I had a dream that I had turned into an Italian girl with an enormous family and vast knowledge of zombies and zombie games. We were all sucked into one and we were figuring out what to do when I started talking about cheatcodes.
Suddenly I had control over everything in the dream, and it became more about abandoned civilation than zombies. I had half of everyone load up into a van and went to a nearby mall, unafraid that any zombies would attack because, well, I didn't want them to and it was my dream.
It got a bit boring waiting for everybody to finish their raid, but I was patient, until suddenly zombies started shambling into the parking lot against my will. The person watching the van sent a messenger to tell us what was happening and I called everybody on the intercom, instructing the dream to make them come on a deeper level. But they wouldn't. I started screaming, crying, begging them to come back, but they wouldn't. The lady in the van was run over and eaten alive, and everybody had to retreat to upper floors.
I started trying to manipulate things again by making an airborne sealed lifeboat thing appear and loaded up whoever I could into it. We blasted off and I followed it with an view from above, content....when it started spurting steam and toppling around in the air. I started feeling the sensations of the girl I had started as, choked with panic and furiously refusing to admit she'd die there. But it hit the ocean below and I woke up.
I thought the point of lucid dreams was making them do as you please, not losing control at some part and getting turned to a nightmare.
I guess I can't even godmod in dreams, where it's acceptable. gonk
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Furfog's Dream Log
A place where I can write down in full form the dreams I've had.
It's probably borint to the point of tears to others, but I kinda would like to write it down anyway.