Welp, it's been a while since I've posted anything at all here so I'll just let you all know that I am back! I'll be posting here every once in a while more as update to various things I'm working on.
Thus far, my projects are as follows:
The Unicorn King - not much has happened since inception. I did make a new meme. Info on The Unicorn King project available here: https://www.facebook.com/the.1unicorn.king/
Castle Keep Crafts - managed to start working on a HUGE project that may take the rest of the year and probably longer than that, as I'm using mediums I've not worked with either very often or not at all. More info available here: https://www.facebook.com/CastleKeepCrafts/ and shop is available in siggy. Also working on getting as much stock ready for February show (ZipCon! Hope to see ya'll there!) Additionally, designing/sketching/dealing with a book about a Seedy Guy (a very suspicious seedling creature) who goes on an adventure. More info will be available as time goes on. Lots of business projects!
Homemaking stuff: not much honestly. Just doing my best to keep up with dishes/make bed/keep meals happening on the daily.
Not sure how often these entries will be kept up, but hope ya'll enjoy (or don't, that's fine too lol).
Hope Legacy Community Member |