Gothic-Flum for giving back the stuff I gave you so long ago. I really thought I could use along with some other items I had, but in the end I couldn't. I men I had stuff, but all those ci/rig/items with 45 poses or whtnot, they will just rot in endless positions and soon you can't use them good. So I decided to sell my items. So what now, well first to get male again, I betterlike that body and no ********' bra on it. Then get a nice avatar, so I did. And decided to get CoCo and KiKi Kitty Plushie after selling a few small junk pieces I had i have been trying to get particularly CoCo before but decided to try for both before. Didn't go that well because of personal reason and not enough time.
But now I have both, and well thank you again. I know you are not much on here, but if you read this, I love you for above.
8-bit Anteater Community Member |