The pleasing smell of roasts and potatoes invaded her senses as she stepped into the Great Hall. She and Salem led the line of first years, following a Professor McGonnagal, to the Sorting hat and her heart leapt into her throat as she approached the tattered stool that sat beneath it.
Terrwyn let out a 'whoosh' of air, clasping her arms around herself. She could hear the whispers and jeers from the tables surrounding the stool and she shivered. She would face prejudice no matter where she ended up. But she prayed it would only be from students. To stay on her family's and their host family's--the Malfoy's-good graces, she had two choices. She could either become a Ravenclaw or a Slytherin.
As she sat beneath the musty sorting hat, she mused about her encounter in the train. Already, she had taken a disliking to Pansy Parkinson and Millicent Bulstrode. But that was to be expected, according to Draco.
"Draco," she whispered, looking out over the hoarde of first years to the Slytherin table. It was their encounter that had been plaguing her mind. Their kiss had been extraordinary--the first kiss she had ever had without convulsions. It sent waves of hope throughout her entire being; but, at the same time, it sent an answering wave of doubt. What if Draco didn't feel anything for her? Or what if, after their kiss, she ended up somewhere other than Slytherin? Would he still speak with her? And what would Salem think about all of this? Or her mother?
The sorting hat prattled on about the song of Hogwarts as her mind rattled restlessly. There were so many questions. And this hat above her had the passport to the answers. It only had to say one word. She closed her eyes and said a prayer: "Please, put me in Slytherin..."
The hat seemed to quiver on her head and he spoke to her, in the crotchety voice of an extremely old man. "Why, Slytherin, girly? Are you cunning? Evil? Or just barmy?"
Terrwyn bit her lip. "Cunning....and I don't trust well."
He cackled, quiet and breathless in her ear. "You could do well in Ravenclaw."
"No!" she shouted, aware that almost everyone was staring at her. So, in a whisper, she added: "Please, put me in Slytherin. It's where I'm wanted. And I think it's where my future lies. Please, look over there. Do you see the blonde? With the silver eyes?"
The hat twitched. "The Malfoy Heir?"
"Yes," she breathed. "I think....I think I might love him. And I swear to all that is magical, if you deny me my only love, I will smite you with the darkest curse I can find. One that turns you human and young before I crucio you to death." Her eyes were wild. "Do we understand?"
He cackled. "That was good; maybe I underestimated you." He coughed loudly, to get everyone's attention. "Slytherin!" he cajoled. And Terrwyn watched Draco's face split into a grin and Salem's moue twist into a smirk.
Terrwyn let out a sigh of relief and stood from the stool, as McGonnagal removed the, still cackling, sorting hat. She glanced over her shoulder at it as she made her way to the Slytherin table. His cackling ceased and his gaze softened.
At the table, she found a seat next to a, still smiling, Draco Malfoy. He put his arm around her shoulder companionably. No twitches or convulsions greeted her. She smiled. He squeezed her shoulder and leaned in towards her ear. "I'm so glad you got put into Slytherin. I might have had to ask for a transfer. And we know how happy my father would be about that."
She laughed, earning a glare from Pansy at being so happy in Draco's arms. She gave the pug-faced girl a two-finger wave. Pansy stuck up her nose, which led to both Terrwyn and Draco bursting into more laughter.
She leaned into him. "I'm glad I'm intimidating."
His eyebrows rose. "What does that have to do with anything?"
"That hat was going to put me into Ravenclaw. But I threatened it; and it was a really good threat, I think too." In a bout of bravery, she leaned up and kissed the corner of his mouth. "And I think I belong here more than silly Ravenclaw anyway. I'm much too..." she kissed beneath his ear, "seductive...." she kissed under his chin, "and cunning...." she tilted his head and kissed his mouth. "And sexy.....to be a Ravenclaw."
He was sweating as he returned her affections. She smirked against his mouth as she head Pansy sob and screech. For the moment, life was good.
That was until there was a cough of annoyance from behind her. "Sister," the voice growled, "what the hell are you doing?" Suddenly, there was a hand fisted in Draco's collar, pulling him away from her. She mewled from the loss of touch and twisted to glare at her interfering brother.
"Salem, I am allowed to kiss anyone I please. Besides, he's a Malfoy....Mother will be pleased." Her facial expression gave away the fact that she really didn't really give a whit what her mother thought or didn't think. "So unhand Draco and go sit at your rightful table."
Salem laughed and released Draco. The blonde boy collected himself quickly and, in a bout of both arrogance and bravery, pulled Terrwyn up against him, resting his face on the top of her head. "Be gone, Eldergoth," he snarled.
Salem shook his head. "Sorry to disappoint the lovely couple, but I'm a Slytherin as well." He moved himself to sit on Terrwyn's other side, causing two third years to move down in his wake. He leaned to whisper in Terrwyn's ear: "I told that hat that you were my sister and that I needed to protect you. And that I would use any means necessary to do so. It was a quick decision to put me here."
She glared at him. "I hate you. Now leave me alone. It's not like Draco and I are shagging on the table. It's some harmless kissing, you prude." In spite, she turned and met Draco's surprised moue with her mouth. He returned her attentions faithfully. Life's still good, she admitted to herself, as she explored him with her thin fingers. At least for the moment.
Terrwyn Lily · Wed Jan 30, 2008 @ 10:36pm · 0 Comments |