(the emaciated living corpse known as mr.)
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john is about as handsome a rotted corpse as they come.
he has full wide lips and a wide nose, strong cheekbones and a square jaw covered in stubble. he is 56 years old, but it doesn't show too much on his face. there are lines under his eyes, but that's about it.
though heavy-lidded, his eyes are cheerful-- well, the one that works, is, anyway. that's the one with the black iris. he has thick eyebrows and unkempt black hair with the occasional gray strand. he has sideburns.
the left half of john's face is not doing as well as the right. his left eye is almost entirely blind. it's mostly just filled with pus. it wouldn't work at all if he wasn't some kind of fantastic reanimated corpse, I bet. half of his lip is missing, and most of the jaw on the left size is exposed. his teeth and gums are clearly visible on the left side even when his mouth is entirely closed. the wound is done up in places with hasty unprofessional stitching.
john's other face wounds consist of a scar that goes through his left eyebrow and his bum eye; a diagonal scar on his nose; and a stitched up wound on his left temple.
john is very, very, very thin. when I say he's emaciated, that's not an exaggeration. he is basically skin and bones. he shouldn't be able to bear any kind of weight or even stand in the state he's in, but, well. reanimated corpse. it's ******** magic.
it doesn't show in that picture on the side there, but john has quite a bit of chest hair and a visible happy trail. he's a pretty hairy guy altogether.
john has an autopsy scar on his chest. most of his left breast, including the n****e, is missing. the flesh is exposed.
he has another scar just above his left hipbone that will not stop bleeding. it's very annoying.
john has various scars and stitches on his limbs, but he rarely leaves any part of them uncovered.
there are various compound fractures in both john's left leg and his left arm, making them somewhat difficult to move. he walks with a pronounced limp and his posture is atrocious.
fashion sense-
john's usual outfit consists of an absurdly short black jacket with pointed shoulders, white gloves, a black tie and ill-fitting black dress pants. he wears a belt with a skull and cross on it and black shoes with white spats.
he rarely wears a shirt. sometimes, when it's leaking especially badly, he bandages his abdomen.
he has a silver earring in his left ear.
he uses a cane to walk and smokes constantly.
john knows full well that he is about as handsome a rotted corpse as they come. he is cocky and confident.
despite not really looking it, he is also fairly friendly and trustworthy.
he knows a lot and says little, so if he smiles at you on the street he probably knows something you don't - or maybe he wants to eat you. remain alert around but don't run. he has many years of practice with keeping his hunger in check and plenty of connections in the supernatural community you may well benefit from. he is a useful man to know.