They call me Gregory
I prefer to be called Claw
I turned 21 on my last birthday.
I found my partner when I turned 16 years of age.
Before she came into my life I thought I had a normal life. Then a few months before I reached 16 my mother told me my true history. She told me that in a few months time some changes would happen within me and it will change the course of my life. She told me her story of how she came to this village, fell in love with the chief and had a forbidden affair. When the chief was worried for her safety, he ended the relationship, however she had conceived a child. It is well known that animal spirits inhabit all the men in the rulers family, to help fight off the dangers of the outside world coming into the village; My mother had told me my destiny. i never told anyone who I truly was, I fight the beasts in silence and by the cover of dark.
My spirit is called Rain
DeLuSiOnAl_-_CrAyOnS is my puppet master.
Gaianame: Sauroma
Name: Karina (Kari) Maldas
Circus name: Veil
Age: 17
Race: Human
Ability(ies): Teleportation/Flexibility
Act: Contortion and Acrobats.
Gender: Female
Bio/personality: Karina lived with her family her entire life with no major rough spots, until about a year ago. While at a school dance she accidentally sent herself across the room to where her crush was standing. She had known about her power to teleport herself when she wanted something, and concentrated on it, but she was good at keeping it in check. People were suspicious of what happened and slowly began to shun here. Soon she found herself running from home. She also has found out she has this abnormal felexibility. She is rather meek, but as soon as she feels comfortable can turn rather outgoing. She is the type of person to always take a challenge when one is given, actually its one of her weak spots seeing as she usually can never say no to one, no matter what type of situation it puts her in.
Pets: N/A

“The few wonders of the world only exist while there are those with the sight to see them.”

My name is...... Paige Bowright
But you can call me... Just Paige
I am obviously a... Female
And I was born 16 years ago, the child of Poseidon
This is me. Deal with it. I'm rather meek, but very easygoing. You have to work hard to anger me, but when it does happen you should watch your every step. Even though I am quiet, I tend to make friends easily due to my, usually, happy nature. I tend to try and do things by myself, but I'm not ashamed to ask for help.
Rewinding again.... I had a pretty normal life of a nerd in my school years before Eroine Academy. My mother would keep telling me to keep my head up for I was more special than anyone could see. I did what I was told, and did nothing remarkable to catch anyone's attention. When I was in junior high I found a love for the water. I joined the swimming team and everything seem pretty average, until I realized I didn't have a problem with holding my breath underwater; I flipped out when I realized I didn't have to hold my breath at all. I was truly afraid of my abnormality and soon my parents took notice; they explained everything when I spilled.
Look what I can do! I have the ability to hold my breath underwater, and have slowly started to realize I can communicate with the animals of the ocean. The teacher's believe there is another side to my abilities: My first year at the Academy a classmate pushed me to my breaking point, and there was a small shudder of the earth. They currently don't want me to explore that yet and just keeping me focused on my aquatic abilities. I'm very talented at swimming and also the pan flute; It was a hobby of my earth's mother that I picked up.
Love it! I love the ocean and music, and together I believe they are truly majestic. I like being around people even if I'm not the most outgoing, but I also need my alone-time.
Eew, Nasty!I hate it when people think too highly of themselves, and I dislike being put in the spotlight.
Turn it up! Remembrance - Jim Brickman
Sssh, don't tell! I don't think too highly of myself, and therefore am very influenced by what people say about my personality.
I'll follow you anywhere... No one yet.
Am I forgetting something...? Nope
My lord, god and master is Sauroma

