Ghostly Blood - Characters(U/C) |
These are my characters for my story Ghostly Blood. I am not yet finished in writing all of the characters profiles yet though. *Do NOT use these profiles as your own! These are my own characters that I made up I just used pictures I found on the internet for them*
Name: Annabelle Lee Walton Age: 15 (later in the book, 16) Birthday: January 16, 1993 Race: Human Gender: Female Personality: Annabelle is considered to be clinically insane. Though, she is very kind to others and can get along with anyone. Bio: Annabelle has always been a confusing girl. She was always nice and happy with what she had. During her sophomore year in high school she began to skip school and go to the shrine on the outskirts of town. But when she finds that a secret lies there that no one ever knew about. She learned that Vampires and Dhampirs (children of the vampire) lived beneath the shrine and now she has to try to keep their secret without going completely insane. Pets: In the beginning of the story Annabelle has no pets, but later on she gets a pet dog, a Newfoundland named (not named yet) Appearance: Other: Height: 5’5” Weight: 115 lbs.
Name: Erick Emile Walton Age: 16 (later in the book, 17) Birthday: April 28, 1992 Race: Human Gender: Male Personality: Erick is very smart and kind. Always looking after his sister, he worries for her. Bio: Erick is always watching over his little sister, Annabelle, and he worries about her everyday. He knows everything that she does and knows when she does something. He and Annabelle are very close and keep each others secrets, though he knows that she is keeping something from him and he wants to know what. Pets: (Same as Annabelle’s) Appearance:  Other: Height: 5’8” Weight: 125 lbs.
Name: Tristan Murray Barker Age: 15 (later in the book, 16) Birthday: March 5, 1993 Race: Human Gender: Male Personality: Tristan is a nice boy who was Annabelle’s first friend. Bio: He always had a secret crush on Annabelle but dared not to tell anyone. He tries to let Annabelle know about this crush without telling her, but her mind is blown way out of proportion with the craziness that goes on in her life. He and Erick strive to figure out what has Annabelle so spooked. Pets: He had a pet fish, but one day wanted to know if it wanted a bath…in the toilet. Appearance:  Other: Height: 5’7” Weight: 130 lbs.
Name: Lucifer von Absinthe Age: 723, looks 16 Race: Dhampir Gender: Male Powers: None Personality: Lucifer has a fowl mouth but hides it around Annabelle. Bio: Born in 1286, in England, Lucifer grew up with only his father (a vampire) to raise him. He never found out what happened to his mother and that is what the others say is the cause of his behavior. When his father found baby Percy in the river, Lucifer hated the baby immediately. When Percy was only seven years old, Lucifer scolded him about not being a true prince to the faction that they lived in. Lucifer was the prince under his father Lord Mordechai. Lucifer and the other Dhampirs under the royal court are the guards of the shrine. Every night they would come out and watch over the shrine as the vampires went feeding. But when a pretty girl begins to come to the shrine, Lucifer automatically wants to call her his. He learns about her as she came to the shrine every other day for three months. When he finds out that her name is Annabelle he decides that he wants to meet her. He tried to explain it to his friends and they get into an argument. When he comes out of the ground from the shrine he hears a familiar noise and turned his head to see Annabelle. But his anger took over him and he ended up yelling at her to leave. A few days later he begins going to school with Annabelle and he and his cousin, Ember, tell her about the vampires and dhampirs, but regrets he ever told her anything. Appearance:  Other: He is the prince of his fathers vampire faction and he’s stronger than he looks Height: 5’2” Weight: 119 lbs.
Name: Ember Lestat Age: 674, looks 16 Race: Dhampir Gender: Female Powers: None Personality: Ember is a kind girl, but doesn’t like to show it. She likes to have the appearance of someone who is tough. Bio: Born in 1335, Ember grew up with both of her parents, Abigail and Malachai Lestat, and her uncle, Lord Mordechai, and his son (her cousin), Lucifer. She became good friends with Lucifer and they would always turn to one another for help. Though, it would mostly be Ember going to Lucifer for help. Once in the year 1466, Ember and Lucifer were discovered in London and were accused of being vampires, though they lacked a few important features that vampires had, like fangs. They were chased out of the city by an angry mob. Ember drove the horse that they had through the forests and Lucifer joined her along the way. They ended up driving the horse towards the cliffs over the ocean. Unable to stop the horse for their own lives sakes, they drove the horse right over the cliff, killing the horse in the process (it hit the rocky wall as it fell) and they fell into the icy water. The angry mob began throwing whatever they had on hand into the water after the so called vampires. One man threw in an open can of oil and another threw in a flaming torch after the oil causing the water to be set aflame. Ember and Lucifer got out of the water unharmed and went to their parents telling them that they had been found out. They all left London and went south to France. There they met the Dracul’s. Belladonna and her daughter, Jezebel, were a vampire and a Dhampir. They joined Mordechai and his family, becoming part of his newly forming faction. In 1641, they moved to the New World in order to avoid further trouble with being hunted. Ember and Lucifer continued to stick together, but now they had Jezebel on their side, along with the other dhampirs that they meet. Appearance:  Other: Height: 5’2” Weight: 109 lbs.
