.~.~.The Darkness can never completely overthrow the Light, but for the time being... it has.~.~.
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Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 @ 07:48am
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 @ 02:25pm
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Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 @ 02:15pm
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 @ 02:02pm
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Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 @ 09:36am
Wake Up From Hibernation 2
Ok, so I'm impatient. I haven't been able to access Blogger, so what the heck, I'll post my post here instead.
[It has been too long, much, much too long, dear, dear Shiny. Well, it has, hasn’t it? Anyway, since the past month a lot has gone on.
First of all, I went to Hong Kong, originally to skip our Chinese long test, but then the aforementioned test was postponed so I was just skipping school with a somewhat valid excuse. The excuse: there was no one home because my mom went to Hong Kong. That was a total lie, by the way, one, which my mom made up. Lol. And parents are supposedly supposed to be our role models. Either way, the trip was fun. (We went to Disneyland! XD) But I’m getting ahead of myself, I have to explain why we went there in the first place, noh?
There was a convention, of cosmetics, no less, there called Cosmopac of which my mom had to attend and introduce her replacement to PACC’s suppliers and customers, actually, I don’t think they had any customers on the global scale… Oh well, like I care. I'm not interested in this kind of business and never intend to get into it.
The convention was really cool though, fascinating. I’ll list them off…
1. The booths. You don’t expect people to just walk up to your booth in its plain boring-ness, now do you? So of course, to attract, well, people, some companies went crazy on the designs. I swear, too cool to be true. Some seemed to be made entirely out of glass, another one was practically all pink; another one (which I really liked) was all black. Others even brought out a couple of their machines of which they used to make their products.
2. The products.
Right, so your booth’s interesting enough to draw the crowds to it, but it’d all be useless without the right products to appeal to them, heck, that’s the whole point of the convention, to advertise your stuff. XP Some of the products there were totally boring to the normal consumer, like what normal man/woman would be interested in the cap of a can? But this is a cosmetic convention, which is obviously inclusive of perfumes, make-up, and other beautifying products.
These kind of things have to appeal to the beautifying yourself people, so in turn they are beautiful. I was in awe of the lipsticks and powders and even the eyeliners there. And to think, I hate make-up… Anyway, have you seen a lipstick with a design on it? And I mean on the actual thing you apply to your lips. Well, have you? Have you even heard of such an idea? It’s a really awesome idea and got me staring at them through the glass.
The face powders were like that as well, they had such beautiful designs that even an artist would be at awe, heck, it looked like some really artistic kid went crazy on his mom’s powder there. They even had jigsaw-like ones… I mean that they had groups of powders beside each other, forming powder artworks in their shiny glass make-up galleries.
Unto the boring looking eyeliners I go. So what’s so cool about the eyeliners? Do they have like super-awesome-cool looks? No, but they’re very unique I’d have to say… Ok, so with pencils (the writing instrument) you have a normal Monggol pencil, a magic pencil, and a mechanical pencil. I wouldn’t know of any other types. But eyeliners are like normal pencils right? Eh! Now the mechanical eyeliner has been invented! Dun-dun-dun-dun!!! You twist its body to make the lead come out and I doubt you have to sharpen such a pencil. Too cool!
One really weird product there, which kinda falls under the cosmetic description (But not quite to me…) is the bath soap I found there… Right, bath soap… Bear with me for a moment, but you do know about the plastic dingy you use while swimming, right? Take that, and remove the air then put your bath soap, liquid form, duh. And Tah-daah! Really weird container for bath soap! That’s not all, but you can apply the design theory to it. (The theory where when you have a nice container, you get more customers! >.> Ok, I made that up…) So there was a Halloween theme, a Christmas theme, a Valentine theme, and a *shockhorrorgasp* “Naughty theme… *silence ensues* Wha-? Yes, yes… When I first saw it I stopped and stared for a moment and thought to myself, “Was that a p***s?”
So ends the description of the products, with a lot of snickering and probably some blushing as well. Anyway, out of the three-day convention we only spend two days there, so we couldn’t go crazy buying the rad stuff there.
And on the third day of not resting we went to Disneyland! It’s still the same cool place, but the advantage of going on a weekday that isn’t vacation time yet is that there is hardly anyone there! Whoot! Three-minute line on Space Mountain! The crappy thing was that when I tried out the newest attraction there, Autopia, there was like a 30-minute wait for it. And it was a crappy ride to boot. Gah! I wasted four rides on the rollercoaster!
So, since our flight was later that day, we hurried to the train station at 5:30 to take the Airport Express, which was fast, but took about 20 minutes, probably…
But this does not end my description of my trip. That was just what we did… *Big grin*
My two best friends must be influencing me, but the clothes of those in Hong Kong were really cute. Compared to the Philippines, the only place I can say that would interesting to watch out for cute clothes is Greenbelt, but in Hong Kong, whoa. Just walking down the street you can see them, the fashionitas of Hong Kong that Olay is promoting. Ah, the joy of visiting a fashion capital. You do not see people in the Philippines wearing knee-high boots… Apart from the policemen in the rain… *shudder*
So, while I’m comparing the two countries, I may as well do the common comparison of how fast these people do things, from walking, to eating, to serving the food you’re supposed to eat. Eep, fast food there really is fast food. And they’re serving noodles.
*Stares at palm… Tennis lump*
Anyway, being a car freak another thing I noticed was that they have awesome cars there… I saw an S15!!! biggrin (People: Eh?) Anyway, it seemed like the most common car there was the Toyota something… Crown or Corona I think, basta, something along the lines of that. Not surprising though, seeing that Toyota is one of the top three car companies in the world, based on sales. The thing is that the most common car is the taxi, yep, the Toyota taxi.
