~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~Okay, so I decided that I want a new dream avie.. and I played with some items I liked and came up with this..

Why do I have to have such expensive taste?? crying ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Salty the Rockstar · Mon Feb 23, 2009 @ 05:16pm · 1 Comments |
IRL Avie, newly revisited. |
Okay so. Since teh up beat is some sort of compulsive noobhead, chicken, stalker baby. xp (hahahah lol) She didn't think that the representation of myself in avie form was acceptable. So she made a couple for me.
Shockingly enough, I like them a lot. I really see myself in these little cartoon avies. So, since she's better at making me than I am, I'll just post her's instead! mrgreen
The Up Beat Jaymes!! Here ya' are! (hehe) A little dressy for Sunday church!  Wednesday nights, more casual but well put together...  Baby sittin', going to the store:  And finally, bed time. 
Salty the Rockstar · Fri May 09, 2008 @ 03:46am · 0 Comments |
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Okay so. I made an avie of what I look like in real life. I actually have a jacket like that, I actually have pants and a shirt like that. I wear my boots everywhere. And I sing. And that's my bible that I'm holding. 3nodding mrgreen
I know, I know it's awesome. cool ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Salty the Rockstar · Fri Apr 25, 2008 @ 06:48am · 0 Comments |
The rain it fell In silver stripes Piercing lines Cutting through the night The roar of a motor Broke the sweet silence Waking the town With a certain defiance Her bright red hair And her shimmering blue eyes Was all that stuck out Of her dark disguise
They couldn't hold back Her notorious ways Her criminal acts Or her mocking gaze Banks she raided Jewels she would quest She'd leave only rags And take all the rest
Her getaway; Clean She was clear out of sight With a blood red scarf And a hard, cold bike.
Salty the Rockstar · Sat Oct 21, 2006 @ 01:32am · 1 Comments |
Not quite a dream, nor a prayer... Enter with caution. |
OOC: This is a conversation between me and Dementia][Praecox and myself. xd Beware, it's anything but usual.
Hurrah! You are there! Hey guess what?? We are like, talking in two places at once!
Woah! Is that even, like, legal?!12
I don't know... That's kind of scary.. What if it is??
THat's why I had to stop, it was freaking me out.
Hee hee, lol.
Whew. Now that it's all over, we are back to talking normally, with PMS! rofl
Yes, but maybe... just maybe... No, it's too radical. We'd get busted for sure.
I've got too much invested in this account to have it spontaneously combust due to our "experimenting" No, I certainly cannot have that. Let's just try not to shake the boat okay?
Ok... -gets up to get a sandwich and wobbles the boat so much that it tips over- Wah!! -splash-
eek OMgoodness! What have you done!! I can't swim!! *is drowning gonk *
But... -is floating with no assistance- You're a pirate... ?
OMGosh!!! You ate one didn't you!!?!
Listen okay... It, It's not what you think!... Everyone is doing it!! *is still drowning*
-pulls you up so that your head is above the water, still floating easily-
So? When everyone was becoming a pirate to gain riches and glory, did you just run off and- Oh wait, you did. Well, when average pirates were becoming captains willy-nilly did you follow the- Oh... yea. Well... ... Which one was it?! Gum gum? Smoke smoke? Don't tell me it was chop chop!?!
I think it was drown-drown, now that you mention it. My mother always warned me about steroi--eh, cursed fruit. She always told me to, "Just say no." But I couldn't resist the peer presure! All the cool pirates were doing it, and I can stop at any second! It's not completely habit forming! I guess... *Sobs*
Well... I can't blame you for wanting to be more popular... But, you need to learn to be your own pirate Captain! Not another carbon copy of Black Beard. Be true to yourself!
Be.. true to myself?? *teary eyed drama* Yes! I can do it!! I can be true to myself!! *Stands on top of some random hill, with the american flag waving in the background*
Just after this next fix. whee
Hmm, I think I see land over there. -points, with the hand currently used to hold byou up out of the water, still holding your collar-
Oh no! This water is going to ruin my drown-drown fruit! You see, it's in powered form so that you can snif- well, it cost a lot of money, I don't want it to be ruined!
-sees some mush float by, then sink- I... think it already has. -determined music plays suddenly- I can make it! -starts swimming towards the small island-
Noo! *Cries as she is being dragged along* My drown-drown fruit!! Well, so much for a last fix.
Come on! We can make it! We can survive! -swims, dramatic music still playing-
Okaaay. *sighs, and then begins to paddle with feet* I wonder if that land has a phone, then I could call my dealer.
-announcer voice sounds over head somewhere- "Our heros rweach the island, only to find that there is no phone!" Woah... First the music now this... "Myrtle has saved they're lives, but has it only put them in more danger? Oh no! A big scary monster!" ...-looks around- What is that guy talking about?
