So it's been since 2007 that I last updated? Wow.
You'll probably never get a real update out of me ever again lol. I'm not all that exciting... Eehm, welp, yeah. OH MAN A JOURNAL! rofl
He is a puzzle, wrapped in an enigma, shrouded in riddles, lovingly sprinkled with intrigue, express mailed to Mystery, Alaska, and LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU! but it is too late. You're dead. For he is the Spy - globetrotting rogue, lady killer (metaphorically) and mankiller (for real).[/color:d60630e348]
ProfessorDemetri · Tue May 03, 2011 @ 09:19am · 0 Comments |
Update on my life, for anyone that would like to read.
I know I've been neglecting Gaia ALOT... and I'm dreadfully sorry. I know I've also said that I'd be coming back, and well, never really did lol A few of my friends have made it onto gaia, and while helping them, I've gotten abit back into it ^_^ But I probably wont be bringing back the Persocom Shop... Not like how it was anyway. Instead I'm thinking about re-opening an art shop/profile making shop... What do you guys think? Yes, no, maybe?
What have I been doing instead of Gaia? Okay well, I'll tell ya. My brother and his family, along with my sister in law, and my 3 nephews, moved into town, and I've been spending alot of time with them ^_^ Seeing them atleast twice a week, if not more... Also, I've been spending a good 90% of my time on Xbox Live x_x... Jeeeeesus. That s**t is SO addictive lol I've been playing alot of Halo and DOA4 like always, but I bought Chromehounds awhile ago, and I've been trying to get into that with my bf. He's the squad leader, you see, and I'm trying to get into CH for his sake lol Our Squad is called Devinity, so look us up okay? ^_^ Also, If anyone GET an Xbox Live account, feel free to talk to your good little Prof. My gamer tag is NavallOmega ^_^ Send me a message and tell me your from gaia, and I'll probably lurv you ^-^
Nothing else really, just my two new friends from RL joining up on gaia. Darrien, and ~Sara~V Look them up and give them presents lol
See you all soon! ^___^ -Prof heart
ProfessorDemetri · Thu Apr 05, 2007 @ 05:39am · 0 Comments |
I'm not dead!! (art and stuff ^_^) |
My gosh, I haven't posted in awhile ^_^; I'm making up for it now! I've bought some art, since the last time I posted, and I've decided that I'm going on an Art Quest! This will be set up later ^.^ Here is the most recent art!

EEhmm, I started a guild for the owners of Persocoms or Fayths.. The event went kinda well, I was expecting more people to participate, but the people that did participate, were great! ^_^ Thanks you guys!
I recently saw V for Vendetta! ^__^ And I think I've fallen in love with 'V'...He's so stylish, and a complete bishie, with or without the mask, for true fan girls know that bishie-ness is not just looks ~.^...
What else? Not awhole lot, I'll try to post more in this journal... Till next time! -D heart
ProfessorDemetri · Fri Aug 18, 2006 @ 11:09am · 0 Comments |
Professor Demetri, Sexy Bishie Part 01 |
Sooo again i was walking around the mini shop quarter of Gaia, and there was this shop selling these critters as flat sales ^.^! I thought this one looked nifty, and snapped it up! ^.^... >.> Now if I could just remember where I got it from... lol the story was about this island, where only these critters lived o.o... nifty? hells yeah lol
ProfessorDemetri · Sun Apr 23, 2006 @ 10:46am · 0 Comments |
Prof Chibi! By [.Panda.Kiss] |
lookie what i bought! ^_^ at only 300 these chibis totally rock my socks off! lol

you can pick two colors ^_^ mine were green shades ^_^!! i'm so happy with this picture lol
i'll add a link later so you guys can buy some too ^-^
ProfessorDemetri · Mon Apr 10, 2006 @ 11:20pm · 0 Comments |
Check out my cute little Volu! ^.^ I like it's tail more of all! *strokes the critter*

Buy one?Volu Flatsales!
ProfessorDemetri · Thu Apr 06, 2006 @ 09:11am · 0 Comments |
Sasha, The Border Collie! |
So, I was walking around the Pet's Minishop Quarter of Gaia tonight, and I stumbled across the most darling of puppies! ^_^ I just had to snatch one up before they would be all gone! o.o Check her out! ^.^
*strokes the puppy* ^_^ I can't wait for her to evolve! ^.^
Buy one? Border Collies!
ProfessorDemetri · Thu Apr 06, 2006 @ 09:00am · 1 Comments |