My name is...... Paige Bowright
But you can call me... Just Paige
I am obviously a... Female
And I was born 16 years ago, the child of Poseidon
This is me. Deal with it. I'm rather meek, but very easygoing. You have to work hard to anger me, but when it does happen you should watch your every step. Even though I am quiet, I tend to make friends easily due to my, usually, happy nature. I tend to try and do things by myself, but I'm not ashamed to ask for help.
Rewinding again.... I had a pretty normal life of a nerd in my school years before Eroine Academy. My mother would keep telling me to keep my head up for I was more special than anyone could see. I did what I was told, and did nothing remarkable to catch anyone's attention. When I was in junior high I found a love for the water. I joined the swimming team and everything seem pretty average, until I realized I didn't have a problem with holding my breath underwater; I flipped out when I realized I didn't have to hold my breath at all. I was truly afraid of my abnormality and soon my parents took notice; they explained everything when I spilled.
Look what I can do! I have the ability to hold my breath underwater, and have slowly started to realize I can communicate with the animals of the ocean. The teacher's believe there is another side to my abilities: My first year at the Academy a classmate pushed me to my breaking point, and there was a small shudder of the earth. They currently don't want me to explore that yet and just keeping me focused on my aquatic abilities. I'm very talented at swimming and also the pan flute; It was a hobby of my earth's mother that I picked up.
Love it! I love the ocean and music, and together I believe they are truly majestic. I like being around people even if I'm not the most outgoing, but I also need my alone-time.
Eew, Nasty!I hate it when people think too highly of themselves, and I dislike being put in the spotlight.
Turn it up! Remembrance - Jim Brickman
Sssh, don't tell! I don't think too highly of myself, and therefore am very influenced by what people say about my personality.
I'll follow you anywhere... No one yet.
Am I forgetting something...? Nope
My lord, god and master is Sauroma
Gaian name: DeLuSiOnAl_-_CrAyOnS
Character name: Lila Booth
Age: 19
Physique: 5' 1', 105lbs, thin frame.
Yours and Parents Background: I was raised by my single mother, with three younger siblings. She only knew the father of the last two, who stills hangs around, but is really not father figure; I don't consider him anywhere close. I love my siblings, I would do anything for them, and my mother. in the Underground, we live in a smaller house due to the jobs of my 'parents'; we usually just get by. My siblings don't allow the way we live to effect them in any way, I however can't ignore it.
Personality: Silent. I don't like to say much, I don't see the point in short, people can get what I feel by what I decide to show them on my face, well at least they should. I'm rather independent, I don't like to depend on people for the chance of disappointment. Even if it doesn't seem it I am very friendly, once I decide I like you, and I have interesting quirks and secrets just like everybody else; I just know how to hide myself better than most.
Skills: I paint. I try and sell paintings of how life used to be, I set up and wait for people to look. It's my own way of keeping an optimistic mind about our future, its not much, but I get done what I want to.
Other: I'm addicted to gum, not one of those obnoxious chewers, you barely realize I have it. I have a tattoo of a sparrow on my left shoulder, though no one will probably ever see it. I'm single and am interested in guys. I live by the fact that I don't care what other think of me, I'm okay with the way I am and I'm not changing for others' sake.
Character name: Lila Booth
Age: 19
Physique: 5' 1', 105lbs, thin frame.
Yours and Parents Background: I was raised by my single mother, with three younger siblings. She only knew the father of the last two, who stills hangs around, but is really not father figure; I don't consider him anywhere close. I love my siblings, I would do anything for them, and my mother. in the Underground, we live in a smaller house due to the jobs of my 'parents'; we usually just get by. My siblings don't allow the way we live to effect them in any way, I however can't ignore it.
Personality: Silent. I don't like to say much, I don't see the point in short, people can get what I feel by what I decide to show them on my face, well at least they should. I'm rather independent, I don't like to depend on people for the chance of disappointment. Even if it doesn't seem it I am very friendly, once I decide I like you, and I have interesting quirks and secrets just like everybody else; I just know how to hide myself better than most.
Skills: I paint. I try and sell paintings of how life used to be, I set up and wait for people to look. It's my own way of keeping an optimistic mind about our future, its not much, but I get done what I want to.
Other: I'm addicted to gum, not one of those obnoxious chewers, you barely realize I have it. I have a tattoo of a sparrow on my left shoulder, though no one will probably ever see it. I'm single and am interested in guys. I live by the fact that I don't care what other think of me, I'm okay with the way I am and I'm not changing for others' sake.