Huh? *Is caught biting her nails, it wouldn't be so bad if she didn't freeze, like a deer in headlights* There's a monster now? Greeat.. *Suddenly, as the announcer predicted, a monster begins to emerge from it's deathly pit.*
. . .
. . .
A little white rabit? (Yeah I finally got to see Monty Python and the Holy Grail yesterday.)
Gasporz!! ( Lmnop! That made me lol so much, my sides hurt. You, not the movie, although when I first saw it, it made me lol a lot too.)
I know! *She bends down to grab a stone* Let's throw rocks at it!
(I borrowed it, and it was Teh Sidehurting!)
-picks up a rock- Yea!
(Yes, my dad bought it for me for my birthday last year. I watched it a buhgillion times it was so funny.)
-the announcer voice returns- Our dynamic duo attempts to destroy the fiendish monster, but only to find out that it is ROCK-PROOF
What? We haven't even thrown a rock yet!! Gosh this announcer has terrible timing. *Looks from the rock in hand, to the rabbit for a second. Until finally, with an apathetic shrug, she tosses it to the rabbit only to find that the rabbit is -in fact- rock proof*
Okay... Now what?
(Lucky Bug! )
-pulls out a big pot and some bags of potatoes- Rabbit stew anyone?
(Hehe, bug. )
Yumm! That sounds so barbaric-- I mean, delicious! And I know just how to catch it too! *Never alone takes the pot and puts it down next to the rabbit, then comes back without a scratch* AHa! Now all we have to do is wait!!
-Dementia sits behind a rock and watches- Waiting is my middle name. Never forgave my mom for it either. Hours passed, as our heros waited and waited, but nothing seemed to be happening. It's only been five minutes... Just then, Dementia had an idea! ...Oh! -pulls a carrot from pocket- Hehe, been saving this. -runs over and puts it in the pot. Returns with a stubbed toe- Ow.. stupid rocks...
A carrot?? *Never alone says sceptically* What makes you think that's going to wo- *but just as the words were leaving her mouth the rabbit jumps inside the pot.*
Well, my idea was better anyways..
*Runs over to the pot and looks inside,* I know exactly how to cook this rabbit! All we have to do is throw in all the potatos and then wait!!
That's just crazy enough to work! -Dementia dumps in the potatoes and some seasenings- I like Mrs. Dash in my soup. -and waits- Days pass and still are heros have no soup. What's with this guy? It's olny been a few hours. But, he's right about one thing, we have no soup... Suddenly, something happens!
*Suddenly, as if out of nowhere. A pillar of fire bursts out of the ground, but in an ironic twist of fate it dissapears completely and our hero's have to make a fire out of the few dry twigs that lay strone across the ground.* *As hero number two is mindlessly rubbing sticks together, she speaks* I know! Suddenly, Never Alone has a brilliant idea. <-- That's the announcer again... Let's draw faces in condensation!! Ahem, I said a brilliant idea. Oh.. Well, we could... (oh the pressure!) like, cook it?
Oh... my... That's just obvious enough to work! Hero number three- What?! I mean, one.... Finds a fresh water steam and brings back enough water to fill the pot. Yay for conviniently placed buckets. -does the filling- There we go. Neveralone, consult the conviniently placed island rabbit cook book.
Let's see. *a cook book with a picture of a rabbit on the front comes out of absolutely nowhere* It says, that we should... wait!! *that's about when the studio audience started throwing rotton vegetables* Okay, okay. Gosh. Jerks... The book says, "Simmer over a low heat for three seconds. Then let sit for two seconds before serving..." Huh, that sounds easy.
Hmm, Myrtle make fire? -is hit on the head with a rock-hard avacado- Ow! I mean, shall I make the flame? -grumlbe gripes- Where'd they come from anyway?...
Who gives the studio audience a bunch of rotton veggies anyway? Just because I woundn't wear the skirt... stare Err, yes. you shall? *Dodges*
-We're weird. - -makes a fire with two sticks and a pack of matches- There we go. -puts the pot on the fire- Now what, chef?
Salty the Rockstar · Sat Oct 21, 2006 @ 01:21am · 2 Comments |
Gaian Name: Neveralone52 Character Name: Chris Porter Weapons: Two pistols and a sword Race: Human, Nationality, British. Other (optional): Other Marks: She has several large scars that run the length of her back at various angles. They look like they might be from a whipping, but she refuses to speak of it. Appearance: Before she became a pirate: Her piracy changed her appearance a bit. Now she has an old reused ribbon to tie her hair back. She wears a baggy white shirt to hide her figure along with a simple pair of brown pants. She has a pair of worn black leather boots that are covered with black ribbons; in a sad attempt to replace the old laces. A belt and a holster provide a space for her weapons, one she wears around her waist like a belt, the other across her shoulders. Her countenance can be rough at time, for she feels that it needs to be in order to make due on a pirate ship.
