I hate my life right now. I can't get a job, I feel like I'm a burden to my roommates, most of my family isn't speaking to me, I can't seem to keep my temper around one of my roommates. I mean he's a sweetheart and all just sometimes he forgets certain things about me that are crucial. I don't get to see my girlfriend as often as I want to and she's basically the only thing holding my fragile sanity together. I mean I feel like I can't do anything right sometimes, I can't cook anything both roommates like, I don't do enough around the house to please one's father. I give too much attention to one and not enough to the other. I just don't know what to do anymore. I mean I understand them wanting me to stay around this weekend incase the job calls but I need to get away from them every now and then. I'm basicly stuck at the house all day alone by myself with little to do and then they want me to stay the weekends with them. I wake up earlier than everyone and go to sleep before everyone so i always feal left out. And then they want to go do thinks I just don't like to do...I just cant sit up and watch movies any more, I only like sertain video games and I abhore lazer tag. It's all fun and games when your little, but when your older and just don't like shooting games..it's not very fun. They want to take me to the movies and all, there just aren't any I relay am dying to see any more. I don't want them spending money on me that can be used to do more important things like save up for a new bed or futons. I don't know what do do anymore. Any ideas any one? Any one???
okamiterrior Community Member |