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Three cheers for sweet revenge! Three cheers for sweet revenge!

Mad Goat
Community Member
The Small Things
Just to make you all vomit-These are a few of my favourite things (da di da di da da di dadeeda;sound of music, people!) and make me warm and fuzzy inside. twisted

heart Animals you don't know coming up to you for a pat

heart Compliments from a stranger (yes, it may sound creepy, but...)

heart Bus rides in the rain

heart The tip of a hat

heart Teddy Bears!

heart Soup on a cold day...

heart Toast.

heart Gourmet sandwiches

heart Tree Hugging

heart Crocheting (I think that's how you spell it)

heart Curling up with a book in a snug warm bed while it's pouring rain outside

heart Writing stories!

heart Recieving flowers

heart Sappy romance tales

heart Rebellious socks

heart Crazy dancing behind locked doors!

heart Swimming in rivers

heart Funny hats

heart Big boots

heart Hugs!

Yup, you heard it folks-I, the humble Aussie, am traveling to America! So I'm squashing in some last minute quality gaia-time! I won't be on for the next seven weeks, so don't expect to see me around. (What a strange expression-I'll see you on Gaia!-because technically you aren't seeing them...)
I will bring back with me details of the strange new land, so Watch This Space.

Mad Goat
Community Member

Mad Goat
Community Member
Shimata...someone just bought an angelic collar off me for 1,600 gold...that's 2k less than what I bought it for!! gonk crying I kept meaning to take it off...but I kept forgetting...and forgetting...and putting it off...until, KABOOM! It sold and I lost 2k. Great. stare

I have decided I don't have enough Lyric entries littering my journal, so once every so often I'm going to just add one with a song in it. 3nodding

Vampires Will Never Hurt You
My Chemical Romance

((Sorry, I'm going through a bit of a vampire fetish at the moment xd ))

And if they get me and the sun goes down into the ground
And if they get me take this spike to my heart and
And if they get me and the sun goes down
And if they get me take this spike and
You put the spike in my heart

And if the sun comes up will it tear the skin right off our bones
And then as razor sharp white teeth rip out our necks I saw you there
Someone get me to the doctor, someone get me to a church
Where they can pump this venom gaping hole
And you must keep your soul like a secret in your throat
And if they come and get me
What if you put the spike in my heart

And if they get me and the sun goes down
And if they get me take this spike and

(Come on!)

Can you take this spike?
Will it fill our hearts with thoughts of endless
Night time sky
Can you take this spike?
Will it wash away this jet black feeling?

And now the nightclub sets the stage for this they come in pairs she said
We'll shoot back holy water like cheap whiskey they're always there
Someone get me to the doctor, and someone call the nurse
And someone buy me roses, and someone burn the church
We're hanging out with corpses, and driving in this hearse
And someone save my soul tonight, please save my soul

Can you take this spike?
Will it fill our hearts with thoughts of endless
Night time sky
Can you take this spike?
Will it wash away this jet black now?

(Come on!)

And as these days watch over time, and as these days watch over time
And as these days watch over us tonight

I'll never let them, I'll never let them
I'll never let them hurt you not tonight
I'll never let them, I can't forget them
I'll never let them hurt you, I promise

Struck down, before our prime
Before, you got off the floor
Can you stake my heart? Can you stake my heart?

Can you stake my heart? Can you stake my heart?
(And these thoughts of endless night
bring us back into the light
and this venom from my heart)

Can you stake my heart? Can you stake my heart?
(And these thoughts of endless night
bring us back into the light
kill this venom from my heart)

Can you stake me before the sun goes down?

(And as always, innocent like roller coasters.
Fatality is like ghosts in snow and you have no idea what you're up against
because I've seen what they look like.
Becoming perfect as if they were sterling silver chainsaws going cascading...)

Mad Goat
Community Member

Mad Goat
Community Member
Behold! My Hitlist!
...beware...If you hold a position in my Hitlist, I suggest you lock all your doors...and your windows....COS I'LL BE OUT TO GET YOU!!!

