Okay, so on July 31, 2007 i went to my first concert, Projekt Revolution
i was originally just going to see My Chemical Romance. But then i listened to some other bands and they were awesome.
I heard Madina Lake and those guys in it were hot and the band was good. So i waited in line to get their autograph :]
I didnt have anything for them to sign, so i had them sign my pants. I put my leg up on the table, and they all grabbed it and wrote. Hahaha it was awesome. Getting your legs grabbed by famous people. Then i listened to Saosin, i liked them before. And had them all sign my pants too. They were't as friendly though. Then i listened to Mindless Self Indulgence, And they sounded AWESOME! and the singer Jimmy was really hyper and cool lol. So then i got him to sign my pants. He grabbed my leg, signed it, then slapped it. LOL
Then i sat down in the seats waiting for MY chemical romance to perform. And guess who walks past me, the drummer from madina lake! So i turn to my friend molly and im like "OMG ITS THAT GUY!" haha then he walks past us and sits kinda close. then we look over at him and smile, then he sees us and smiles and waves :]
Then after waiting forever MY chemical romance comes on! i was jumping everywhere singing and it was the best show ever!
They sounded awesome and Gerard said hes gonna steal all the girls away from their boyfriends. I'm totally fine with that ;]
He looked super duper hot and frank was rolling all over the floor
That is one day i will never forget