Personality: Chris has a big mouth. She is a tough girl and has made it through many challenges; but she can’t always follow through with her braging. She is pretty carefree but doesn’t wear her heart on her sleeve. She denies herself feelings and bottles herself up; she was betrayed once and doesn’t plan on letting it happen again. While she sometimes seems secretive she highly values company and can’t stand to be alone. Her only life before left her abandoned; now seclusion is torture. Deep down she longs to know that someone would miss her if were to die at sea, but she refuses to allow herself to grow "weak". She is adventurous and strong willed; her confidence is what keeps her running. If her stubbornness doesn’t frustrate you, her dry humor will.
Biography: She grew up in a home that provided for her well. Life was good and simple, something she took for granted. She practiced sword-fighting everyday. At first she had begun the sport for exercise, but it soon became her greatest joy and her talents florished. She had all the things she needed in her humble home, but she was far from satisfied; she longed to be near the sea. Her life suddenly changed in a flash and everything she loved was ripped from her bleeding hands. She fled, following the road of her own childish whims. Her long travels brought her to the Caribbean’s, the place she dreamed of visiting all her life. When she arrived she had used all her resources and found herself to be on the streets instantly. All she had was her sword and two pistols; which naturally kept her safe. She lived on the streets stealing, conning and betting anyone who would trust her long enough. Though she was pretty good at being a thief, she stole what she needed and nothing more. She was only caught a few times, each time would end in a nice sword fight and each time she would walk away with her plunder. Her skill caught some attention and soon led her to join the Poseidon. Sailing was her dream come true and now she wouldn't give it up for her life.
Salty the Rockstar · Sun Jul 30, 2006 @ 05:31pm · 0 Comments |
If you knew my God. If you knew what he did for me, if you only knew what darkness I fought. If only you knew I wanted to take my life. If only you knew how hard it was to keep going, how painfull it was to live. If you knew how he saved me. If you knew how happy I am now. If you knew the things my savior did for my broken life.
If you knew the sincere joy I now have. If you knew how suddenly light poured into me. If you knew how suddenly I have so much confidence, I suddenly feel so secure. God, it's so wonderful.
I tried everything I could to break free from my depression. I cried and cried in the dark with no hope of escape. So many tears I wasted, life was too hard to be worth it. All alone, I felt so alone, utterly hopeless in the dark. No one cared, I felt like I was on my own. Nothing I did worked, I tried to be happy. But when the day was over I just felt fake and discusting. I tried everything, I couldn't get out.
You guys should know. I am simply overwhelmed with love for my savior! I can't even say how. I just, I just, gosh it's so great now. Dang, if you could only know how big I smile when I think of him. He is so dang awesome, He is so kind and forgiving! I can't ever repay him for all he's done.
Now all I want is him, I want to study him, learn more about him. I am so hungry for more, so hungry and I can't fill up. I just want it so bad! I want him to be extreme in my life! I want Him to be closer to me, I want to know more about who he is. And everyday I feel like He is putting forth twice the effort I am, He wants to be number one inside of me too.
He's always here, even when I start to worry or when I am tired, even when I am hurt. He is always ready to answer my prayers. When I start to worry about life, I'll open my devotional and suddenly there is the exact scripture I needed. I don't know how, but he rocks so hard!
Life is so much better when you're never alone.
Salty the Rockstar · Sun Jul 16, 2006 @ 04:38am · 0 Comments |
Note: I wrote this a while back in my journal. Maybe someone here would like to see it. I only spell checked it and revised it a little and most of those are italic.
Why are bad boys so cute? Why do I always seem to like the dark characters best? Why do I look at the hero and roll my eyes, but see the evil mastermind and start moving to the edge of my seat? Why do I play a great villain, and how come my sisters friends call me "evil". Why does that seem cool to me? Is it my personality? Is it wrong? Is this just a trick of the devil? Am I embracing the darkness? Or is this part of my ministry? To relate to the Goth in the back of the room?
Psalms 18:28 You oh Lord keep my lamp burning. My God turns my darkness into light.
Isaiah 9:2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light.
Matthew 6:22 Your eyes are like a window for your body. When they are good, you have all the light you need.
Psalms 119:105 By your words I can see where I'm going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path.
Conclusion: He who follows God shall not walk in darkness. I don't care how good it feels, or how attractive it may seem. I don't care how hard it is for me, or how I struggle to fight it. I will never embrace the darkness. The line seems so faded, sometimes I worry that I am already past it. (For the readers; Worry is not from God. He does not operate in worry. So if those feelings weren't from God, then they were from Satan and the Kingdom of darkness. It's my responsibility to reject those feelings as the lies they are, which I did, when I wrote all this.)
Dear God, Please keep me far, far away from compromise. Let me know if I step too far, help me have really good discernment and make good, godly choices. Give me the strength to resist temptation. You rock in stereo! -Jaymes
Salty the Rockstar · Sat Jul 15, 2006 @ 01:35am · 1 Comments |