-All ticket inspectors

-Ms. Baird

-Rebecca (you know who you are ninja )

-YEAR 7'S!!!!! gonk scream Except now they are year 8's. This year's year 7's are fun.

-Matt Novoa

-Mr. Hawthorne

-Mr Darnley evil

-Ms. Papa burning_eyes

-The office ladies

-Pythagoras and various other people who encouraged the progress of Maths.

-The inventor of technical drawing!!!

-George Bush

-John Howard


-Next-door's dogs



-Foolish humans who dare challenge my supremacy 3nodding


-William Chirgwin

-Nasty spiky trees that drop thorned branches down on your head while bush walking stare

I would like to preserve the innocence of this first post, so I will post my edit separately.

-Ticket inspectors (still here, my friends, until you have learnt not to annoy the Goat.)

-Ms. Baird, Ms. Baird, a THOUSAND TIMES Ms. Baird!

-Yup, still hating Rebecca

-Well, they're Yr 9's now. But yes. The unreasonable hate is preserved.

-OH GOD MATT NOVOA. Except it's more of a pity thing now. He's recently had hip replacement surgery and his head is about the size of a football (same shape).

-Mr. Whorethorne. He stalks me now, I'm serious. So not really hate, more fear.

-Mr. Darnely. Yes. He has a little Indonesian boy locked in his basement.

-I LOVE YOU MS. PAPA!! (surprise, yes?)

-Office ladies; they hate ME. It's only self-preservation to hate them back.

-Yeah, yeah, Maths. Except pythagoras is easy-peasy now. We have progressed to hating whoever invented the quadratic equation. domokun

-Technical drawing; still hated, but from a safe distance.

-Bah, I'm too apathetic to hate politicians now. They can screw the world up as much as they want.


-Skip the next few to William Chirgwin, who is now a great friend! He's so smart!


-Uh...Don't know. Just a lot of bottled up vitriol directed at the world in general. Myslef in particular. (That's weird- I've got a spot on my own hitlist)

AHA! You cannot defeat, me, the Great Mad Goat, Boredom! I will not bow down to thee! I have discovered something to do with my time! This will be my official quotes entry. Whenever I find a cool quote, I will copy it in here. Kapeesh?

Punctuality is the virtue of the bored.
-Evelyn Waugh

I loathe people who keep dogs. They are cowards who haven't got the guts to bite people themselves.
-August Strindberg

I am just going outside and may be some time.
-Captain Lawrence Oates
(I put this quote in cos I quote it constantly whenever someone asks me where I'm going. It's what Captain Lawrence Oates said when he and his companion where running out of supplies while out on an expedition, and the Captain said 'I am just going outside and may be some time' and stepped outside. Moments later, his companion and best friend, R.F Scott, heard a gunshot. Captain Lawrence Oates had killed himself to save his friend. heart )

Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.
Oscar Wilde

I'm not mean, I'm just not very nice-Me.

Happiness is a warm puppy-Charles Schulz

I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex. -Oscar Wilde (yes, I know, but he has the best quotes gonk )

I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their good intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. -Oscar Wilde

The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. -Oscar Wilde

Womean and cats will do as they please and mean and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein

The paired butterflies are already yellow with August
Over the grass in the West garden;
They hurt me. I grow older.
~Li Po

Mad Goat
Community Member

Mad Goat
Community Member
Random Blargh
Hmmmmmmmmmm. Emily's bored. Booooored bored boredboredboredbored. BORED. Bored enough to eat YOU!


Oh wait, I'd do that anyway...

Shut up. I contradict myself when I'm bored.


You see, now?




Seeing as I'm bored...I'm going to tell you all a secret....





Wait, that wasn't really a secret either.

Sorry to disappoint you.

But I did warn you!
I contradict myself when I'm bored.


