From: An anonymous benefactor Message: Tis the season, To give with no reason,
The tradition is old, The weather is cold,
Spread the cheer, To those you hold dear,
~The Poinsettia Pixie~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: An anonymous benefactor Message: I shall compare you to a beautiful ocean- so calming and warm, yet powerful and full of insight. I see this when I glance at your lips - I feel the passion, the power, and yet, they are smooth, beautiful, and I am eager to show you how magnificent you really are. Love always, VENOMOUS FROST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: An anonymous benefactor Message: A beautiful flower for a beautiful person. -hugs and kisses your cheek- I hope this holiday season is all you want and more. Take care, lovely.
-Shadow -------------------------- From: An anonymous benefactor Message: You're super sexy as well, Mademoiselle, but I do believe that selling your body is illegal and I won't want a beauty like you locked up. -takes your hand, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of it- I hope I haven't overstepped my boundaries by stealing a kiss. Or two perhaps? -leans in, placing a kiss on your cheek lightly- There we go, but just make sure you stay out of jail, sweetheart. I couldn't visit you there, now could I?
-Shadow -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: An anonymous benefactor Message: Her eyes shine like the brightest star. Her hair flows like the Nile. Her cheeks as pink as a peach. Her skin as soft as a babies... But does she love me...? I wish on the brightest star... Please love me... M'lady...
~ Winter's Prime -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: An anonymous benefactor Message: Ah, so you are sunny and I am cold. How contrasting and how bold! To be so warm in this winter Is inviting to those so bitter.
So smile that [s u n n y] smile of yours And I shall continue my own. Can you believe that it is the twenty-fourth? Oh, how the time's flown.
~Figgy Puddin' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: An anonymous benefactor Message: Your body? I'd take it gladly. Baby we could go all night. I'd love you madly.
Gift related, it's my pants, my only pair left. What ever will I wear now? Let's hope I don't have to. xoxoxoxoxo
Happy Holidays! ~ Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, Gaia's Robin Hood! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[s u n n y] · Fri Dec 24, 2010 @ 04:34pm · 1 Comments |