Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii can't thiiiiiiiiink what to write, I caaaaaaaaan't thiiiiiiiiiiink what to write, I can't think whaaaaaaaaaat to wriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite... nononononono gonk ze snen's life is boring..
The computer shut down the first time I tried to post this and shut the window the second crying So it better post now!!!
Would you like to hear about my cup-a-soup adventure? I'm sure you would.
Here's my first attempt at making cup-a-soup, during the hours of school: SO. I bring ze soup. I forget ze cup. So it's not really cup-a-soup, it's just useless packet mix. I text my mum because I think there is instructions on how to make it, but she laughs cus you just have to add water xp
Here's my second attempt, which took place between the hours of 9 and 10 am today: SO. I put the soup in ze cup. So far so good. Then I boil the kettle. Or so I think. Apparantly it did not boil and I put all cold waters in my soup -_- SO I put the cup in the microwave. When I next open the microwave it's all gone over the side of the cup. Then it has chunks. Chunks I tells you!! Stirring them did not work sad