Holdiays at port Maquarie...read if you dare...
Righto...*deep breath*
Drove up (5/6 hr drive) to port maquarie on saturday-as I predicted there was a lot of grumbling and shouting and complaining...
Arrived at about six after having CRAPPIEST meal of my ENTIRE LIFE at a petrol stop, dragged our 16 ton gzillion bags up the stairs, waited for about 10 minutes with my arms falling off while dad tried to type in the security code for our apartment in the pitch-black. Finally mum brought out her cig. lighter and then bragged that her smoking DID come in handy...
Brawl ensued about who was sleeping where...
I'll let you in on a secret-the long drive did prove useful, as I was just daydreaming and listening to evanescence, a stray thought opened the gateway to a brand new plotline, and my brain was flooded with inspiration! so all that time in the car I was busily stuffing ideas and events and characters from this new inspiration of mine into the various nooks and crannies of my mind...so once we had sorted out who was sleeping where, I put on my inspiration music and sat down at the desk so conveniently situated in our room and scrawled frantically on the first piece of paper I could find in my backpack-which happened to be one of the notes we passed in class!-until the batteries on my mp3 ran out crying crying
DAY 1- da da da dum!
Not much-slept half the day and spent the rest exploring the resort. They had some good rec. activities-putt putt golf, swimming, squash, tennis all these free games in the teen room, a giant checkers set and shuffleboard! Shuffleboard is an awesome game! It's like a mixture between hockey and bowling, if you can imagine that! there are two triangles on either end of a long thin rectangle court. two players gather at one end of the court, and are given four large hockey puck sorta things, and a pronged stick. Each player takes turns shoving their pucks with the sticks to the other side of the court, where it will hopefully stop in the other triangle. Where it lands affects the score-at the top of the triangle, it is 10 points, middle of the triangle was 8 points, end of the triangle was 7 points and behind that it was -10 points (ooh). My brother took great delight in knocking MY pieces into the -10 area. so yes, I enjoyed shuffleboard a lot.
When we returned to the unit, we watched superman 1 during which I had a great time in pointing out all the little plot flaws...then watched Chris Martin, lead singer of coldplay being interviewed on Andrew Denton's show, Enough Rope.
then we slept...
DAY 2-Monday
Slept half the day (again) and then we went out to port maquarie to shop for supplies and to have a look around the shops! Came home swam a lot in the FREEZING COLD pool that only I was brave enough to stay in, watched a movie, went to bed...

Day 3-Tuesday

Today went out and had a look at all the pretty beaches (sliced my hand open climbing some sharp rocks that didn't like me very much) and collected some pretty stones that I bled all over, much to my sister's disgust- had delicious ravioli and stir fry for dinner! Then got dressed hurriedly and we went to see superman returns, which is a good movie, but had one or two plot flaws that we were heatedly discussing in the car. My sister, being my sister, personally knew the script writer and the director, and superman himself, and knew the reasons for everything in the movie. When I pointed this out to her, she punched me in the head and bet my glasses. I still have a lovely looking bruise on my temple.

