headed for the exit, her mission having long ago been accomplished.

“Bye bye Dark Eva-chan!” ChaChaChiu peeped.

“Dark Evangeline!” Chisame called after her, “You’re not going to tell anyone of this right? Not the camera, and not ChaChaChiu, nothing Please…!”

“Please, Please,” repeated the doll.

“My business is the Academy’s security, so not to worry,” she called back reassuringly. “Just remember you’re not necessarily without friends, let’s just say I also have some things I’d like to keep secret.”

Chisame smiled, she liked this girl. “Let’s go home ChaChaChiu!”

“Home, Home!”

Finally, I was wondering how long they’d sit there. Now I can explore on my own, thought the shadow of Akimura from his lofty seat above the bookstands.

Stage 7: The Book Spoiler

TwinBlade) slowly walked through the library’s isles, his presence no more than a whisper. He chose “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” from the nearby shelf and crept away to a dim corner to read alone. But Loss appeared behind him, reading over his shoulder, “Oooh! That’s a good one! Did you get to the part where they guy beats an entire army?"

“Um…no, not yet…I’m a rather slow reader and I’m kind of busy with school…I’m at the part where the child-emperor was just killed with his (mother?) and (maid?). It’s sort of hard to follow.”

Stage 8: Onion Domination

Nodoka quietly walked in the front gates of the building. She’d found a book called “When Onions Rule the World” recently. Normally she wouldn’t read anything with such a silly name, but at the word onion…N-Negi-sensei… She found a comfortable seat in an empty room and began reading. Onions, although they are just a plant, can make you cry, this is a story of how Onion-Chukakekawawa ruled the world and made the so-called “Onion Age”… With a sweat-drop, Nodoka imagined an Onion with an Indian hat and Hitler’s mustache…

Haruka wandered in through the doorway and spotted Nodoka in a cozy-looking armchair. It’s that girl from Negi’s class… she realized, and spied the book’s cover from a distance, o-onions… she stepped a bit closer. “Hey there…”

“Ahhh!” Nodoka screamed with surprise, “…um…err…” she shied, a tad afraid of the quite creepy appearance of the this girl. She held her book up, “G-gomen, I have to go,” she said hurriedly and zoomed away to another spot, hoping the girl wouldn’t follow.

“W-wait, I…” Haruka held out her hand to stop her, but she was already gone. “Another one runs…” With a sigh, she turned and continued deeper into the library, unaware of the traps that lay ahead this path.

She returned to the room a few hours later, covered in wounds. She sensed another presence but was unsure if it was near enough to notice her. “If anyone is here to see me…Don’t you…say a word…”

Stage 9: Gathering

Nodoka left the check-out desk, she’d decided to borrow it so that she could read it where it wouldn’t attract attention. Her stomach growled and she blushed embarrassed, but decided to head to Chao Bao Zhi before continuing her story. She stowed it away in her bag where it wouldn’t risk being seen.

Dark Evangeline was still wandering around the entrance to Library Island when she spotted the shy-looking, purple-haired girl. “Ah, student 27, Miyazaki Nodoka-san, isn’t it?” she asked. “I believe you’re a member of the Library Exploration Committee, pleased to meet you,” she said with a formal bow.

Behind them, Psy approached, “Yes, hello there Nodoka,” he said shyly, remembering the restaurant incident. He bowed as well, “I didn’t know you belonged to the Library Committee.”

“Umm…” Nodoka hesitated, walking behind Dark Eva as they continued on the way to Chao Bao Zhi. “H-hello, Da-Dark Eva-san and…” Nodoka paused ….what did Setsuna call him? Psy? Yeah… “Ps-Ps-Psy-san,” she stuttered around a small smile.

Chamo warped onto her head. “Hiya!” he greeted genially.

“Ah! Chamo-kun you surprised me!” Nodoka whispered, “H-How is N-Negi-s-sensei?” she asked, blushing furiously, afraid she’d be heard.

“I haven’t seen Aniki in a while actually, but I‘ll catch up with him eventually.”

“He seemed fine the last we saw him,” Dark Evangeline commented, “Chamomile-san, may I ask you why you’re here?”