But somewhat surprisingly, the second most common car is the Mercedes-Benz. Pfft… Rich much?
The most common cell phone however is probably the Motorola. Yep, Hello Moto is really popular there, while it’s only gaining popularity here. Ahem, Razor…
Another things that seems significant (to me) about Hong Kong are the players there… No, not the dating too many people to count them, players, I mean the Initial D Arcade Stage players. I even heard that the best Initial D player is from there. biggrin I so wanted to check out the arcade there, but to no avail… Boohoo. So what?
But, before I forget about the most amazing and shallow part about out trip, I shall announce to the invisible crowds of my blog that HMV is the best! It has… *takes a deep breath* Jpop, Jrock, Kpop, Krock, Cpop, Crock, regular Rock, regular Pop, and ANIME!!! But most importantly, INITIAL D!!! They have the OSTs, and even the actual anime there! They had the 3rd and 4th Stage there, complete on DVD! If I didn’t expect that the subtitles would be in Chinese, I would’ve bought it! But oh well, I did purchase a CD of K and of Move. So there was some avail to it all. XD
It’s frustrating though; it’s very expensive compared to the Philippines, duh. That goes very much without saying.
And before I close this very long post, I would like to say that walking around in the morning I saw some schoolgirls in their uniforms. It isn’t as cute as anime puts it to be, but heck that was not Japan. XP]
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 @ 10:32am
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Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 @ 11:12am
Manny Pacquiao: The Modern Philippine’s National Hero
Everyone has heard of our favorite and most famous boxer, Mr. Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao, what a stupid a.k.a. name though. Isn't being named after an ancient Nintendo game humiliating? Or does he not realize it? It would be much cooler if he were named something that belongs, or at least fits in with the 21st century.
But I’m not here to criticize his stupid nickname, but here to provide yet another essay, questioning his status here in the Philippines. He is so revered here in the Philippines that when he had a fight against a guy (whose name I can no longer remember) earlier this year, I think, people were flocking to televisions and eagerly (insanely) cheering on their idol in Las Vegas.
Sure, it’s really great that he’d bringing glory and honor to the Philippines, he is, as my title claims, like the new National Hero. It seems that he is greater than those heroes of more than a century ago, who have done much, much, much greater things to the Philippines, like setting it free from the Spaniards, Americans, and Japanese. Although, freeing ourselves from then Spaniards and the Japanese, we got help from the Americans, but that’s not the important part. Our heroes, like Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, or other guys from our monetary system, they are the significant heroes in the Philippines, even if they are long dead.
They initiated, or continued, our fight against our colonists. It is because of them that we are the first country liberated from colonization, in Asia, I mean.
If we talk about the heroes of today, at least we should honor the OFWs a bit more. They’re the ones who are pumping a significant percentage of our dollars into the Philippines. But, no, all the wrong people are the ones receiving honor and grace from our very dear president. Although I doubt that the government has enough money to honor the OFWs the same was she does to Mr. Pacman (and the dude from the Black Eyed Peas, who is totally undeserving as well).
We get honor and glory, in the form of boxing victories of all things. I’m so totally against boxing, so that pretty much adds to my negativity about Mr. Muncher. I remember reading about a proposal of the DepEd to include boxing into school’s curriculum. WTF! That would be a summarized version of what went in my head though. The totally elongated version of it would follow.
Boxing in our school curriculum. I would love to ask the guy who proposed this if he actually thought about what he was proposing. Is he insane? Or is he such a Pacquiao fan that he was totally deluded by Pacman’s shiny little stars floating around him when he fights a match? Probably both. This is certainly not a good was to honor the boxer. He’s a boxer for crying out loud, the image he is feeding to the people of other countries is that, “Sure, we’re a third world country, but at least we can fight well.”
It’s crazy. We have misdirected all this time and energy for no significant, or even valuable purpose. Heck, it’s a totally brutal sport.
Pacquiao is wealthy. He is famous. He gets accusations that he impregnated a woman, or something like that. < It shows that women are actually willing to sleep with a tiny guy who does not actually have much else apart from boxing skills. He does not need this ego inflation. He is simply not worth it.
Mom was watching TV Patrol a while ago, and just when I was about to go and retreat into my 2nd bedroom (Can you try to guess what other normal, and very common room this is?) she said, “Look, o, Manny Pacquiao’s car is a Mercedez Benz. It’s a two seater and the top opens up automatically. And the ignition is turned on by pressing a button.” That is a somewhat edited version, because I don’t have a photographic memory, but I assure you that this is the context.
That is proof enough! He is buying this totally expensive import luxury car from wherever the hell he gets them imported. They don’t sell this here in the Philippines, I believe, because if they did, there would be more of this horridly common car around.
Apart from that I would like to add a totally irrelevant point. What horrid taste. Yes, a Mercedez is a much too common luxury car. Does that contradict each other? Either way, it is. He has no true taste. He is unaware of much cooler cars out there. If he insists on an insane luxury car, he should get something with more originality, even if it does have a button ignition. You don’t actually see that on the road do you?
Anyway, for those who skipped a bit, my main and most important point (well, 2 points anyway) is that we should not be giving this athlete, regardless of his accomplishments, this much, well, love. He has a wife, 2 (soon becoming 3) kids, and I don’t know how many mistresses out there, he should be able to get enough love. He knows that we appreciate his victories; we honor him in a less grandeur way (should anyway). He certainly does not need festivals in his honor.
And think about it, it’s like Pacman vs. Rizal… DING! FIGHT! Or whatever…
Who would you pick? Who do you think is more deserving? Who do you think has actually contributed something important to the Philippines?
Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 @ 06:26am
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Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 @ 06:23am