No one reads this thing anyways so i say pretty much whatever the hell I want. I just started dating this guy and he's just about completely perfect. Which is part of the reason I don't want to get too obsessed over him even though I think I may already be in love with him. I haven't even kissed him yet and I think he's perfect. It's been 4 dates and I can't stop thinking about him. He doesn't do anything I don't want to do (which right now is hard to find with me), he likes a lot of similar things I do (anime, music, books) he's much smarter than I can ever hope to be, and he LIKES ME. He goes way out of his way to spend time with me, and he actually has real conversations with me. He hugs me all the time and he gets upset when I'm upset. No one has ever been this nice to me and I just keep hoping I don't screw it up. I almost did already, and I'm never going to do that again. This is kinda a side-note, but his sister's funny and awesome too, his mom scares me a little but she seems nice. I think I just need to get to know her more. And his dogs and cats are adorable. I'm not just maybe in love with him, I'm also in love with his life and how he acts and how his family is, and how he treats me. I don't want to tell him all this yet, because it sounds really nuts, but I just hate being away from him. I'm not even away from him for that long, I just want to be with him always. Ok, this feels mildly crazy, so I'm gonna just stop here....yeah....
dethklokfan1 · Thu Apr 16, 2009 @ 12:50am · 0 Comments |