Name: Jezebel Dracul Age: 568, looks 16 Race: Dhampir Gender: Female Powers: She can enter the dreams of others and control them. Personality: Jezebel is a gentle girl, but is blinded by love, causing her to angry most of the time. Bio: Born in 1441, in France, Jezebel grew up with her mother, Belladonna, in a small cottage on the outskirts of Paris. In the year 1466, when she was 25, she and her mother ran into a male vampire that questioned it they would like to join him. Jezebel’s mother agreed right away and they joined him and his family. Jezebel then saw the vampire’s son. His name was Lucifer, and she fell immediately in love with him even though he was 155 years older then her and she was young for her kind and still learning. She became fast friends with him and his cousin, Ember. They went everywhere with each other and she soon began to think of Lucifer far more than just a friend. She asked Ember about if he liked her that way and Ember answered Jezebel saying that Lucifer never thought of anyone that way, because he could never be around human, he only knew Ember as the only other Dhampir out there, and he’s oblivious to the world. Jezebel thought long and hard about this and new she would have to give up eventually if that was who he saw the world. She and her mother moved to the New World with the others in search for a better life. Appearance:  Other: Height: 5’6” Weight: 120 lbs.
Name: Tuesday Von Ulf Age: 642, looks 16 Race: Dhampir Gender: Female Powers: She can absorb flesh and blood from others to heal her body Personality: Tuesday is an aloof Dhampir who likes to try to keep her distance from the other Dhampir for their own safety. Bio: Born in 1367, in Sweden, Tuesday grew up with her parents, Mordia and Magnus Von Ulf on a small island near Luleâ in the icy waters of the Gulf of Bothnia. In the year of 1636, they decided that they would escape the cold weather and head south to Portugal hiding in the mountains. For a few years they lived peacefully but then the people of Portugal began to become suspicious. Tuesday heard people talking about how almost seventy years before, when there were others found out up north in England. Once she heard this she quickly ran home to tell her parents. They immediately packed there things and left for the New World in 1645. They searched and searched for these other vampires and when they finally found Lord Mordechai, they begged him to let them join his faction. He let them join with open arms. Tuesday got to know the other Dhampirs, but barely ever made contact with their skin for fear she would harm them. One day in 1692 she went out on her own two find a good specimen to feed off of. But with the suspicion of the witches up north with the Salem Witch Trials she was in danger. Though she wasn’t a witch, someone could easily mistake her for one, if she was caught during a feeding. She was no where near Salem when she was beaten nearly to death, though many Dhampirs are strong she is one of the weaker. A man found her in the woods dying from trauma. He reached out to her to help her, but she didn’t want help she wanted to be healed. She grabbed his hand and began absorbing his flesh and blood killing him. When she was finished she tore open his head and began her feast. When she returned she told no one of what happened and no one knew until Percy came along and told everyone. Appearance:  Other: She subsists on human neural tissue instead of blood Height: 5’ 7” Weight: 125 lbs.
Name: Percy Collins Age: 309, looks 18 Race: Vampire Gender: Male Powers: Percy can read the minds of others at will Personality: Percy is a wordy boy that has a loving side to him that he can’t ignore. He also has a personality that most hate. Bio: Born in 1700, in New York, his mother was a human who already had six other sons and by Percy being the seventh he would be born a vampire. Once his mother found out that she was having another son she cursed the child within her and when he was born she ordered her eldest son to kill the baby by throwing him in the Hudson River. It was dark when he was born and it was the same night that he was found. If he hadn’t been found, then he would’ve died by sun up. He was found by Lucifer’s father, Lord Mordechai, and was then under his care. As Percy grew older the more he wanted to spend time with Lucifer, but when Percy seven, Lucifer finally snapped and began to yell at him, telling him that he wasn’t a prince like Lucifer was. Percy took Lucifer’s words personally, the words that weren’t profane, and decided he was going to get back at Lucifer. “I want what Lucifer has, what I can’t have, so he can’t have it.” –Percy. And once Lucifer falls in love with the human Annabelle, in 2008, Percy immediately wants to have her all for his self. The first time he ever saw her was when she was in the hospital and he admits to Lucifer and Jezebel, who are there visiting her making sure she got a good nights sleep without any nightmares, that Annabelle is pretty. He is then told to leave the hospital by Lucifer and that is when Percy’s plans become even more thorough in thought. Appearance:  Other: He stopped aging at the age of eighteen instead of sixteen like the traditional dhampir would. Height: 5’ 9” Weight: 135 lbs.
Eklii · Sat Feb 28, 2009 @ 05:09am · 1 Comments |