Sakkoi is the result of giving HelMel pretty much free
reign to do whatever she wanted while creating me a
WW with only the essential info, and a song for inspiration.
The song is "Sacrifice" by Elton John. Thanks Mel! heart

Anissina is my fist cosplay WW. She is a wonderful,
loud, lovable mad scientist from the series "Kyo Kara
Maoh." (Please correct me if I spelled that wrong.)
"Gwendal-kun, where are you?!? Come back here!"

A certed version of Eirys should be coming soon.
He is an orchid. Thanks again Teig! heart
*blushes at thought of orchids and possible
meanings of them*

Thanks Teig, for my beautiful WW! He's a crocus!
"Are you calling me flowery?" stare

I won Thuraskina in raffle in a Re-homing event. Thanks
to Kita for holding the event and to Kali, the previous owner!

I won these twins in the same Re-homing event -
but different raffle. Thanks again to Kita and Kali!

I asked for a pretty pink WW with polka-dots and this is
what came of it. She's a perma-teen cuz of 'stuff' going
on with the hairstyle at the time. Isn't she gorgeous?!
Thanks Kait! heart

My first Wayward. Notice the lovely DNA pattern.

Keller is not mine. He belongs to Kitsu_is_EPIC_FAIL, but I put him here
cuz I want to you all to see where our babies' lovely coloring comes from.

Hazen is the first of the offspring. He also belongs to Kitsu.

Angel is second. He belongs to Azzy the Great. He was given to
Azzy by Kitsu. Azzy really likes his white boy - no pun intended. xd

The purple dude, Jonny, is third, and the demon
spawn from Hell. He belongs to SanaSana-chan.
Sana won him in a free raffle hosted by Yours Truly.

Hidaka is mine and she's the only girl in the bunch. Poor
child... three older bothers brothers. sweatdrop I don't know about
the others, but she will have her daddy's industrials.