When we last left off, Suki was in the mist of battle with two giant bug monsters.
The spider laid on the ground with two of its eight legs cut off by the dark, powered blast. When it stood you could see a hole at least a foot deep into it with blood dripping onto the grass. Kuroi looked over to the scorpion seeing that it was frozen in ice. His eyes went back to the fight, curious to what was about to happen. Suki was breathing heavily, the blast had taken a lot out of her, so she only had enough energy left to fight the spider. Her eyes had turned back to the blood- thirsty crimson red they once were. Her hair was a different story though, it stayed the dark royal blue it had transformed into. Suki's eyes were fixed upon this hideous beast, paying little attention to the other gaint monster, the scorpion. She finally thought it was time to use her elemental sword. She reached behind her back and slowly pulled the glittering blade from out of the sheath; in the moonlight the blade gleamed. On the hilt there was a silver dragon head; its eyes, a ruby red, making the image become frightful and dangerous. Suki crouched low, ready for her attack- but so was the spider. It lunged at her and squeezed her tightly with its sharp fangs. Kuroi jumped up from where he sat, ready to help his friend in need. It was too late though, his duties lied elsewhere. Kuroi heared a cracking sound from where the scorpion layed. His eyes glanced over to the iced figure. He saw crack marks running down the ice block. The block exploded, sending ice flying and sending the scorpion free. It dashed off to the west, into the dark."Moontan, help Suki- I'll get that thing!" Kuroi yelled, dashing after the beast, leaving the two girls behind. "Kuroi, get your a** over here, I need your help!" screamed Suki as her body was squeezed together,tighter and tighter with every second. Blood dripped down her arms as she closed her eyes in pain. "Dont worry Suki, I'm here." Moontan said as she got her ice dagger ready. She ran full speed at the spider, slicing off one of its fangs and then caught Suki as she fell. "Thanks Moontan, I owe you one." Suki said painfully. Her back was to the monster and didn't notice the spider's leg rising high in the air. "Hey Moontan, did you see my sword anywhere? I think I dropped it." Suki asked. The spider's leg dropped and hit Suki's head, making her fly into Moontan. The two girls flew across the grass and landed with bruises and dirt all over their bodies. "Ow, that hurt. Are you okay, Suki?" asked Moontan as she sat up, rubbing her head. Suki gave no reply as she laid unconcious on the ground. "The poor girl, she deserves a rest; I'll finish it from here." thought Moontan, smiling at Suki as she got up and prepared to fight.
Kuroi chased the scorpion throughout the plains, darkness surrounding them both. "Get back here so i can kill you!" Kuroi screamed at the runaway scorpion. The bug stopped in front of something-- or someone. Kuroi stopped too, getting his eyes used to the darkness around him. He saw a figure of a girl standing near the creature. A long blade clearly shown in the moonlight; Suki's blade to be more like it. "Hello stranger, what might your name be?" The girl said, giggling. "I'll never give my name out to you." "Oh, come on,dont you want a beautiful girl to know your name?" the girl said playfully. "Yeah, I would, but i see no beautiful girls around- I just see a ugly one right in front of me." Kuroi said, smirking. "How rude!" The stranger cried. Kuroi got pissed off at her and just wanted this strange girl to shut up. He lunged at her, a black dagger in his hand. The girl screamed and made a dash for it, but Kuroi was on her tail. One thing that Kuroi did not notice, though, was that the girl was smirking. She ran to the opening of the woods where the Southwest Gate began, and waited for Kuroi to catch up with her. The thing is though, Kuroi had taken a different route. Kuroi hid behind a tree, his dagger readied to be thrown at the girl. As he stood there, from the corner of his eye he saw two animals. There was a egle sleeping in a tree and a fox sleeping under a bush nearby. They looked quite familier. He wispered to himself, "Tori, Nick?"
To be continued...
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The Warrior within
its just a story I made with me and some friends in it.
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