“Yeah, what are you doing here Chamo?” Psy asked the ermine.

“I’m uh, here doing some research on some stuff,” Chamo lied quickly.

Loss exited the library humming to himself when he caught sight of the group. “Ah, there they are!” he remarked, trotting over to them.

“Oh, hey there Loss!” Psy called, waving.

Haruka had cleaned herself up and changed into her special occasion silk dress. She too was heading towards the exit of the library when she found the group. “Psy! Long time no see! What are you all doing here?”

“Haruka! You’re right, long time no see!” he said giving her a hug. She quickly hid her wince. He pulled away and looked at her, “Wow, you look great. What’s the occasion?” he asked with a grin and slight blush. “We’re here doing a little investigation work…what are you doing here, and dressed like that?”

“Ah, well I got this dress from home…you like it?” She spun once for him. “I’m here to find a book on Apollo…apparently, he’s been stirring up some trouble…” She smiled and also blushed, “and we need a faster way to stop him…”

Akimura came around the corner, “Oh man…this is where I started,” he sighed, “I give up.” He sat down and leaned against the nearest book case looking towards the gathering a few feet away.

Dark Evangeline was still pondering Chamo’s less than convincing sentence. Having gotten to know the crafty ermine’s ways, she nodded and humored him. “Miyazaki-san, before you leave, we may need your assistance getting deeper into the library. We seek some books on reversing curses…Since I gather you’re more or less the ‘head librarian’ around here, we would be very grateful if you could help us.”

“O-oh…” she replied, the scary woman who she’d seen before had joined the group, though she looked more approachable now, and Nodoka edged quietly behind Dark Eva. Still nervous, but feeling better after hearing about Negi-sensei, she continued, “U-um, if you’re going to research o-okay…” she added with a slight bow. “Although, at the same time I need to look for Yue…and I was going to get a bite to eat just now.” Nodoka really had been looking for Yue, since she’d said she’d come back from her vacation of world travel of finding unique drinks, the most likely place to find her would be at the peculiar juice machines within Library Island, and she could likely find a snack to tide her over inside as well.

The group left the sunlit entrance to head back towards the darker interior. Haruka glanced at the book shelves, “Demons….darkness….I can’t find anything on him.”

“U-um, demons and monsters are over in that direction and darkness is in the Magic/Element section over there,” Nodoka responded helpfully as she pointed. I never got to finish “When Onions Rule the World”…

With a bow, Haruka turned to the first direction, “Thank you very much…and I apologize for startling you earlier.” With that, she dashed off towards the demon section, more wary of the things around her this time.

Yue wandered through the entrance, a take-out bag of Chao Bao Zhi on her arm, sipping at her most recent find of juice. She was reading a flyer she'd gotten from the dorm. Hmm...I wonder if they left yet... She nearly passed the group before she noticed them.

Hmm…Nodoka and Yue with this group, something is going on. I wonder what it is, Akimura sat contemplating. They must be searching for something here.

"Hi Nodoka...Why is everyone standing around?" Yue asked. Then she held up the flyer, "Oh, are you this group, I didn't see this until just a bit ago or I'd have been here earlier."

She looked over the hodge-podge gathering again, Nodoka, Chamo, Dark Evangeline, Psy-kun, and Loss-kun? Haruka-san just left now... And there's Akimura-san in the corner...though he doesn't seem to be part of it...what could they all be looking for…

Chamo jumped off Nodoka's head and took out a candy cig and stuck it in his mouth. "You seem curious, Ayase-san", DarkEvangeline remarked, "Why don't you join us? I'm sure Miyazaki-san will fill you in."

"Yue, they n need help to find a few books on reversing curses, and you like exploring right? Do you want to join us?" Nodoka asked.

"Un, sounds interesting. If you already checked this floor's standard curse reversals and didn't find it then the next level is under more security five floors down...But it'll take a little over a few hours to get there, are you all okay with leaving now or is there anything you need to gather first?"

---short note for those lost: Thanatos was talking about looking for a book to remove her personal curse, and there may also be data on the Infernus Scholasticus curse in that same book---

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