Green font: Chubot
Indigo font: Teisei
Violet Font: Kyuubi
So...Finally you let us speak...
Mosaku-san. What the hell. How come I'm never shown in ANY of your adventures?! I was your RETAINER!!
Well, without a constant picture of you in my head...I mean you DID mysteriously vanish from my signature. And you're supposed to live for only so many years...
And I want to enjoy them fighting alongside you!!!
Not just that, but you're hard to draw...x_X
That's NO EXCUSE!! scream scream
Hehehe...Goes to show how important YOU are, Fluffy.
That's more than enough out of you, you misanthropic, cynical poultergeist!
Oho~...You say the sweetest things~...
O O;;;;
Quiet! The lot of ya! We're here to make our presence known!
Speaking of presences...What ever became of Seidai? I know I hate his guts, but it's strange, He represents the ...*Shudders* GOOD side of you...What may I ask ever became of him?
My guess, is that he's always inside me. When I tap into my "Angellic" powers...
And speaking of angels...You don't suppose December is...
An angel? Yes. The most beautiful creature that ever lived? Yes. And while he does bring out the best in me, and while he is a lot of things, he's NOT a spiritual projection of my benevolent side. He's my husband for life, my reason for being, and indeed, one of the only strands of sanity I have left to hang onto.
^^ heart
Yes...I'm amazed that you two have been together for as long as you have...Condidering the ups and downs you've been through...
And not just in the sack...Heh heh heh...
Ugh. You really ARE his darker side...
Say what you will. Your comments are meaningless to me. I am merely an extension of Mosaku's feelings. I have no feelings of my own... I am but a mere shadow of a man.
...Who happens to have a mind of it's own, is self-aware, and has tried to kill me/take over my body/saved my life.
Yup...We have the ultimate symbiotic relationship, don't we? Codependency abound.
Hah! Codependency...You're a parasite. A tiny, insignificant little leach...You are scum!! You are-
And yet I am still alive. I continue to exist, and rest assured, I will carry on. What about you? You are no different from I...You would not even exist had it not been for Mosaku-sama!! You would never have been concieved in that little tube of yours from that godforsaken laboratory!! You should be on your scrawny little knees praising him!! He is your GOD!!! HE ORDERED THAT YOU BE BROUGHT INTO THIS WORLD!!! HE-
Teisei. Enough.
But, Mosa-
I SAID ENOUGH....This is where I envy you, Kyuubi-san. You don't constantly have THIS to deal with.
Dear lord, I would have ended my life YEARS ago if that was the case. I'd rather have not been concieved than have that...that...THING melded with my personallity...*His fur still stainding up on his back, feeling extremely livid inside....Desperately trying to regain his composure*
Chubotto-san. Anything you'd like to say before we bring this "interview" to a close?
^^; *Lifts up a leg, "Waving" to whoever may be reading this*
Well, there ya have it, folks. Teisei's still a cynic, Kyuubi's still a stiff, and Chubot still has ADD. Next time we have a disscussion, it won't deal with such personal stuff...Sayonara!!
P.S.: December, I love you with all my heart and soul, with every fiber of my being...My love for you is unyielding and undying...We shall transcend time itself, and not even death shall separate us...<3 Here's to you, baby. heart
heart Married to Panties Boi heart