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drowelf's story
i am writing parts of a storie i am writing on this site so that i can get critisizem on how i am doing
this is my rough draft of my prolouge
Swimming in a lake full of springs sounds like a time to remember. Don't get me wrong or anything but it is, unless you find an ancient demonic artifact that would change the peaceful land of Mezimersia. My name is Seth and this is my memory from when I found the demonic artifact called the Harp of Kanabi.
After finishing all my chores in the hot sun i decided to go to the lake with my dog, yip.As i began to swim I looked over to the bank were my dog began to go nuts so i swam over to him to see what he was doing.By the time I got to him he was laying on the ground.I started to call his name but he dosen't respond then i noticed he wasn't breathing.
As i leaned over him i put my hand on something hard, the next thing i knew, it was night and i was not by the lake but halfway up a mountain i didn't reconize. There wsa one thing i remember before collapsing, it was a very faint voice inside my head that i swear that it came from the harp.
This memory of my past is a rare moment because the harp that my dog found has taken control of my mind and body.

This is just my first rough draft of the prolouge i hope u like thx for reading and commenting on it.

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