Day 4-Wednesday
Today Dad decided that we'd actually do something, and we drove about an hour to Timbertown!
timber town is awesome! So much to see! There's a fudge factory where you can buy a big bag of rocky road *drools* for $4, yummy blocks of fudge for anything between 1 and 3 dollars, and all other masterpieces of food and candy all at really low prices! Best of course, were the factory seconds, which were things the factory didn't want-like slabs of fudge that were slightly too big, or too small, funny chocolate experiments, all different kinds of candies that they had made too many of-all put into huge bags for $3.50!!!!! We got one of those each, and told not to complain.
But there were also all these olden time things, like cottages and carpenters and schools (that were tiny) and all these cute little shops, and a timber mill, a furniture store with all these lovely old dressers and cupboards in different rich shades of cedar and pine and redgum, and bloodwood-there was a bar/pub/dinner place which had really yummy cheap food and was playing music, there was a olden-style blacksmith who was making horse shoes and little delicate-looking sculptures of animals and ornate bells right in front our eyes (welding the metal and hammering it and everything!)
What was REALLY good though was the animals- there were miniature ponies, rabbits, bantam hens, roosters, a miniature belted talloway cow, whcih was soooooo cute, with his big brown eyes and came up and snuffled your hand, the horses...but what I found a little scary were the goats-from tiny little kids with thick white curly fur and little nobs for horns, to tan-pelted golden eyed adults with wickedly sharp horns that arced back toward their necks, to old ones with straggly beards and grey streaks down their coats-they all clustered around me and lipped my board shorts, butting their heads gently against my hands to be petted- completely ignoring everyone else, even the ones with food! Spose they recognised a fellow goat. xd
There was even a bullock team! 16 or so huge red bulls, with yokes over their necks, connected by a long thick chain. There was a show about it, and the guy told us all about the team, from their names to their eating habits. He also introduced us to the youngest bullock driver in Australia, who was 14 and named Daniel. They made the team pull a long tree (about 4 tonnes) around the oval, and they did it easily. I went and patted a bull afterwards, and Toby (little brother) had a go on the stockwhips (he looked like a creature from hell, cracking that whip and laughing evilly) I also sawed a bloodwood log with the young bullock driver -hard work, but I got a slice of wood, and had a chat with Daniel.
*looks back on timber town report* wow. I wrote a lot. I hope you didn't actually read all that. But there's more to come!
After Timbertown (which was entry by donation and was a non-profit organisation) we went to wauchope (pronounced war hope) and had pies for lunch, and, mum gave us a dollar and 25 c to spend on a pastry treat. Toby got a lamington, and kate and I got a triple chocolate crispy wafer brownie thing with sprinkles, except I got two cos the first one the lady said was too small to sell (personally, I didn't see any difference, but you didn't hear me complaining!).
Went home full of chocolate and satisfied.

Day 5- Thursday

Woke up, went for a swim, stuffed around, avoiding the unit in general cos dad was shouting at mum to hurry up so they could leave the resort and do SOMETHING while mum kept replying with "I'll get up in 10 minutes".
Then we all headed up to Ellenborough falls, for bush walking and sight seeing. It was about a 90 minute drive up and down mountains on a windy, dirt dusty road. Blech. Got there, wobbled around on jelly legs for a while, then went down the 90 metre trail to the waterfall. Looked at the purdy waterfall then some bright spark decided to have a look at the other trails which were like 700 metres to 3 kilometres. Not really fun when the sun is setting and you don't know what is creeping around in the damp undergrowth (a.k.a leeches. Have I told you about my previous experience with leeches that resulted in my scarring for life and a deepset pathological fear/hatred of leeches?) so yes.
Then everybody got cranky cos dad was feeling sick so decided not to drive back the windy way, instead taking the highway to TAREE!!!! Taree is about two hours from port maquarie, so we drove an hour down the straight road TO taree, then two hours back up another road to port maquarie. Dad was defending himself saying no one in the car knew anything about geography, and no one ever appreciated anything he did bla bla bla. I just lost myself in my story which was rapidly building in my mind.

Day 6-Friday. Can't really be counted as a day cos we left the resort today.
As previously mentioned, left resort today after playing all the games one last time, and drove back home, which was extremely annoying cos I couldn't listen to MY music cos my mp3 ran outta batteries. We did visit the tallest/biggest tree in NSW on the way down-that was pretty cool. The tree, called 'the Grandis' was a eucalyptus grandis and was 76.2 metres high. twas huge.

The End.

Ta da!

That's gotta be a record...

Mad Goat
Community Member

Mad Goat
Community Member
A little boasting never hurt anyone...
Yay! Today we beat Sydney Girls in debating! 4laugh Aren't we just so clever... biggrin

OMG, I only just discovered you can comment on entries...WELL THEY DON'T MAKE IT VERY OBVIOUS, DO THEY?????
And I've also discovered this-as writer of the blog, I can't comment back scream and so I'll reply here-
Shut up Kecili! They were big, scary yr sevens and they breathed fire and-and-and they pulled the 'look at us, we're cute little yr sevens' trick on the adjudicator, BUT I'D PREDICTED THEIR PETTY TRICK and I cunningly gave the adjudicator special PROTECTIVE glasses to wear, and so he was unaffected by their EVIL spell... xp

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